Flash Games

HATETRIS: A Mean Game of Tetris

HATETRIS is a Tetris clone created by a sadistic programmer named Sam Hughes. In HATETRIS, the AI is programmed to spawn the piece that is least likely to help you, so you’ll get a lot of S pieces. You’ll need to trick the AI into thinking you’ve messed up and use the resulting piece to complete a line. It’s a little easier said than done though. Also, there is no gravity in the game, but as the author says, it’s the least of your worries.

Play HATETRIS here. Hughes has top-scored with 5 lines. Let us know how you fared.

[via Boing Boing]

Featured Flash Games Weirdness

Robot Unicorn Attack!

Have your ever dreamed that you were a beautiful robot unicorn bounding about a purple landscape with the sounds of Erasure’s Always gently caressing your ears? It’s OK for you to admit it, we won’t judge you. In fact we’re here to tell you, you don’t need to dream anymore!

From Adult Swim comes an addictive flash game where you can act out your equine fantasies. In a similar mechanic to Canabalt, Robot Unicorn Attack tasks you with running as far and fast as you can, collecting butterflies and avoiding obstacles along the way.

Now run my friend, run free like the majestic unicorn you’ve long yearned to be. Play Robot Unicorn Attack now!

The game make take a moment to load so be patient. It’s been played 27,964,553 times so it’s a teensy bit popular. When you’re done, drop us a comment with your top score.


Awesomeness Flash Games Music

Code Organ Makes Sweet Internet Music

Oh my. I don’t think the week could have started on a more playful note. The magical, mechanical Code Organ takes a website URL as an input, goes to work on the site’s content, and then spits out an instrumental track. Here’s the geek-speak:

The Codeorgan analyes the ‘body’ content of any web page and translates that content into music. The Codeorgan uses a complex algorithm to define the key, synth style and drum pattern most appropriate to the page content.

Firstly, the Code Organ scans the page contents and removes all characters not found in the musical scale (A to G), and then analyses the remaining characters to find the most commonly used “note”. If this is an even number the page is translated to the major pentatonic scale of that particular note, it becomes minor if there is an uneven number.

Secondly the Code Organ defines which synthesizer to use. This is based upon the total number of characters used on the webpage – there are currently 10 synthesizer effects and the one chosen is picked based upon the percentage of content.

Lastly the Code Organ selects a drum loop based on the ratio of characters on the page versus the number of characters that are actually musical notes – there are currently 10 different drum loops to pick from.

Have a listen to the sweet sounds that Onelargeprawn makes. And head to Code Organ to try out other websites.

[via johannschwella]

Flash Games

Can You Escape the GUEST HOUSE?

prawn1: It’s Thursday and you know what that means don’t you?

blog visitor extraordinaire (that’s you): Not a clue.

prawn1: Good, neither do I. We should do something, how about we try out hand at an “escape the room” game?

blog visitor extraordinaire: Excellent idea, you’re so clever and abnormally handsome. What have you got in mind?

prawn1: Created by GUMP, and third in the Terminal House series of point-and-click, room escape games, comes Guest House. You happened to be trapped in a room and need to get out because, oh I don’t know, a huge manatee will soon arrive to demand sexual favours from you. To prevent such unsolicited intrusions into your body cavity, you will need to collect various objects within the room and use them to reach your end goal.

Play Guest House and let us know how you got on.

[via MyTechMix]

BONUS: If you like playing games and would like more tangible rewards for your efforts, take a look at our Darksiders competition.

Flash Games

Play This: Effing Hail

Here at Onelargeprawn, we like to tell it like it is. So do Jiggmin and Greg Wohlwend, the two guys behind Effing Hail, a score-based action game where you can crush houses, skyscrapers, and lay waste to a make-believe city through the power that is hail. Can I get an “Eff Yeah”?!?

Play Effing Hail at and let us know how you did.

