Competitions Site Announcements

Resident Evil Revelations Giveaway: We Have a Winner!

Thank you for all the awesome entries in our Resident Evil: Revelations giveaway competition! We saw some very creepy stories indeed (read them here), and it seems that the score is pretty much tied between Resident Evil and Silent Hill being the creepier game (with a couple of chimes in for Dead Space, and one…ahem…interesting call for Hannah Montana: the Movie: The Game. Seriously…why would you voluntarily play that?)

To be completely fair to the people who didn’t enter a scary story, we’ve assigned every valid entry a number, and the assigned every entry with a story with a second number (bonus chance! Yay!) and our winner is…

Competitions Site Announcements

Competition Time! Win Resident Evil Revelations for 3DS!


I know how everyone loves free stuff, and this time around, courtesy of the wonderful people at Nintendo (thank you PrincessPeachZA!), we have a copy of Resident Evil Revelations for 3DS to give away. “How do I enter?” I hear you clamouring. Good thing you asked, because I was about to tell you! All you have to do is answer the following question in the comments section below:

What is your favourite horror video game?

Yep! It’s that easy! Since it’s coming up Valentine’s Day however, we’re going to be extra nice, and give you a chance at a second entry! You’re going to have to do a liiiiittle bit of extra work for the second entry, however.

All we need from you is for you to tell us the scariest thing that happened to you. Or failing that, you scariest story. Good luck! We’re all counting on you!

The competition ends in a week, on February the 8th. Terms and conditions apply.


We have a winner in our Mercury Hg Competition!

We have a winner! Our judges sat and deliberated the answers we got. Sat for DAYS, cloistered in a top secret room at Prawn Central HQ, arguing the various merits of each answer, deciding on a wittiness score, thoroughly perusing each word in each answer over. It nearly came to knives and swords, and in the proceedings, we almost lost one of our judges (Lord Nigiri, which ordinarily wouldn’t have been too great a loss, but he also serves as Custodian of the Shiny Things, which is a very important post). Still, the judges wouldn’t leave the room until they chose a winner. Chosen a single winner they have done; it’s a sad pity we can’t choose everyone!

Congratulations to Oethman, for his comment: “for me it has to be number 18 Argon. Why – The name argon is derived from the Greek word αργον meaning lazy or “the inactive one” , and you have to love that right?”

Your XBLA code for Mercury Hg is on its way to you via Royal Prawn Express Mail as you are reading this! Well done, and we hope you enjoy the game!

Competitions Site Announcements

Competition Time! Win a copy of Mercury Hg for Xbox 360!

We haven’t had a nice, fun competition in a long time, have we? We underlings figured that, since Lord Prawn is not keeping too close an eye on things here at Prawn Central (himself being over in Sri Lanka at the moment), we’re going to bestow upon you, Our Awesome Readers, a prize: Mercury Hg for Xbox 360 (courtesy of UTV Ignition Games). That’s right! You can win yourself the very game that was just reviewed here! The caveat, of course, is that we’re going to require you to read the entertaining review! Nothing for nothing, as they say! So get reading. We’ll wait.

Done? Did you see the part about the banana? Good. Bananas always have such high comedic value, no matter where you stick them.

So, to win, all you have to do is this: leave a comment in this post telling us what your favourite element of the periodic table is, and why. Don’t comment your entries in the review’s post—it won’t be counted. The judges will pick the most creative answer, and award that lucky person a download code for Mercury Hg for Xbox 360! You can also help us spread the word of the competition by tweeting the following:

#OneLargePrawn is giving away #MercuryHg for Xbox360. I’m in to win! You can too!

After all, more readers means more competitions!

The standard rules apply: no active contributor to this site or their direct families allowed to enter, one entry per person, etc etc. Read the rules if you’re in any doubt. Now get cracking! You have until Wendesday 9 November, 2011!

