Arty Awesomeness Featured

Still Life Weapons

Geliografic studio is design collective based in Moscow, Russia. In their “Art of Innovation” series, they created a set of colourful still life oil paintings as if they were done by the old renaissance masters and added guns, ammo, and other weapons of war into the scenes. The images are presented beautifully but it’s a little worrying that weapons are so commonplace in society these days and that I didn’t think anything was out-of the-ordinary with the massive multi-shot grenade launcher lying right next to the bunch of tasty pumpkins.

Have a look at the series of deadly art after the jump.

Awesomeness Featured Inspirational Designs Video Clips

Lego Hello World: Horseattack’s Incredible Lego Printer

I have no love for printers. I learned that phrase from a senile old bat who used to tell me that she had no love for blacks, but that’s another story for another time. ;-)

Some time back I tried to install a Lexmark printer but Windows XP told me it couldn’t do that because the printer would compromise my system. Thus began my hate/hate relationship with printers and the bloody cartridges that costs as much as the device itself.

I never thought that the word “awesome” could have been said about a printer, but this is certainly something very special. YouTuber horseattack has built (from scratch) a working Lego printer complete with little Lego workers to operate it. Sure it may take an inordinate time to print anything but at least you won’t pay an arm and a leg for the cartridges. Check out the “Lego felt tip 110” printer as it prints “Hello World” and draws a cute picture of a horse.

[via Riaanwest]

Arty Awesomeness Featured

The Sexy Side of Fairy Tales

You may recall our post on Jeffrey Thomas’ Twisted Princess, a series where he takes some of Disney’s beloved princesses and gives them with a makeover from hell. If you thought that contained a little too much macabre and not enough titillation, then this might do the trick.

Comic book artist J. Scott Campbell (entirely different from Scott Campbell) has taken some classic female characters from your favourite fairy tales and dressed them down in ways you’ve never seen before. It’s sexy, skimpy, and will certainly appeal to the hornier members of society, of which I’m a card-carrying member. The images were drawn by Campbell and coloured by Bakanekonei. Have a look at some of them after the jump – possibly NSFW.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Inspirational Designs Literature Movies

Hitchcock Re-Envisioned: Fantastic Posters by Laz Marquez

Graphic designer Laz Marquez was chatting to a co-worker about horror films and set out to create an alternative, modern set of posters for some of his favourite Alfred Hitchcock films. He initially started with “The Birds”, and then moved onto “Rear Window” where he played around with the typography. His choice for the third poster was decided by his Twitter and Facebook followers, and in “Vertigo” he pays homage to the iconic original poster created by Saul Bass. The series was completed with a bloody tribute to “Psycho”.

Marquez says this about his body of work:

Since I’ve started this project, I’ve had such an amazing time taking each piece of cinematic history and re-imagining it on my own terms. It’s been spontaneous, challenging and overall fulfilling. In addition, it’s been amazing to put some of the process in the hands of my followers and see what they’ve wanted the project to evolve into. Overall, I couldn’t be happier!

See Marquez’s amazing set of “Hitchcock Re-Envisioned” movie posters after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Photoworthy

Pencil Vs Camera

The first time we saw Pencil Vs Camera there weren’t many photos up so we waited a bit for talented Belgian artist Ben Heine to work more of his magic.<.p>

Heine is a painter, illustrator and photographer and in his latest project, he combines sketching and photography – using his own stock photos, his puts pencil to paper and introduce an odd element to the image, such as a gas mask to a classic Vermeer painting or a gun-toting T-rex to the a suburb of Paris. It’s a really nice concept and the results are charming. See some of his work after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured TV

The LOST Dharma Stations

The LOST finale was aired last night, and I’ve been too frightened to go anywhere on the Internet for fear of spoilers. Ironically I stumbled upon FUCK YEAH LOST! a Tumblr site dedicated to the series. It was a Ronal-DOH! moment in soccer terms but I quickly skipped to page two, and then to page three where I found another awesome bit of LOST-inspired artwork.

Neil Richards, a web designer by day (and everything else the rest of the time) has created a fantastic set of posters representing each research laboratory built by the DHARMA Initiative during their time on the Island. Have a look at his LOST Dharma Stations set after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured TV

Wonderfully Retro LOST Posters

You may recall Albert Exergian’s minimal poster for the hit TV series, LOST. If you liked that, then you might enjoy the silk-screened posters by designer Ty Mattson.

Earlier on this year Mattson, a huge fan of the series, sat down to design an invite to a season six premiere party at his house, and ended up creating eight different LOST posters. From enigmatic John Locke to the quintessential eye scenes, his posters are wonderfully retro. See them out after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Weirdness

The Witty Art Of Marc Johns

I just stumbled onto the drawings of Marc Johns, and had some great laughs. Perhaps it’s the mood I’m in but seeing a pair of green underpants with antlers attached to them just made me smile no end.

Johns thinks of some pretty absurd things and uses watercolours to create drawings that are simple and sparse, yet so very witty. We totally love his sense of humour, have a look at some of his illustrations after the jump.

Competitions Featured Site Announcements

Solve Our Crossword & Win Red Dead Redemption Goodies

NOTE: This competition has ended, sorry.

I’ve been quietly excited about Rockstar Games’ upcoming title for short a while now but with every trailer, gameplay video, and featurette that has come along, the excitement has grown to a deafening crescendo. And in a mere seven days (four if you live in the U.S.), gamers around the world will be able to saddle up and travel back to the American frontier. It’s the early 1900s and a time of violent change, the death of the Wild West is at hand, and former outlaw John Marston is just trying to live a straight life. Violence touches Marston again and he is forced to hunt down his old companions to bury his past, one gunslinger at a time. That’s the gist of the epic western, Red Dead Redemption, which will be coming to all good gaming consoles (sorry Wii owners) on May 21st. In case you missed it, click here to see the launch trailer that aired yesterday.

To get you in the mood for Red Dead Redemption, our friends at Megarom and Look & Listen have put together a sweet hamper for us to give away to one lucky (and industrious) reader. Instead of the usual Flash game type of competition, we’ve gone back to a format from last year that proved both interesting and educational – a crossword puzzle! And to win the hamper, all you will need to do is solve our little puzzle. The Internet is your encyclopaedia so it should be fun, like shooting fish in a barrel. Find all the competition details after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured

Julie Heffernan paints magical self-portraits

Today is one of those days when I’d rather be at home, shnuggled up with the dogs watching mindless sitcom reruns and drinking a steaming mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows, Jack Daniels and Prozac. Anyway I’m stuck at my desk and the next best thing is escaping into the internet, and today I found something truly beautiful – the paintings of American artist Julie Heffernan.

The paintings are as David Cohen, New York art critic aptly put, “a hybrid of genres and styles, mixing allegory, portraiture, history painting, and still life, while in title they are all presented as self portraits.” I think they’re what would have happened if Botticelli and Hieronymus Bosch had a baby, and magical realism and fairy tales had a baby, and those two babies had a baby, and that baby had a baby with LSD, and THAT baby could paint.

I can lose myself in Julie Heffernan’s paintings – they make me feel better.