Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Fable III

It should come as very little surprise to anyone that Lionhead Studios’ Fable 3 is the sequel to the hit game, Fable 2. It should also come as very little to no surprise that, like its predecessor, the game is an action RPG set in the land of Albion, a place filled with high adventure that’s beyond compare, magic and mystery that’s part of its history, and copious quantities of gummiberry juice potions. Find out whether this game bounces here and there and everywhere after the…jump.

Awesomeness Featured Gaming News Video Clips

The Brothers Mario

In this fake trailer created by The Country Club, the famous brothers return to the Mushroom Kingdom for an altogether darker adventure. Shot in the style of Grand Theft Auto IV, it is a more grittier and violent look at life in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Mario and Luigi have fucked with the wrong person, they’ve stolen stolen coins from Bowser, the baddest gangster around. Taking umbrage, Bowser holds Peach hostage and it’s up to the brothers and the only allies they can trust, Toad and Yoshi, to get her back. It’s an explosive action-fest with some witty dialogue to match. Check out The Brothers Mario below.

[via Geekologie]

Arty Awesomeness Featured

RAWR! Marvel Super Heroes Re-Imagined as Dinosaurs

Sweet llamas of the Bahamas! I have seen super heroes re-imagined as Mr Men, furry felines, and even gender-swapped. But I don’t think anything could be as epic as this.

In his series of portraits, Flickr user David Resto (d.r3sto) imagines some popular Marvel comic book characters as if they were creatures from the Cretaceous and the Jurassic periods. It was a time like no other, when Earth’s mightiest dinosaurs found themselves united against a deadly threat, the K-T extinction event. Super dinos Iron Brontosaurus, Captain Ameritops, Hulkasaurus Rex, and AnkyloTHORus united to form The Avengersaurs. Check them out after the jump.

Cautionary Tales Featured Video Clips

Google Zeitgeist: How the World Searched in 2010

Forgotten some of the highlights and lowlights of 2010? Fear not, the omnipotent Google has you covered. In Zeitgeist 2010: How the world searched, Google collated the billions of searches they processed into an interactive visualization where you can compare the popularity of some world events as seen by different countries in the world.

In addition to the visualization, Google also created a Zeitgeist 2010 video. From songs about bed intruders, double rainbows, and parping vuvuzelas to more grave concerns about politics, oil spills, and natural disasters Zeitgeist 2010 summarizes some of the major events and people that helped to shape 2010 into the year it turned out to be. Take a look below.

BONUS: Here are Google’s most strangest searches in the United States for 2010:

  1. can a horse have ocd?
  2. am i bipolar or overachiever?
  3. why are americans afraid of dragons?
  4. ninjas are better than pirates
  5. why is a raven like a writing desk?
  6. why does brian wilson dye his beard?
  7. should i marry him?
  8. i wish i could speak whale
  9. why couldn’t you stand on the sun’s surface?
  10. why does my baby grunt?

[via PS3ZA | Google]

Arty Cautionary Tales Featured Flash Games

Play This: One Chance

In the world of video games, we don’t normally have to worry about messing up. No biggie, we just simply restart the chapter or go to the autosaved checkpoint and try again. Indie developer, Awkward Silence Games, has crafted a deeply moving flash game with a twist – the restart mechanic does not work.

In the cautionary tale that is “One Chance”, you play the role of scientist John Pilgrim and your team has finally found a cure for cancer. The celebration is short-lived as the cure turns deadly and starts killing every organism on Earth. There are six days left to live and you must decide how to spend those days. Once the game is over, there is no replay feature, hence the title. You’re stuck with the decisions you have made.

You have one chance. Play it and let us know what happened.

[via VinylDestZA on Twitter]

Arty Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics Featured Movies

The A to Z of Star Wars

If you liked Jess Bradley’s rather odd alphabet, you might enjoy this themed one too.

When illustrators Brandon Peat and his wife Emma were expecting their first child they needed to decorate their baby’s room. Playing to their strengths they decided to create an illustrated alphabet from a galaxy far, far away. They based in on the characters from a beloved space opera, Star Wars.

Have a look at their super-cute alphabet after the jump.

