Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Featured Photoworthy

Incredible Macro Photography by Igor Siwanowicz

If you have a penchant for macro photography like I do, you’re sure to love the exceptional talents of Igor Siwanowicz. There isn’t much information about the photographer so his photos will have to do the talking. The subjects in front of Siwanowicz’s lenses include all manner of amphibians, insects, and reptiles. He captures the everso cute expressions on the faces of the chameleons and the Kung Fu poses that praying mantises are fond of.

Have a look at some of his stunning macro photos after the jump.

Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics Featured Mindlessness TV Video Clips

Watch This: Adult Swim’s “Black Dynamite” Pilot Episode

OMG. This is hilarious. And rude. And violent. And brilliant. So, altogether nothing unusual when the name Black Dynamite is mentioned.

In this pilot episode for Adult Swim’s animated series, Black Dynamite, the Kung Fu-knowing, fried chicken-eating, lady-loving former CIA agent is trying to extract some information when he is asked to take on a more serious mission. It seems that Black Dynamite’s childhood mentor That Frog Kurtis has turned from inspirational puppet TV educator to a life of crime. Kurtis not only controls the sleaze in Puppet Street but has used the power of television to convince all the kids who watch his show to do his evil bidding. It is now up to up to Black Dynamite and his crew to beat the stuffing out of the evil pimp-ass frog. See how it goes down below [NSFW].

The animated series features the voice talents of Michael Jai White as Black Dynamite, Byron Minns (Bullhorn), Tommy Davidson (Cream Corn), and Kym Whitley (Honeybee). You’ll recognize those names from the 2009 live action film. The series is set to premiere on Adult Swim some time this year.

[via The Awesomer]

Arty Awesomeness Featured

Iotacons: Wonderful Pixel Portraits by Andy Rash

Andy Rash is a freelance illustrator from Brooklyn, NY and the man responsible for creating character portraits that are light on the details but are packed with WIN!

Rash calls them Iotacons and these low-res full-body portraits stand no more than 25 pixel tall. His series includes a deadly bride, a band of knights who say “Ni”, a pair of odd-ball Kiwi comedians, and even some characters from the bible. Check out some of these wonderful Iotacons after the jump.

Arty Eating and Drinking Featured Photoworthy

Booze is Beautiful Under the Microscope

American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald once said, “Here’s to alcohol, the rose colored glasses of life.” While you may be aware that alcohol can bring out the beauty of a great many things, you may be surprised to know that there is an inner beauty to it. American firm Bevshots from Tallahassee, Florida creates wonderfully psychedelic artworks by placing a variety of alcoholic beverages under the microscope.

To create their images, a drop of the drink — be it a beer, a Bloody Mary, coffee liqueur, Zinfandel, or just straight whiskey — is placed on a slide in an airtight container and dried for up to four weeks. The residue is then viewed under a laboratory microscope and magnified up to a 1,000 times. The resulting micrographs show the crystallised carbohydrates that have turned to sugars and glucose. Each drink seems to have a wonderfully unique and colourful structure to it. Have a look at some of these alcoholic works of art after the jump.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Shadows of the Damned

Shadows of the Damned is a prime example of why the old adage of “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” still rings true. Not so much because people are generally too quick to judge, but rather because said cover can often contain blatantly obvious lies, which can quickly lead one’s judgement astray, based on the obvious inaccuracies presented by the tag phrases on the back of the box. Wonder why? Read about it after the break.

Arty Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Featured

Loose Tweets Sink Fleets: Brian Moore’s WWIII Propaganda Posters

If you enjoyed Cliff Chiang’s set of WWII propaganda posters for the Star Wars universe, you make like designer Brian Moore’s latest project. Moore takes propaganda posters created during World War II and modifies them to be more relevant to this day and age.

The old “Loose lips sink ships” poster created by the War Advertising Council warned of “unguarded talk” and Moore’s updated one similarly tells us that a careless tweet can indeed sink a fleet. Moore also warns of the dangers of blogging, and the roles of Reddit and Wikipedia in the war effort. Have a look at his fantastic WWIII propaganda posters after the jump.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

The final movie for the Harry Potter franchise is out, and as happens with big movie events, a companion game, by EA, invites us to share the…magic. Is the Harry Potter swan song game a magic carpet ride, or is it a spell of certain doom? Join me on my broomstick and find out after the jump. Apparate!

Arty Awesomeness Eating and Drinking Featured Science & Technology Weirdness

Food as Seen Through an Electron Microscope

We’re big fans of how the scanning electron microscope can show the smallest of details. If you liked the last set of in-depth SEM images, you may like the works of Caren Alpert.

As a child, Alpert was fascinated with the back-page quiz of “3-2-1 Contact” Magazine, a quiz that tasked the viewer to identify the items in a selection of close-up images. The photographer (and food lover) has always been interested in the smaller details and has been photographing food for over eight years. After seeing an image taken with an SEM, Alpert was inspired to use the scientific equipment to capture images of the foods that we ingest on a regular basis. The magnification is between 45 and 850 times and the resulting images look like alien landscapes, delicious alien landscapes. Her project is entitled Terra Cibus and can be viewed on her website, which you can find through Google.

[via Laughing Squid]

Entertainment Featured Music Video Clips Weirdness

PONPONPON! A Surreal J-Pop Music Video

I know more about the Hadron Collider than what goes on in the minds of some Japanese people. In the music video for her debut J-pop single for Warner Music Japan, “PONPONPON”, blogger and model Kyary Pamyu Pamyu welcomes you to her “doll house”. It’s a rather odd place where floating brains and eyes embedded in toast are commonplace, and even her farts are strikingly colourful. You must see this video, be warned though, the tune can be extremely catchy and/or unbearably annoying.

If you’d like an English translation of the lyrics, see it at Wonky Translation. If this video made complete sense to you, then do drop us a comment and let us know what any of this madness means.

[via Ufunk]

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Featured Science & Technology Weirdness

Amazing Electron Microscope Images

A photomicrograph (or micrograph) is an image that is taken through a microscope, and we’ve covered a few of those on the blog including Nikon’s “Small World” competition, a traveller’s tale in a strange microscopic world, and an incredibly close-up look at insects. If you missed any of those, click here to see them.

North American scientific instruments company, FEI, is in the business of supplying electron microscopes to a various industries and it is the fantastic images taken by their line of scanning electron microscope (or SEM), that we’ll show you today. According FEI, their SEMs can magnify 20 to 1,000,000 times better a light microscope and can be used in tasks that contain long scientific words such as 3D cellular ultrastructure, macromolecular localization, and 3D tissue imaging.  The proof is really in the details. Hit the jump to see some of the FEI’s microscopic images.