Cautionary Tales Entertainment

The Dark Knight Oscar Snub: God is Angry

God hasn’t taken too kindly to The Dark Knight like getting totally snubbed for a Best Picture nomination at the upcoming Oscars. He wrote a letter.

Click the image to see it bigger.


– via Holy Taco.

Arty Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Video Clips

Mac vs PC

It’s the age-old rivalry now transformed.

– via

Arty Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Inspirational Designs

Street Art by Roadsworth

Roadsworth began painting the streets of Montreal in the fall of 2001. Initially motivated by a desire for more bike paths in the city and a questioning of “car culture” in general, he continued to develop a language around street markings and other elements of the urban landscape using a primarily stencil based technique. In the fall of 2004, Roadsworth was arrested for his nocturnal activities and charged with 53 counts of mischief. Despite the threat of heavy fines and a criminal record he received a relatively lenient sentence which he attributes in part to the public support he received subsequent to his arrest. Since that time, Roadsworth has received various commissions for his work and continues to be active in both visual art and music.

See more of his subversive messages after the jump.

Cautionary Tales Mindlessness

Have You Seen This Man?

Click to see bigger.

Advert reads:

Have you seen this man? The suspect has on 4 occasions broken in to our Richmond District apartment and molested my wife and self (foot / leg fondling) during our sleep. He always leaves evidence of his presence afterwards. The artist’s rendering was created from a recent eye witness account by a friend and neighbor. Any information leading to his capture will be rewarded with $20,000 or equivalent value in advisement and betterment services.

Cautionary Tales Weirdness

Ultra-Minimalist Products That Are Almost Impossible to Use

Keeping things simple is great but there comes a point when it’s hard to figure out what a minimalist design is intended for…

Recycled Paper Side Table

Matt Gagnon’s recycled side table looks like a sculptural masterpiece, and people will be wowed by your new lamp stand. Gagnon must have been on crack when he decided the pricing – $2798! GTFO!

Fuksas Mocha Cups

These are designer coffee cups. Make sure to tell your less-knowledgeable friends before they ash in them.

Pano Logic Computer

The Pano device has no CPU, no memory, no operating system, no hard drive, and no drivers. Supposedly Pano delivers a complete Microsoft Windows experience through the use of magic server virtualization.

See more at Cool Material.

Cautionary Tales Entertainment Hints & Tips Video Clips

The Impotence of Proofreading

I LOL’d.

– via Neatorama.

Arty Cautionary Tales Entertainment Mindlessness Weirdness

Pictures of Walls

Not just of walls (that would just be silly), but with stuff written on them.

Without love breath is just a clock ticking. Without breath love is just necrophilia.

Your life is in danger. Do not urinate. Do NOT urinate.

The pavement used to be our garden.

See more musings, jokes, sadness at Pictures of Walls via

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics Cautionary Tales Weirdness

Wild times

In case you’ve been in hibernation, or a sex slave in the wilderness for the past couple of months, you’ll know that there’s a recession going on out there. And by out there I mean on your doorstep, in your wallet, and even in your bar fridge. I’m hating it – how about you? Anyway in both keeping up with current economic events (it’s a Bear Market apparently), and simultaneously taking your mind off them, I present a few pieces from Things Bears Love via Bored At Work (which I so am).




Bears also love DRUNKS






Get more laughs here.

Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Video Clips

Top Gear Invades Vietnam

Good Motoring, Vietnam! The Top Gear team is going global, with shooting locations taking place all over the world,  and they’re starting with Vietnam. As if these people haven’t suffered enough under the Westerners, they must now prepare to receive Hamster,  Captain Slow, and the bat-shit insane Jeremy Clarkson.

Click Play to watch the special, it’s in two parts.

Top Gear Vietnam Special – Part 1

Top Gear Vietnam Special – Part 2

The Vietnam show will be followed by trips to Hong Kong, Johannesburg, and Sydney. Incidentally, the waiting list to get a first-hand glimpse of the show being produced contains an incredible 336 000 names (which translates to about a 21-year wait!) so visiting these exotic locations may be the best chance to see the show in-person – via

Arty Cautionary Tales Weirdness

Erwin Wurm, the Chubby Maker

I don’t know about you but I quite like a little “junk in the trunk”.

Weird Austrian Erwin Wurm seems to have a similar view, but for motor vehicles. By plumping up an existing car with styrofoam and fiberglass, his “Fat Car” is a  chubby version of the original sporty model. He wants to offer a sharp criticism of our current value system, as the advertising world demands us to stay thin but to consume more and more – via Geekologie.