Featured Game Reviews

We Review: DeathSpank

A note from prawn1: Gamers are a wonderful bunch aren’t they? The other day I posted on a local PS3 forum that my puppies had nommed on my controller and showed everyone the gruesome images. A Durban gamer under the nick of Cloud_Ratha offered to post some replacement parts to me. I was touched by the fact that a person who I had never met before would do this for me, and to so say thanks, I shared Hothead Games’ latest action-RPG title with him. And as a token of his appreciation for the token of my appreciation he sent us a  fantastic review of  DeathSpank, which we have just published for your reading pleasure.

Join Cloud_Ratha as he explores the tale of the purple thong after the jump.

Awesomeness Featured Gaming News Video Clips

Mortal Kombat Paperalities!

We’ve seen some great things done in papercraft and Eric Power’s latest effort is killer stuff. The animator is a keen fan of fighting games and considers Mortal Kombat to be the epitome of the genre. The fatalities introduced in the game were bloody, and gratuitous, and sent chills down our spines, especially when fighting against Sub-Zero.

Power pays homage to Mortal Kombat by lovingly recreating some of the finishing moves using paper. Have a look at his stop-motion paperalities below.

See more of Power’s work at ericpowerup.

[via Lazygamer]

Arty Awesomeness Featured Inspirational Designs Movies Video Clips

The Birth of a Jedi: A Beautiful Painting in Time-Lapse

As you get older, you tend to lose the sense of awe and freedom you experienced as a child somewhere in mire of despair and cynicism that is adult life. I think artist Robert Burden feels that way, but in his paintings he likes to think back on his childhood days when the action figures he played with captivated his imagination. He says his with his paintings he wants to “renew my faded sense of awe”.

The Birth of a Jedi is an amazing 10ft x 7ft oil on canvas that took him over seven months to complete using action figures as his models. Iconic Star Wars figures adorn the borders of the painting with Luke and his Tauntaun as the centrepiece.

His seven months of effort have been condensed into a 2.42-minute time-lapse video. Check it out below.

Prior to this, Burden spent an inordinate amount of time painting a man-sized Voltron and He-Man’s fighting mount, Battle Cat. See those time-lapse videos after the jump.

Awesomeness Featured

Happy Birthday Madiba!

An venerable hero of South Africa turns 92 years old today. Born in 1918 in Umtata, Nelson Mandela grew into politics and his anti-apartheid activites earned him a severe jail sentence. Upon his release in 1990 after 27 years in prison, Mandela made a speech to the nation, saying:

I stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant of you, the people. Your tireless and heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be here today. I therefore place the remaining years of my life in your hands.

In 1993 Mandela received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts at peace and reconciliation and in 1994, South African went from apartheid to majority rule with Mandela serving as president of the country for five years.

Today is Mandela Day. Not only do we celebrate the life and spirit of a hero to this country, but also the potential that people have to make a change in this world.

Happy Birthday Madiba! We wish you all the best for the future. I’m not so good with words so I decided to use my equally mediocre Photoshop skills to make a poster of the great man, inspired by Shepard Fairey’s Obama “Hope” poster. The portrait of Madiba was taken by Swedish photographer Hans Gedda.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Gaming News Inspirational Designs

But is it Art?

The “video games as art” debate has been going on for a while. Popular film critic Roger Ebert has long stated that video games could never be art but after a several thousand comments, he had to rethink this stance on the matter. He mentions this in his journal.

I was a fool for mentioning video games in the first place. I would never express an opinion on a movie I hadn’t seen. Yet I declared as an axiom that video games can never be Art. I still believe this, but I should never have said so. Some opinions are best kept to yourself.

I may not know much about art but I do know what I like. I think the creatives at video game companies, like artists, are from diverse racial and cultural backgrounds. They too put so much time and love into making something that tries to leave an impression on you. And I appreciate their efforts as much as I would appreciate a Jackson Pollock, or Georges Seurat’s fine examples of pointillism, or Peter Paul Rubens’ baroque paintings.

