Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! No doubt you’ll recall the catchy tune that accompanied the 8-bit Nyan Cat as it flew through outer space and into our hearts.
At the height of its popularity, Nyan Cat inspired remixes, wallpapers, games, and homebrew mods that allowed you to replace the drab Windows progress bars with the jollier Nyan Cat. DeviantART user Philipp S even created a papercraft toy that replicated the movement of Nyan Cat. The result is smashing, see it in action after the jump.
Until today, I never knew about Emily Carroll. And I have Google’s Jennifer Hom to thank for that discovery.
Carroll is an artist from Vancouver, British Columbia and in her latest comic, she draws out a tale of a prince who falls in love with an enchanting mermaid, and moves the earth to be with her. Hit the jump to see the first few panels of Carroll’s wonderfully-drawn romance comic, The Prince & The Sea.
One day back in 2008, South Korean DeviantART user Andrew Hou was inspired to do some speed painting, and in a matter of two hours, he had created an piece featuring Wolverine going up against a terrifying T-Rex.
Spurred on by the favourable comments on DeviantArt, Hou was compelled to draw the ending to the epic fight. Find out who came out victorious after the jump.
The subways of Moscow are not only used by people. Some of the stray dogs who live on the outskirts of the city have learned how to use the transport system to ride into the centre of town, scavenge food, and then to return to the suburbs.
The dogs choose the less-crowded cars, and can be seen napping on the floors and on empty seats, or wandering amongst the commuters. Muscovites seem to tolerate the dogs, and in one station, there is a bronze statue dedicated to a stray who was stabbed to death by a heartless person. They rub its shiny nose for good luck.
Of the some 30,000 strays in Moscow, scientists seem to think that only a few have managed to master the subway routes by using the sights, smells, and announcements to figure out where they are and where they need to be. Some of the dogs have figured out where to sit to increase their chances of being fed. Others it seems are more cunning, and resort to sneaking up behind unsuspecting Muscovites and barking loudly so that they drop whatever food they may be eating. Some residents are incensed about the presense of the street-smart strays and want them deported, while others are pragmatic, asking people to learn to live with them.
Have a look at an ABC News report on the subway-riding dogs of Moscow.
To see more images and video clips, head to English Russia.
People like Randy Halverson make me want to go outside and do things. You may recall a video that he created some months back, showing the Milky Way rising up from behind the home where his father grew up – that was Plains Milky Way.
The Milky Way is yet again the subject in his latest time-lapse video, and is wonderfully complemented with changeable weather and striking summer storms. Once again, Simon Wilkinson from The Blue Mask provides an equally striking score. Join Halverson as he returns to the skies of South Dakota in Tempest Milky Way.
See more of Halverson’s photography on his website, Dakotalapse.
From the boost in book sales to a highly successful TV series to all love and adoration from the Internet, there is certainly a lot of banter about Game of Thrones. Speaking about banners — OK, you got me, I said banter but what’s a little letter substitution amongst friends? — designer Tom Gateley shows appreciation for the series by creating a beautiful set of minimalist posters.
After watching the TV series, Gateley says he became slightly obsessed with the identity the houses and set about creating vector posters of each house sigil. He hopes we like them as much as he does. Have a look at his minimalist Game of Thrones posters after the jump.
Gamers, whoever and wherever you are, should appreciate this. In a wonderful collaborative effort, IGN and Danny Wiessner (he wrote and performed the piece) created a song for fans of video games and captures the essence of gaming.
From empty stomachs, parched mouths, and the looming deadlines of work life, The World Is Saved takes a look at the trials that we face, the experience we gain after we have finally saved the day, and the memories that stay with us long after the GAME OVER screen.
The Internet is a veritable treasure chest of superhero mashups. We’ve seen them re-imagined as dinosaurs, felines, emotional wrecks, and even with their genders reversed. And now it seems they’ve been crossed with birds, angry ones at that.
Springfield Punx reader Ryan has been hard at work dressing up Angry Birds as if they were superheroes from the Marvel and DC comic books. As tired as you may be of Rovio’s cash cow fowl, there is no denying that these angry heroes are the teensiest bit cute. Have a look at the amusing Iron Bird, Angry Bat, the Avian Torch, and others after the jump.
Humanity has been battling the living dead for decades, it seems like bloody forever. These fetid corpses have invaded many facets of our lives including the novels and comics that we read and TV series and movies that we watch. The games that we play aren’t safe either. Frank West beat them off with practically anything he could find, while Isaac Clarke dispatched zombies in space using his considerable talents in dismemberment. Jill Valentine fought off the freakish mutants of the Umbrella Corporation, and the average homeowner even had to repel a zombie attack through the strategic use of potted plants.
And now it seems we humans may have yet another champion against the zombie horde. From the completely off-kilter mind of Suda51 (see our Shadows of the Damned review) comes a tale of 18-year-old Juliet Starling who must rid her high school of a nasty case of the zombies. This is a task that she seems to relish, thanks to her wickedly awesome chainsaw. Also, she has bizarrely chosen wear her rather revealing cheerleading uniform, one would assume that is to minimize the amount of blood splashed on her clothes. Did I mention that the disembodied head of her boyfriend serves as a sidekick? There is bound to many a gratuitous upskirt shot, sexual innuendo by the metric ton, and outrageous amounts of blood and guts, so nothing that should come as a surprise from a Suda51 game. Have a look at the debut trailer to Lollipop Chainsaw below.
Fans of HBO’s Game of Thrones will have to wait until April 2012 to return to the Seven Kingdoms. To stave off the withdrawal symptoms, several people have taken to making creative covers of the series’ opening theme song composed by Ramin Djawadi.
You may remember Roger Lima as he banged out a rock cover on his guitars and drum kit. You may also recall Jason Yang, who used an acoustic and electric violin, and layered the 13 different tracks to create the most delightful cover I’ve heard. These two versions are wonderful on their own but in his mashup, Youtube user paolody wanted to find out what it would sound like if Lima and Yang collaborated on a truly epic Game of Thrones cover. Are the results doubly awesome? Find out below.
Hit the jump to see the individual video that went into this mashup.