Arty Awesomeness Featured TV Video Clips

Creative Opening Credits for LOST

The creation of messieurs Lindelof, Abrams, and Lieber will soon come to its end. Lost will conclude in its sixth season this year, with the 121st episode being aired on May 23rd. Some couldn’t careless whilst others will be mourning it like the death of a dear friend. Some of our readers gave their opinions in the Long Lost Tarots Cards post. However you feel about the show, it has become very much a part of popular culture, with a veritable army of devoted fans.

Aside from its title screen, Lost doesn’t feature any opening credits and it is these fans who pay tribute to their favourite show by creating alternate opening credit sequences. Have a look at some of their interpretations after the jump, beware they may contain spoilers.

Arty Awesomeness Featured

Adorable “Great Showdowns” by Scott Campbell

Whether it be Julius Malema versus common sense or the South African cricket team fighting a losing battle or even the ageless pirates versus ninjas argument (incidentally see here for a collection of ninjas), there have always been epic rivalries. “The struggle is forever. It makes the world turn around.” says awesome illustrator Scott Campbell, whose Tumblr blog is a chronicle of the great confrontations in film history. Have a look at some of his adorable “great showdowns” after the jump.

Awesomeness Featured Science & Technology

Fake Science is Misleading, Very Amusing

Teachers around the world, you best avert your eyes. We know at times science can be difficult to understand at times, and a Tumblr blog called Fake Science is attempting to take a little of the confusion out of the subject by giving you trivia that is outrageously false but so very amusing. The misleading factoids cover a variety of topics such the key ingredients of volcanic explosions to how fish breathe underwater to the amazing tech behind 3D glasses.

Have a look at some of these factoids after the jump.

Awesomeness Featured Sports

The Nike Sportswear x Kronk Collection

For the couple of weeks that the FIFA Soccer World Cup will be running, South Africa is going to be the centre of the world. With the tournament a mere 34 days away, sportswear giant Nike has teamed up with awesome designer/illustrator Kronk (Cape Town FTW!) to create a range of clothing that represents Mzansi and our love for the beautiful game.

Nike released a 30-second spot showing Mzansi “bleed its colours” with the greens, blacks, and yellows of the national flag seeping through the city. Kronk plays a little cameo in the clip, check it out.

Kronk is one of six international artists who collaborated with Nike Sportswear to create an alternative national team kit. He was asked to make a crest, mascot, print, and typeface in his unique style. His designs were revealed at a media launch that happened earlier this week. For more info and images on that, hit the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Inspirational Designs Weirdness

Spectacular Organic Origami

Goran Konjevod is a professor of mathematics and theoretical computer science. It’s a good thing that he also loves origami otherwise we’d have a tough time convincing you how awesome computer science is.

Channeling his keen mathemagical energy, Mr. Konjevod has made some fantastic 3D paper (and copper) sculptures. He says this about his creations:

Most of my pieces so far are abstract shapes naturally formed by the tension of the paper when multiple layers of paper are arranged according to regular or irregular patterns. In that sense, they could almost be said to be discovered, rather than invented or designed…

…I try to restrict myself to working with single uncut sheets of paper or other foldable material (such as copper), and for the most part use very simple “pureland” folds. Normally, this last restriction would imply that the resulting forms are flat. However, a real sheet of paper is always three-dimensional—even when unfolded—and its thickness brings about a much more obvious three-dimensionality when multiple layers are present.

We think his abstract origami should do all the talking. See a few of them after the jump.

Featured Movies Video Clips

The “Machete” Illegal Trailer is Muy Loco!

Remember the Grindhouse double feature directed by messieurs Tarantino and Rodriguez, and fake trailers that were shown in between the two flicks? We won’t blame you if you don’t remember, it was so 2007.

One of those fake trailers is not so fake and soon we will get to see the grizzled Mexican-America Danny Trejo in his first ever feature film. He’ll be playing “the wrong Mexican to fuck with” in Robert Rodriguez’s exploitation flick, Machete. In it, the former Mexican federale accepts a murder contract from a shady businessman, gets double-crossed, and with help from some unsavory friends, attempts to hunt down the bad guys like bleeding dogs in the snow. The teaser trailer hit the Internet today and is crazy-fun, check it out below.