Now a website dedicated to video game photography wonders whether screenshots from games could also be considered as an expression of art. Dead End Thrills say this is their type of photography.

An attempt to portray the drama, spectacle and beauty of games using angles and subjects beyond the player experience. The site’s mission is simple: to celebrate the medium, explore the unseen and fire the imagination.

Their most recent set of screenshots is taken from the surprisingly entertaining Transformers: War For Cybertron (our review is coming). Could these screenshots be art? Maybe, maybe not. But I like them and maybe you might like them too. Have a look at them after the jump.

Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Music Video Clips Weirdness

Hilarious! Red Army Performs Michael Jackson’s “Beat It”

The final match of the FIFA World Cup was aired last night and was a boring affair if not for the scrappy fights between the players. We were in awe of Nigel de Jong’s high-flying kick to the chest of Spain’s Xabi Alonso. Clearly someone brushed up on his kung fu skills beforehand.

Anyways, from the country that bought you kung fu fighting, white rabbit candies, and the cultural revolution comes the latest viral video. It’s a hilarious tribute to the late Michael Jackson performed by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. The video uses archive footage from a ceremony to mark the 30th anniversary of a significant retreat by the Red Army. The soldiers in full military dress are singing in perfect time to the sounds of MJ’s hit “Beat It” that has been dubbed over the original soundtrack. It’s brilliant stuff, you best check it out before it gets “harmonized” which apparently is Chinese slang for “censored”. Also, it may take a while to load, so be patient. If the video doesn’t load at all, watch it directly at Tudou.

[via brainpicker (twitter) | CSMonitor]

Arty Awesomeness Featured

Ye Olde Star Wars Portraits

The iconic Star Wars saga has been a great source of creative inspiration since 1977 be it a mashup with a certain P.I., a Japanese ad for sea chicken, or even an adorable look at man’s best friend.

Also using Star Wars as a basis, Artist Greg Peltz created portraits of the characters as if they were from a bygone era where gentlemen carried themselves with grace, looked everso dapper, and wore monocles. Have a look at his fantastic Victorian era portraits after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Movies Video Clips

“The Hollow Men” Teaser Trailer + Interview

Ashley Denton is a man with a plan. The writer/director originally from Johannesburg has wrapped up his latest short film and dropped us a mail to tell us about it. His after-hours project is entitled The Hollow Men and follows the tale of two brothers who are in the last stages of completing a device that can manipulate time. See the teaser below.

The trailer certainly got us interested and we wanted to more about Mr Denton’s take on the popular theme of time-travel. We sent letters, bust some heads, interrogated a badger or two, and eventually got an audience with the man himself. Hit the jump to read his thoughts on the project, the trial and tribulations of being a filmmaker, and the things in store for the future.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Inspirational Designs

Beautiful Papercraft Sculptures

British artist Richard Sweeney studied 3D design at university and graduated with a degree in awesomeness. Using a combination of hand-craft and CAD techniques, he takes takes papercraft to the next level with his most beautiful sculptural forms. Have a look at some of his “forms in paper” models after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Photoworthy

Iceland Volcano Meets Aurora Borealis

Volcanoes have a fiery temperament. The aurora borealis paints the sky a pretty colour. Mix them both together and the sight will take your breath away.

Two photographers were at the right place and right time when the two phenomena met, and captured the most amazing images. Recently James Appleton, a Cambridge University graduate, was in Fimmvörðuháls, a pass between the Eyjafjallajökull and Mýrdalsjökull glaciers. Despite the inhospitable weather and warnings from local guides, he trekked to within 100ft of the volcano. Another photographer Albert Jakobsson also braved the biting temperatures in April to document the eruption, and was just about to leave when the aurora borealis occurred. They both captured the vibrant reds of the flowing lava set against the electric blue sky and green aurora.

The images are really incredible. See them after the jump.