Awesomeness Featured

Bahnhof: This IS The Data Centre You’re Looking For

I’ve always imagined data centres to housed be in drab corridor-lined buildings but it seems that some of them are far from it. Google’s new data centre is being built in an old paper mill in Finland and will be cooled entirely by water from the Baltic Sea. Huge pipes will reportedly pull water from the ocean floor and the paper mill’s pumps will circulate the water to the necessary areas. It is due to cost €200-million and should be ready sometime in 2011.

Another equally grand data center is already in existence, and looks like it could be an evil doer’s lair from a spy film. Bahnhof is a Swedish ISP that has its home in a rather interesting location – in a nuclear-safe, uber-secure bunker that is below the Vita Berg Park in Stockholm.

Here are some factoids about the re-purposed fallout shelter:

  • It is buried beneath 30 metres of bedrock and protected by half-metre thick doors.
  • It is said to be able to withstand the impact from a hydrogen bomb.
  • The two German Maybach diesel submarine engines now function as emergency back-up generators.
  • There is a artificial waterfall, wall plants, and a 2600-litre saltwater fish tank.
  • The round see-through meeting space suspended above the main area has a moon-map fur rug.
  • The data centre hosts a portion of Wikileaks’ servers.

See the splendour of Bahnhof’s Pionen Data Center in images and a video tour after the jump.

Awesomeness Featured Movies Video Clips Weirdness

Neill Blomkamp Mystery Teaser

Awesome District 9 director Neill Blomkamp seems to have secreted a mysterious trailer into the latest iPad issue of Wired Magazine. We may not have an iPad but thankfully we have the Internet, and while the the teaser is not so secret anymore, the happenings in the clip are certainly inexplicable to us. In the 1-minute teaser, shaky handicam footage shows two lads coming upon a hideous dead alien creature that seems to have been discarded along the side of a dirt road. The thing has a stamp on it perhaps like a grading system one would use for edible meat. Check out the creepy teaser below.

Could this be the teaser to his latest film? We fokken hope so.

[via 10and5]

Arty Awesomeness Featured

Super Mamika!

I’d like to think that there is a super hero in each of us, lying in wait for the right time to burst out and rescue humanity for evil. 91-year-old Hungarian grandmother Frederika Goldberger showed great courage in World War II when she helped to hide her Jewish friends from a life of forced labour or worse, death in a concentration camp. Under threat of death herself, she had to leave her home town of Budapest and move to France.

A few years ago, Frederika’s grandson and photographer Sasha Goldberger found her in a lonely depressive state and to cheer her up, he suggested that they play dress-up. At first the grandmother was reluctant but as the shoot progressed, Sasha reports that she even started suggesting unusual, comical poses of her own. More uplifting is the fact that she has not shown a hint of depression since then. Sasha titled his series Mamika.

Have a look at his shots of Mamika, the caped crusader after the jump.

Competitions Featured Site Announcements

Solve a Puzzle, Win a Minkster!

NOTE: This competition has ended.

Did you know that the preliminary USB flash drives sold in late 2000 could only store up to 8 MB of data? We’ve come a long way since then with newer, fancier  flash drives being able to hold hundreds of GBs of erotic art personal stuff and allow a bazillion writes to the drive (OK, I lied. It’s only a million.) The design of these devices has changed too and miniaturization has resulted in them being incorporated into everyday items like pens and watches. We’re far more interested in the creative aspect though and have seen a fair share of unusual flash drives. My personal favourite is the humping dog but I’m a touch peculiar.

Keeping with the theme of creative flash drives, we stumbled onto the works of a lovely Cape Town-based graphic designer. Alex Seaton is the creator of Minky, a playful range of designer products and Minksters is her series of super cute USB flash drives. Each 4GB Minkster includes a wallpaper and icons, a puzzle game, and a bonus paper toy that you can make for your desk. There are six Minksters in the series and they come in a range of vibrant colours to liven up your workspace.

We’re giving you the chance to win a Minkster of your choice. This competition is a little different to our last one in that we’re not letting random chance decide the outcome. Your fate is most certainly in your hands this time. We want you to solve a puzzle, a shuffle puzzle in fact. Alex has created the puzzle and a scoreboard specifically for us and all you have to do to win the prize is to top the table at the end of the competition. Have you got what it takes, playa? Find the full competition details after the jump.