Arty Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics Cautionary Tales Featured

Life’s Funny Lessons

If you enjoyed Ashleigh Brilliant’s pot-shots, chances are you might like charming art by Spanish illustrator Alex Noriega. On his sketch blog, Stuff No One Told Me (but I have to post it here or aliens will kill me), Noriega takes a humorous look at some of life’s truths.

Check out Noriega’s illustrated life lessons after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Movies

WWII Star Wars Action Figures

Ever wondered what George Lucas’ epic adventure Stars Wars would look like if it were made in the 1950s? YouTube user whoiseyevan imagined just that in his pre-make.

In another blast from the past, custom action figure creators Sillof and Glorbes wondered what Stars Wars would be like if it happened on planet Earth during the time of World War II where the Rebel Alliance were the allied forces and the Galactic Empire were the nefarious Nazis. The first series their joint effort, Star Wars 1942, debuted in 2008 and featured custom action figures including high-flying Captain Hank Solowski, his first lieutenant Chuck Backer, and corporal Lucas S. Walker. In 2010, series 2 debuted with the likes of General Ben Kenworthy, the two steampunk battle droids, and the most menacing Reichsführer Vater. The attention to detail in the figures is quite remarkable. Have a look at them after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured

Tiny Pencil Tip Carvings

When art is concerned, Dalton Ghetti gets right down to the point. A carpenter by trade, Ghetti has been carving intricate sculptures on tips of regular graphite pencils for over 25 years. He once spent two and half years working on a single sculpture, a pencil with interlinking chains.

Ghetti uses a few basic tools and doesn’t even need a magnifying glass to aid in his creation process. Have a look at his amazing work after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Music TV


On each Friday of 2010, illustrator Adam Sidwell creates a portrait of a baddie be they from TV, film, or video games. It’s part of his Bad Dudes project and by our reckoning he should have amassed an army of the pop culture’s evilest maafakas by the end of the year.

Have a look at some of Sidwell’s original portraits after the jump.

Arty Featured

Liu Bolin: The Invisible Man

Whenever I’m at work, I try my best to keep my nose down and avoid being noticed. I purportedly have the demeanor of a terrorist suffering from IBS so that exercise has proved difficult. If there was ever a person I’d look to for advice, it’d be Liu Bolin, a Chinese artist who has made a name for himself for being invisible.

Often times Bolin poses for up to 10 hours while his collaborators paint his disguise to blend in with the surroundings. It works so well that passers-by aren’t aware of his presence until he moves. Bolin says his work is a protest in defiance of the Chinese government who shut down an artist village in 2006.

His urban camouflage art entitled Hiding in the City can be seen after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Movies

Inception Fan Art: 10 Minimalist Movie Posters

Christopher Nolan’s heist film Inception is in its second week on the South African circuit and according to SterKinekor’s Twitter account this smart, imaginative film hasn’t exactly wowed audiences, who it seems would rather watch any mindless drivel as long as it’s in eye-popping 3D.

SA Box Office Top 5:
1. Grown Ups
2. Shrek Forever After (incl 3D)
3. Inception
4. Cats & Dogs 2 (incl 3D)
5. Knight & Day

While some local people raved about Inception on Twitter, others were a little more circumspect, like Durban writer Noelle Adams who seemed a little underwhelmed in her review of the movie. I’d probably need to see it again but for a summer blockbuster I found it far more visceral and imaginative than anything I have seen in a very long while. But this post isn’t about me, rather other people who liked the movie enough to create their interpretations of it in the form of posters. We’ve searched the Internet to bring you 10 of our favourite minimalist posters for Inception – check them out after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Gaming News

Minimalist Video Game Posters

TyrannicalDuck, Macross, Cloud_Ratha and I are from different walks of life. T-Duck won’t let a drop of alcohol touch his lips and I’m overly enamoured with bacon. Macross is in lust with his new plasma TV and Cloud_Ratha is, well, from Durban. If there is one thing we have in common, aside from being bipeds, it’s the love of gaming. It’s a passion shared by thousands of like-minded gamers across the world…I was going somewhere with this wasn’t I? Oh yes, it ties in with another fondness of ours – that of minimal poster design. It’s become quite a trend recently and even though we’ve seen a good selection of bare-bones movie and TV posters, it seems none of that love has been directed at gaming. Perhaps we haven’t been looking out for it but our Googlefu is strong tonight.

Boris Lechaftois, a freelance web designer from Toulouse, France tries his hand at boiling down the essence of some popular games and graphic designer Boss Logic from Melbourne, Australia applies his talents to simplifying some characters from Street Fighter.

We’ve compiled a selection of their minimalist posters after the jump. Have a look.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Demon’s Souls

Demon’s Souls is, at a very bare-bones level, an epic fantasy RPG with a tongue twister in its name. That description is also about as apt as calling the Internet a “series of tubes”: you’re missing a lot of subtle nuances, nuisances, and other wonderful, shaggy things that begin with the letter “n”. Calling Demon’s Souls “very difficult” doesn’t quite describe the game aptly, either. Nor does calling it “the hardest game you’ll likely play in a long while”. “Brutal”, perhaps. “Punishingly unforgiving”, almost certainly. But at no point is this game “unplayable”. Not by any stretch of the term. Either way, most gamers today are gutless pussies, and this game eats a bowlful of them every morning for breakfast. Without sugar. And with white-hot lava instead of milk. And it hates every mouthful of gutlessness, hoping for a gamer of some substance to come along and give it a chewy challenge for once. Someone that will make it spit you out in disgust because you’ve defied all its attempts to swallow you down and drown you with antacids. Is it you? Are you gamer enough? Will you rise to this challenge? Find out after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Video Clips

Five Fantastic Time-Lapse Videos

We like time-lapse videos here at Onelargeprawn. It’s been an age since we did a compilation of any sort andtToday seems like a good time as any and we’ve hunted the world wide webs to bring you not one, not two, but five time-lapse videos. Honestly, we love you that much.

Our first video comes from Vimeo user François Vautier who had a clear case of ants in his pants scanner. He scanned the nest once a week for five years.

Hit the jump for the remainder of the videos.

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Featured Weirdness

Bizarre Steampunk Taxidermy

Well this is a touch bizarre. To make her art, Australian-born Lisa Black combines the medical practice of taxidermy with the aesthetics of steampunk. It’s a rather unusual combination and it’s really amazing to see these broken, taxidermied animals whose missing parts have been replaced with little gears and screws, like the innards of a vintage clock.

In her interview with YouBentMyWookie, Black explains her motivation behind her art pieces – she believes in transhumanism which is a movement that believes in the use of modern technology to improve human mental and physical characteristics. Black tries to applies those ideologies to her animal creations.

In situations like these, I think pictures do tell a thousand words. Have a look at some of her steampunk taxidermy after the jump.