Rodriguez wrote Machete in 1993 with Trejo in mind but didn’t get around to making it until recently. Machete stars a set of great old-school (old being the operative word) actors in Robert De Niro, Cheech Marin, and Don Johnson. Mr Crime-Vision himself, Steven Seagal, will play a drug lord. The deadly eye-candy will be supplied by Jessica Alba, Michelle Rodriguez, and Lindsay Lohan.

Machete will be airing in U.S. cinemas on September 3rd. No word if it’ll make its way down to South Africa.

UPDATE (July 9th): Here’s a brand new trailer:

[via Complex Magazine | Den of Geek]

Awesomeness Featured Movies Video Clips Weirdness

Rubber: The Story of a Killer Tyre

There are a lot of bizarre films out there. I haven’t watched as many as I’d like to but films like Happiness of the Katikuris, Tetsuo: The Iron Man, Mulholland Drive, eXistenZ, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Natural Born Killers, and A Clockwork Orange are pretty unorthodox to say the least. You may also recall The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon that we posted about some time back.

Now, from the mind of director Quentin Dupieux (Mr. Oizo) comes a story of a sentient rubber tyre (you read right) that roams the Californian desert and uses its psychokinetic energy to explode heads off hapless people and animals. His name is Robert.

A group of spectators is watching a mock-projection in the middle of the desert. They make comments on the scenes of the “film” as it is occurring before their eyes: Robert, a tire that has been abandoned in the desert, suddenly comes to life, for no reason. He learns how to get around, explores the desert and discovers in himself a passion for destroying insects and various lost items. Robert soon develops a telepathic gift, which gives him the ability to destroy anything he wants, without moving…

Have a look at the teaser trailer for Dupieux’ feature-length film, Rubber.

This has cult movie written all over it wouldn’t you say? Word has it that it’ll be released on September 15th in France. We hope it finds an international distributor and wheels its way down to South Africa. Rubber has an official website, but it seems password-protected.

[via Twitch]

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Movies

Awesome Star Wars-Inspired Loteria Cards

We’re carrying on the Happy Star Wars happiness. It’ll stop soon I promise, for tomorrow shall belong to the dark side of the Force. Darth Vader tweeted this earlier today:

@darthvader: In addition, I declare tomorrow to be “Dark Lord of the 5th Day”. Send money. And rebels.

In any case, we thought you might like this. Ever since he was little, artist Chepo Peña has been a fan of Star Wars. He grew up playing Lotería which is a Mexican game of chance using a special deck of 54 cards, each possessing a special image and number.

Peña has mashed two of his favourite things together to create a new set of Lotería cards that where he replaced the traditional elements with characters from the Star Wars saga. For example in the La Luna card the moon is now the Death Star, or with card #9, El Barril, the barrel is now depicted by Artoo (poor little guy). Have a look at some of Peña’s Lotería cards after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Photoworthy

Exploring the MicroWorlds of Alan Jaras

You may recall research scientist and microscopist Alan Jaras and his fantastic photos of light refracting through various textured objects. If not, you can refresh your memory here.

I didn’t notice this on my last trip to his Flickr profile but Jaras had access to a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Between 2005 and 2007, he used the device to create a story about a group of travellers who land on a microscopic world and explore the alien environment. Have a look at some images from his MicroWorlds set after the jump.

Awesomeness Entertainment Featured TV Video Clips

Comedian Rhod Gilbert and the Luggage Incident

If you have DSTV, you may have noticed the nightly comedy festival on BBC Entertainment (channel 120). There has been a great lineup of comedians thus far, notably the quick-thinking Dara Ó Briain who I thought was most excellent. I missed it last night on account of going to quiz night at a pub in town. The toilets smelled of poo and peaches and cream, and the team next to us used Google to come second, so overall it wasn’t such a great night.

My mate and passive-smoking partner, Fayyaad, told me about one of the sketches he saw last night. He was laughing so hard that he could barely speak so my keen intellect told me this should be worth a watch – it was, sidesplittingly so. It’s a sketch by Welsh comic Rhod Gilbert on Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow. Gilbert tells the story of the time he flew to Ireland and lost a handle on things when his luggage didn’t arrive in the same state that he remembered. Check it out below.

The comedy festival carries on until May 14th so if you’re in need of a good laugh, see the schedule on the BBC Entertainment website.

[thanks again, Fayyaad]