Cautionary Tales Science & Technology Video Clips

This is Your Body Attacking Cancer

Cambridge University’s Under the Microscope series takes a close-up look at the world through the lens of a microscope. The latest video shot by PhD student Alex Ritter captures the showdown between a dangerous cancer cell and a Cytotoxic T cell, a special type of white blood cell that is one-tenth the width of a human hair. Its mission in life is to destroy virally infected cells. Professor Gillian Griffiths of Cambridge University explains:

Cells of the immune system protect the body against pathogens. If cells in our bodies are infected by viruses, or become cancerous, then killer cells of the immune system identify and destroy the affected cells. Cytotoxic T cells are very precise and efficient killers. They are able to destroy infected or cancerous cells, without destroying healthy cells surrounding them. The Wellcome Trust funded laboratory of Professor Gillian Griffiths, at the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, investigates just how this is accomplished. By understanding how this works, we can develop ways to control killer cells. This will allow us to find ways to improve cancer therapies, and ameliorate autoimmune diseases caused when killer cells run amok and attack healthy cells in our bodies.”

The video is filmed at 92 times faster than real time.

See more Under the Microscope videos on YouTube.

[via io9]

Cautionary Tales Movies Video Clips

Operation White Widow

In this animated short film by Jacek Mazur, a team of soldiers aboard an aircraft prepare to launch an assault on an enemy encampment. As they jump from the plane, they’re met by a barrage of anti-aircraft fire from the ground. The soldiers skillfully and silently dance their way around the bullets as they descend to their target. But all is not what it seems…

Have a look at Operation White Widow below.

[via ufunk]

Cautionary Tales Eating and Drinking Entertainment Featured Video Clips Weirdness

Pizza Boomerang is Deadly to Penises

Picture the scene. A He-Man-esque super hero waits patiently for his pizza to warm up in the microwave. Fearing the fast food might be a little too hot, our hero flings it from his home planet towards the earth. Thus begins the utterly bizarre journey of Pizza Boomerang, a pizza so epic that it could slice your penis off.

[thanks Andy!]

Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Movies Video Clips Weirdness

Heads Blowing Up

Supercuts are a dime a dozen these days so you have to pick the ones relevant to your interests. Heads blowing up is certainly one of mine.

That bloody montage was brought to you by Cinemamassacre. Be sure to read the Your Head A Splode tv trophe, it’ll blow your mind…

[via Live For Films]

Animal Kingdom Cautionary Tales Video Clips

Attack of the Sneaky Sea Snail

Sloth are adorably cute but snails are on the opposite end of the scale. Cone snails are fiendish creatures, carnivorous, venomous, and predatory. This little clip from the BBC shows how exactly the gastropod feeds upon an unsuspecting fish that happens to be three times its size. It’s too horrible for words.

[via @Wakeangl]

Animal Kingdom Cautionary Tales Featured Video Clips

Attack of the Japanese Hornets!

With its large body and wingspan, the Japanese giant hornet is quite the fearsome creature. It is known to prey on bees, often dismembering heads and limbs in the heat of battle. It eats their honey too, because after all, to the victor belong the spoils.

It is claimed that a single Japanese giant hornet can kill 40 honey bees in a minute, so can you imagine what damage a nest of them could cause? The BBC did exactly that. In this clip, a band of 30 Japanese giant hornets unleash hell upon a colony of 30,000 diminutive European honey bees. The attack is timed to some epic orchestral music.

The original clip along with the relevant commentary can be seen after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Entertainment Featured

The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics

The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics is a cute little animated short film that won an Academy Award in 1966. Based on the book of the same name, this short film, directed by Chuck Jones, tells the story of a line who falls in love with a dot. The love is not reciprocal, for the dot sees the line as too straight, and directs her affections toward the wild and rebellious squiggle. Despite the stern rejection, the line turns to unconventional methods to gain the attention of his love. Does the story have a happy ending? Find out below.

[via Infosthetics]

Cautionary Tales Entertainment Video Clips Weirdness


If you enjoyed the surrealist ice fishing video, then you might get a kick out of this too. Created by CRAZY DAVE TAPE, this bizarre little clip shows an early human as he comes upon a nest of ostrich eggs. The primitive caveman cracks open an egg and goes on an unexpected trip.

[via @LOLTATZ]

Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Featured Mindlessness Video Clips

The Best Bails and Fails of 2011

The human race is capable of a great many things. Failing is certainly one of them, and thanks to the collective efforts of TwisterNederland8, you can now see a glorious 12-minute compilation of the best bails, fails, and blood trails from the year gone by.

[via @6000]

Cautionary Tales

In Your Face: “How Safe is Pepper Spray?” Infographic

With now infamous police officer Lt. John Pike (see casually pepper spraying everything cop) appearing in the cover to their infographic, the people from Online Criminal Justice Degree provides information on deterrent that is pepper spray, its spicy power, and how it affects its victims.

See the full How Safe is Pepper Spray? infographic after the jump.