[via Indie Games]

Flash Games

Play This: First Person Tetris

First-Person Tetris is a cool little flash game that takes you back to the times when you played Alexey Pajitnov’s classic block-dropping puzzler Tetris on your old-school NES. It plays pretty much like a standard game of Tetris but there is a cruel, nauseating twist which I think the Tetris God would approve of.

Give the game a spin at

[via Mccandelish]

Flash Games

Lights: An Escape-The-Room Game

Unless I’m on holiday, I have no love for Mondays. If you share the same sentiments, then you’ll relish the opportunity to do something stimulating. If that is your job, then good for you, but if not, then you might like this.

You made your way through ПРОНАЂИТЕ НАЧИН ДА ИЗАЂЕТЕ ИЗ СОБЕ and now it’s time to repeat the feat in another escape-the-room type scenario. Lights is one of the five visually pleasing ESCAPER games created by the sadistic developers at Neutral. The title itself implies sunlight or light in general may be key to your freedom.

Play Lights at and let us know how you got on.

[via bontegames]

Flash Games

Play This: Tuper Tario Tros

Maths can be extremely difficult at times, but not in this instance. What happens when you take the classic platformer Super Mario Bros and add the block-dropping puzzler Tetris to it? Simple – you get Tuper Tario Tros.

In Tuper Tario Tros, world 1-1 starts off as one would expect, but soon Mario comes across obstacles that seem insurmountable. What to do then? Summon the powers of Tetris and build a path that Mario can safely traverse. Use the arrow keys to move, X to jump, and the Space bar to switch between Mario mode and Tetris mode.

Play Tuper Tario Tros at Newgrounds and let us know how you got along. I didn’t do that well, I’m dodgier than that cheesy pick-up line “You plus me, subtract our clothes, divide your legs; multiply.”

[via Kotaku]

Flash Games

Obey The Game

When I was a child I never listened to instructions unless my life was at stake. My mother clearly knew this and every time I disobeyed she would tell me that she’s packing her bags and will be on the next first class flight out of here. I had no idea about the price of plane tickets at the time, and fearing I would die of starvation, I would then do what I was told.

Much like life, games are based on sets of rules and in Obey the Game you play as an elephant who needs to complete a variety of timed challenges. You need to do as you’re told, unless told otherwise. Sometimes obeying/disobeying instructions can be harder than you think, and failing to do so loses you a life. Lose five lives and the pachyderm gets it.

Play Obey The Game at Kongregate and let us know how many levels you manage to complete.

[via Jay is Games]

Awesomeness Featured Flash Games

Continuity: An Awesome Tile-Sliding Platformer

I was on Twitter and picked up a vibe that @NickdeBruyne from LazyGamer may be getting bored, something that was realized when tweeted this: “OK, I’m really bored now.”

So I made it my goal this afternoon to keep him occupied, a task that didn’t prove too difficult. I suggest that Nick try Continuity, an awesome tile-sliding puzzle platformer from Ragtime Games, a bunch of university students from Gothenburg, Sweden. Here are Nick’s responses.

RT: @onelargeprawn: @NickdeBruyne Have you played Continuity? >> DAMMIT DUDE CUT IT OUT lolol

@onelargeprawn This game is quite freaking awesome though

@onelargeprawn OK seriously dude, screw you, now my afternoon is going to be wasted

Another satisfied customer. I feel good. And now it seems @JustPlainGeoff has gotten wind of it too.

RT: @NickdeBruyne: @onelargeprawn This game is quite freaking awesome though//Listen Prawn. F*ck you for screwing up my Friday productivity.

Oh and @andyroyal pipes in.

RT @NickdeBruyne: I think we can all agree that @onelargeprawn is the cock of the day <= I second that… DAMN YOU

Where I come from, we take things like “screw you” and “F*ck you” as signs of respect and gratitude, so you chaps are more than welcome ;-) If you’d like to find out what Nick, Geoff, and Andy are so engrossed in, head to

[via CreativeApplications.Net]

BONUS: If you’re on Twitter, you can also follow Ragtime Games and if you haven’t done so, follow us.