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Star Wars Propaganda Posters

If you liked Silof’s World War II Star Wars action figures (see here), chances are you might just enjoy Cliff Chiang’s latest artwork. The comic book artist also considered Star Wars as if took place in the 1940s and created a set of propaganda posters for the warring sides.

Chiang’s posters were based on the propaganda used at the time including an old war bonds poster, a warning to watching your mouth in front of strangers, and even a rendition of Rosie the Riveter who represented the efforts of women in factories during World War II. Have a look at Chiang’s illustrations after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Featured

Who Let The Dogs Out 3: Return to Paradise

If you follow us on Twitter and visit the blog occasionally, you may know of our two puppies – Mina the fox terrier terrorist and Panya our whippet of destruction. When they’re not lounging about at home chewing on all of my stuff, we like to take them for walkies. It’s usually up the mountain close to where we live, but for treats, they get to run amok on the beach.

Yesterday was such a great day so we got up early (9:00am) and headed out to Sunset Beach in Milnerton. You might think this déjà vu – we have been to that very beach in Who Let The Dog Out #1. In episode 2, they escaped to Arniston, and led lives of “baie mooi honde”. Now, in episode 3, they return to paradise to frolic and pester little children. We had our camera on hand and snapped a couple of photos to share with you. Find them after the jump.

Arty Featured Mindlessness Risqué

We “Bubble” Some Local Models

I don’t know much about the doctrines of Mormonism but the Internet revealed that a Mormon on a bodybuilding forum wasn’t too happy that the terms and conditions of his religion prohibited the viewing of naked bodies. In his earnest desire to see nudity that wasn’t there, this horny lad said he created a radical technique called bubbling. In all likelihood, it originated from the bowels of the Internet, 4chan, however I’m not going to investigate further – every time I go there, I see something I really wish I hadn’t…

Bubbling involves loading a photo of one or more bikini-clad ladies in a graphics editor and applying a set of circular cutouts in strategic locations. This gives the illusion that said ladies are completely naked. The young Mormon’s results were quite convincing so we thought we’d give it a go too. Armed with a tutorial (see here), we set about bubbling, not just anyone mind you, but some home-grown models. Have a look at our creations after the jump.

Arty Featured Photoworthy

Dew Drops Close-up by Andrew Osokin

You may have seen the wonderful photos we posted from two Polish photographers, Mirosław Świętek and Magda K. We now bring you some excellent shots from a country two doors down from Poland. In fact it seems to be the only thing we can find out about macro photographer Andrew Osokin – that he hails from Russia. So we can’t tell you when he took up the art, or is he likes long walks in the forest, or whether he prefers chocolate to sex. In the absence of any such information, simply marvel at some of his close-up shots of dew drops.

Arty Featured Risqué

Life’s a (Photorealistic) Beach

Reportedly today marks the beginning of Spring in South Africa. Cape Town clearly didn’t get the memo, and we’re swamped in grey moody clouds. My memory is sketchy at the best of times, but according to @Mallix on Twitter the weather is supposed to be crap this time of year.

Come on now people – everyone knows September/October is our coldest season. Harden the fuck up! #capetown

When one thinks of spring, it conjures up happy images of rebirth… of new plants springing forth… of colourful bikinis. We contemplate the latter in this post through the art of 68-year-old master painter, Hilo Chen. The artist is famous for his photorealistic oil-on-canvas paintings of nudes and flowers, with critics saying the skin tones on his ladies are so “real” you’d want to reach out and touch them. Have a look at some of his beach paintings after the jump. I have covered up the naughty bits but you can click on those images to see the uncensored images.

Arty Awesomeness Featured

The Most Amazing Street Art

Graffiti artist El Mac brings the streets to life with his most amazing murals. From the urban scenes of the USA to Canada, Mexico, Italy, Germany, Amsterdam, Switzerland and recently in far-east places like Vietnam and Singapore, El Mac has made his mark and I’m sure people are happier for it. Like-minded artist Retna sometimes joins El Mac on his adventures. Have a look at some of his and their combined work after the jump.

Awesomeness Featured Science & Technology Video Clips

Earthrise, Earthset

In 1968, astronaut William Anders aboard the Apollo 8 mission took a image of the Earth as their spacecraft orbited the moon. Officially known as NASA image AS8-14-2383, the famous image came to be called an earthrise. 40 years later, a Japanese lunar orbit spacecraft called SELENE captured high-definition video of an earthrise. Check out the beautiful scene below.

In 2007, the same orbiter captured an earthset.

If you liked that, you might also enjoy a time-lapse video of a day to night Earth cycle as seen from the International Space Station. See that video after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Inspirational Designs Weirdness

AJ Fosik’s Amazing Animal Sculptures

AJ Fosik’s animal sculptures are truly striking and remind me of the Sri Lankan devil masks that are used in dances to ward off evil spirits. What initially looked like papercraft to me is in fact wood and Fosik is able to work wonders with the material. He uses wood, paint, nails, and minimal help from his computer to create some very colourful, intricate, and hypnotic 3D pieces. Have a look at them after the jump.

Featured Video Clips

Boom Boom Pow: The Athlone Cooling Towers Implosion

The landmark cooling towers at the Athlone Power Station were demolished earlier today and some Capetonians braved the rubbish weather to watch the spectacle, be it from the designated viewing areas or from walking paths around Table Mountain. We drove to the end of Tafelberg Road, walked to a vantage point with hundreds of other people and their dogs, and got rained on while waiting for the event. Given the glaring looks I was getting from Lucy Furr, I thought my head would implode first. The towers were due to come down at noon and considering we all work on African time, some people were caught unaware when the implosion took place a few minutes before the designated time.

If you didn’t happen to venture out of bed today or were a little late to see the two ladies of Athlone being reduced to rubble, feel free to live vicariously through those that did see the event. Check out some of the videos that are doing the rounds.

Awesomeness Featured Sports Video Clips

Top 10 Best Jumps Ever!

Humankind is capable of amazing feats in realms of science, medicine, engineering, technology, and a whole lot of other -logies. This extends to the world of sport which has its fair share of loonies out to perform the biggest, baddest, most extreme stunts. From BASE jumping into the Cave of Swallows to high flying squirrels to Travis Pastrana to an airforce officer who is crazier than boatload of epileptics, this compilation of awesome jumps is a homage to extreme sports.

Hit the jump to see more footage from the #1 best jump and another one that I think should have been included in the list.