Cautionary Tales Weirdness

Culinary Horror: The Stewmaker Dissolved Over 300 Drug War Victims

The drug war is commonplace in Mexico City; the nation is used to seeing the headless torsos of drug war victims strewn across the streets. But the less than savoury recipes of 45-year old Santiago Meza López, a “disposal expert” working for a Tijuana drug cartel, has gripped the public’s attention.

López confessed to getting rid of over 300 bodies killed by hit men working for Teodoro “El Teo” García Simental, who is vying for control of the Tijuana drug trafficking cartel. López dissolved the corpses in vats of acid and was paid USD 600.00 a week. He came to be known as “El Pozolero” – a pozole is a traditional Mexican stew made of hominy, pork and chilies; it is important to keep stirring the soup while it is on the stove so all the flavours meld together.

Statistically his busiest time was in December 2007, when he pozoled 32 bodies. In his defense, he claimed to have only dissolved men. Chivalrous maybe, but perhaps women made the stew taste funny. I dunno.

Full article at the Times Online.

Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Music Video Clips

My Sugar Lumps

A music video by Flight of the Conchords. After Bret unwittingly bankrupts the band, Jemaine thinks they should contemplate prostitution considering “all the ladies are crazy for my sugar lumps.”

– via Milk and Cookies.

Cautionary Tales Gadgets Hints & Tips

Biker’s Revenge

Now this is stroke of (evil) genius.

Created by Matt Braun and Jared Delorenzo, two students at University of the Arts in Philadelphia, the Biker’s Revenge is a pair of handlebar key plugs that will vandalize anyvehicle getting too close to your personal bike space.

Don’t try this on me though. You key my car, I’ll find you, like a bleeding dog in the snow ;)

More images after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Cautionary Tales Weirdness

How to Make a Zombie Cockroach

Mother nature can be a cold-hearted bitch sometimes, and she must have been having really bad PMS when she introduced this creature of unrelenting horror.

The Emerald Cockroach Wasp is a brightly coloured parasitic wasp that utilizes a combination stings and poisons to inject its eggs into a host to incubate. When it comes time for the female wasp to lay her egg, she searches out a cockroach, lands on top of it, and stings it twice. The first sting mildly paralyzes the front legs of the cockroach, and the second sting into the roach’s brain neutralizes its normal escape responses. Now for the cool bit – the wasp chews off parts of the roach’s antennae and uses them like a leash to lead the zombified roach to a burrow! Why walk when you can drive right?

Once they reach the burrow the real horror begins – the wasp lays an egg on the roach’s abdomen and fills in the burrow entrance with pebbles to prevent escape. Once the larva hatches, it chews its way into the abdomen, and eats the roach’s internal organs in an order which guarantees that the roach will stay alive-ish. The larva then forms a cocoon inside the roach’s body, and after about four weeks, a fully-grown Emerald Cockroach Wasps emerge from the roach’s body to begin its adult life.

More horrifying parasites found HERE.

Cautionary Tales Entertainment Video Clips

The Overthinker

This is what happens when you’re on a date and you think too much. EXACTLY what happens. Every time.

Cautionary Tales Hints & Tips Mindlessness Useful/Useless Info

High as a Kite: Top 10 Common Myths About Cannabis

Doobie, dope, roach, reefer, weed, Mary Jane, boom, splif, ganja – 10 common names for cannabis. Now here are the 10 common myths about Cannabis.

10. Fat Storage

Myth: Cannabis’ active ingredient THC gets stored in body fat and its effects can last days or even weeks.

Fact: It is true that cannabis (like many other drugs) enters the body’s fat stores, and it is for this reason that it can be detected long after use, but that is the only part of this myth which is true. The fact is, the psychoactive aspects of the stored cannabis are used up quickly and while the residue of the drug remains, it no longer has any effect on the person. Furthermore, the presence of THC in body fat is not harmful to the fat, the brain, or any other part of the body.

9. Memory Loss

Myth: Cannabis use causes memory loss and a general reduction in logic and intelligence.

Fact: This is another myth which has elements of truth to it – no doubt the reason it is believed by so many. Laboratory tests have shown that cannabis diminishes the short term memory – but only when a person is intoxicated with it. A person who has taken cannabis will be able to remember things learned before they took it but may have trouble learning new information during intoxication. There is no scientific evidence whatsoever to suggest that this can become a long-term or permanent problem when sober.

8. Scientific Proof

Myth: Cannabis has been scientifically proven to be harmful.

Fact: Let us start with a quote: “the smoking of cannabis, even long term, is not harmful to health.” This quote comes from the peer-reviewed British medical journal The Lancet (founded in 1823). There is certainly no scientific consensus on cannabis use, and certainly no scientific proof that casual use is dangerous to health.

Hit the jump for more myths or go to The List Universe.

Arty Cautionary Tales Inspirational Designs

Flying Toast

Nothing quite says Good Morning like fresh toasting flying towards your face. The Brunch is a series of hyper-precise kitchen equipment from this Dutch designer Ivo Vos that makes a statement about our society’s obsession with perfection, precision, and order.

The Bread Slicer cuts even, uniform slices of bread and the Toaster requires skill and precision to shoot your toast across the kitchen.

A well known theory in psychology states that neurosis are a result of the lack of real dangers that result from the high level of well-being in our western society. This project explores post-functional products that address the desire for skill, struggle, rituals, perfection, preparation and anticipation – qualities lost when we indulge in the comforts of prozac technology.

More images after the jump.

Cartoons & Comics Cautionary Tales

Wanna Try My Jerky?

Click to see it bigger.

More jerky at

Arty Cautionary Tales Mindlessness

Bad Plate

What’s more irritating than finding pubic hair on your plate? Pubic hair in your food.

– via I Love Bad Things.

Cautionary Tales Mindlessness

Trevor, the Conspiracy Theorist

You can’t pull the wool over their eyes indefinitely.