Competitions Site Announcements

“Livin’ it Up” Challenge: On the Home Straight

If you were paying any attention (I have my doubts considering these harsh economic times), you’ll know that earlier on we suffered a little catastrophe in the special blogger version of the Livin’ it Up game. We rebuilt the property only to be visited by the seedier side of E.T.’s family. They made off with a half-pipe and a couple of flamingos. Weirdos.

The Livin’ it Up bloggers challenge pits Onelargeprawn against seven evil bloggers to win a covetable iPad. We’re currently in first place on the leaderboard, however, we’re trading blows for top spot with Justin Hartman, who you may know as the CEO of blog aggregator, Afrigator. If you’d like to help the under-dogprawn to win over the highly-paid suit, then you’ve come to the right place. We get a virtual $1000 for each person that we get to sign up for the game. Simply leave a comment below and we’ll invite you to the game. After you’ve registered for it, we’ll get the kickback. And don’t worry, you don’t have to play the game, unless you want to.

A big thanks to everyone who has chipped in this far. You’re the wind in our sails, the jam in our doughnuts, we love you guys and girls. This especially long blogger version of the Livin’ it Up challenge is nearing its end (July 24th) and fingers crossed Onelargeprawn will come out of it the victor. Huzzah!

Competitions Site Announcements

“Livin’ it Up” Challenge: The Great Flood

Aaah, the trials of a home owner. If it isn’t a burst geyser, it’s the neighbourhood dogs that take poops outside your door. And if there is ever a moment to put a damper on one’s day, it’s a flood. Not a flood of biblical proportions mind you, only one that selectively washed away our house, garden, car, and pair of prized attack geese that we lovingly called Fish and Chips. I talk, of course, of our virtual possessions in the Livin’ it Up game.

The other day a calamitous flood claimed our possessions and we had to make a claim. The many years of TV mind control had impressed upon us the important of insurance and covering our assets adequately (I wear underwear almost everyday). With the settlement money in hand, rebuilding our life was a few clicks away (if only it was like that in real life). So yes, we’re back and we even had enough in the pot to buy two more attack geese, Salt and Peppa.

We’d obviously love to add more stuff to the property but wouldn’t you know it we’re running low on funds (again). If you have helped us out in the past two weeks, please accept our humble thanks, but if you’ve stumbled onto this post now, we sure could do with your assistance to top-up our bank balance. It won’t cost you more than a few minutes of your time – simply leave a comment below or pop a mail to (no chancers please) and we’ll send you an invite to the Livin’ it Up game.

When you successfully register for the game, we will earn a handy $1,000 in virtual money to spend. After you’ve registered, you can play the game as well. At the end of each month for the next couple of months, the top scorer walks away with a different prize, be it a Wii, an LED TV, or a PS3. And towards the end of the year, one thoroughly dedicated winner will drive away in new BMW 320i.

Competitions Featured Site Announcements

“Livin’ it Up” Challenge: We Need Your Help!

We need help, yes we do! You may (or may not) have caught our first post on a special edition of Standard Bank’s “Livin’ it Up” challenge that pits Onelargeprawn against seven evil bloggers to win a covetable iPad. Livin’ it Up is an isometric life-simulation game where the player is given a wallet full of cash and an empty patch of land. By purchasing a house, a motor vehicle, and a host of garden ornaments, the player is awarded with points. With each purchase that is made, more points are awarded to the player. That is what we’re in dire need of and we’re hoping you, dear reader will be able to help us.

Our property is coming along quite nicely since the last week. It finally had some grass cover on it, and our prize pair of attack geese (Fish and Chips) are having a wonderful time pecking at passers-by. We’d obviously love to add more stuff to the property but we’re running low on funds. We need your assistance to top-up our bank balance, and it won’t cost you more than a few minutes of your time. If you’d like to help, leave a comment below or pop a mail to and we’ll send you an invite to the “Livin’ it Up” game. When you successfully register for the game, we will earn a handy $1,000 in virtual money to spend. Our points tally will go up, and not only does it make us happy, it puts a smile on other faces too.

Big thanks go out to the people who have have signed up thus far, and thank you for reading this (and hopefully signing up as well).

Competitions Featured Site Announcements

“Livin’ it Up” in My Birthday Month

June. It’s an auspicious month. Some decades and nine months ago, two people did something unmentionable and out I popped. It is my birthday month. At home I have instituted a law wherein the occupants are obliged to be nice to me for the whole month, and not just on the day of my birth. It was not received well, let’s say Hosni Mubarak would have faced more of a warm welcome in Tahrir Square.

So, it is my birthday month and I think a bit of self-aggrandisement is in order. I would like an iPad, and considering there is no chance of it sauntering into my life, I have decided to go with the next best way that I know to acquire things: winning them. I have been invited to take part in a special Blogger’s Challenge that will pit me against seven other bloggers for the opportunity to win the covetable device. I’m Scott Pilgrim and they’re the evil exes. The battleground is a cutesy strategy game, and Ramona is the iPad. After the dust has settled, the blogger with the highest score will have won. So, what has this got to do with you? Well, dear readers, I shall require your help in overcoming the many obstacles in my path and claim the top prize. And if helping me out doesn’t make you feel good on the inside, there are superficial prizes for you to win because this challenge is also open to the public. Still interested? Good. Find out all the details after the jump.

Competitions Site Announcements

The Minkster Competition Winner!

A week has come and gone so quickly and we’re at the end of another Onelargeprawn competition. Super awesome Capetonian graphic designer Alex Seaton created a sliding tile puzzle especially for our competition and to stand a chance of winning one of her cute Minkster flash drives, we asked you to solve that puzzle in the fastest time possible. We tracked these times on a high scores table and after the dust settled, a patient and motivated competitor placed first (and second, and third, and fourth!).

Congratulations go to Donald whose top ranking time wins him a Minkster of his choice. Like all of them in the series, his Minkster includes a wallpaper and icons, a puzzle game, and a bonus paper toy that he can assemble at his desk. Donald, we’ll be in touch shortly to get your delivery details. Hard luck to the other entrants, but we’re going to try our best to host more competitions for you to enter soon.

Once again, a big thanks to Alex at Minky for putting up the prize and creating the flash game for us. If you’d like to buy a Minkster, please call (021) 558 1251 or visit Minky for further information.

Competitions Featured Site Announcements

Solve a Puzzle, Win a Minkster!

NOTE: This competition has ended.

Did you know that the preliminary USB flash drives sold in late 2000 could only store up to 8 MB of data? We’ve come a long way since then with newer, fancier  flash drives being able to hold hundreds of GBs of erotic art personal stuff and allow a bazillion writes to the drive (OK, I lied. It’s only a million.) The design of these devices has changed too and miniaturization has resulted in them being incorporated into everyday items like pens and watches. We’re far more interested in the creative aspect though and have seen a fair share of unusual flash drives. My personal favourite is the humping dog but I’m a touch peculiar.

Keeping with the theme of creative flash drives, we stumbled onto the works of a lovely Cape Town-based graphic designer. Alex Seaton is the creator of Minky, a playful range of designer products and Minksters is her series of super cute USB flash drives. Each 4GB Minkster includes a wallpaper and icons, a puzzle game, and a bonus paper toy that you can make for your desk. There are six Minksters in the series and they come in a range of vibrant colours to liven up your workspace.

We’re giving you the chance to win a Minkster of your choice. This competition is a little different to our last one in that we’re not letting random chance decide the outcome. Your fate is most certainly in your hands this time. We want you to solve a puzzle, a shuffle puzzle in fact. Alex has created the puzzle and a scoreboard specifically for us and all you have to do to win the prize is to top the table at the end of the competition. Have you got what it takes, playa? Find the full competition details after the jump.