Cautionary Tales Sports Video Clips

Helmet Cam Captures Base Jumper’s Terrifying Fall

Sometimes base jumping goes well. Daredevil Jeb Corliss recently leapt out a helicopter and flew through a fissure in a mountain at 160 KM/H (See the dagger jump).

Now in the category of “things done less well”, comes a clip from Vimeo user Subterminallyill. The chap jumped off a cliff near Moab, Utah and his helmet cam captured the frightening views as he came into contact with the immovable object. Mercifully the man cheated death but suffered a compression fracture, stitches to the eye and chin, severely sprained hands, and a bruised ego. Check out the Cliff Strike below.

[via @kirstycarrot]

Arty Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Science & Technology Video Clips

Our Home in Space

Created by German design studio, Kurzgesagt, this informative, minimalist animation takes us on a tour through the solar system, stopping off at each of the eights planets to provide a few factoids you may or may not know. The flat design and bright trendy colours belie a rather dark and inevitable truth…

[via FastCo]

Cautionary Tales Video Clips

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

In this cute little animated short by Birdbox Studio, a man comes across an unusual car guard in a parking lot. The man confidently taunts the captive dog but they who laugh last, laugh the loudest. That was a mouthful wasn’t it? See if the man bites off more than he can chew in Carpark.

[via Laughing Squid]

Cautionary Tales Video Clips

Awkward Physical Contacts

We’ve all had our fair share of awkward physical contact. YouTube user Jimmy Tartro compiles some of these embarrassing situations including the leg hair touch, the double arm around, and my personal fear: the same way handshake hug.

Check out Awkward Physical Contacts below.

[via Imgur]

Cautionary Tales Mindlessness Video Clips

The Most Epic Twerk Fail of All Time

Twerking is serious business. This woman just fell off a locker. Gravity thwarted this young lady’s bad attempt, and this girl’s twerking is so horrible that it resembles someone falling down a set of stairs.

Some times, twerking can get too hot to handle. This lady wants to create a sexy video for her boyfriend, and attempts the masterclass “upside down twerk”. Watch what happens next in The Most Epic Twerk Fail Of All Time.

Update: It turns out that Jimmy Kimmel was behind the little prank. The awkward twerker is not “Caitlin Heller” rather stunt woman, Daphne Avalon. Have a look at Kimmel’s director’s cut of the video below.

[via @Anatinus | @grim_tenmiles]

Arty Cautionary Tales

Twerks of Art: Miley Cyrus Dances Dirty on Famous Paintings

The MTV Video Music Awards must have felt like a bad acid trip to some people. Miley Cyrus twerked with teddy bears, gyrated against Robin Thicke’s crotch, and even pretended to pleasure herself with a giant foam glove. You can’t unsee this kind of stuff, but if you missed it click here to watch the hyper-sexual performance.

GIFs of the lewd display were promptly dispatched far and wide on the Internet and it didn’t take very long before Jen Lewis over at BuzzFeed decided it was a good idea to insert Miley Cyrus into a bunch of famous paintings. Georges Seurat’s Sunday afternoon is forever ruined, Edvard Munch’s man now has a reason to scream, and this was not the dinner theatre that Jesus had in mind. Have a look at the twerks of art after the jump.

Cautionary Tales Featured Video Clips

Mean Streets: Russian Dashcams Show Escapes in the Nick of Time

Driving in Russia can be hazardous and so commonplace that a separate genre of YouTube clips has sprung forth. Some are horrible car accidents and you don’t want to look, but you know you’re going to. On a positive note, in this (still terrifying) dashcam compilation, the majority of the people managed to escape death just in the nick of time.

[via Blacknotes]

Cautionary Tales Useful/Useless Info Video Clips

Famous Last Words

As they say, in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.

When death is near and you’re about shuffle off this mortal coil, what do you think you final words would be? George Washington’s last words were an accepting “‘Tis well.” while American Civil War general John Sedgwick never saw it coming when he said, “They couldn’t hit an elephant at this distance.” And being his natural witty self, Oscar Wilde supposedly said, “My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or the other of us has to go.”

If you’d like to get an early start on your final soliloquy and need some inspiration, have a look at this compilation of 50 famous last words courtesy of the vlogbrothers.

[thanks Emily!]

Cautionary Tales Music Video Clips

Everyday I’m Drinking

Vodka is the king of the alcohols in Russia with an estimated 1.417 billion litres sold in 2012. Alcohol abuse in Russia is reaching alarming levels, and it is estimated that one in every five male deaths is linked to alcohol. The consumption of beer in on such a rise that Russian government has taken steps to reclassify beer as alcohol, and not food.

Everyday I’m Drinking is a song by Russian band Little Big and tells of the nation’s obsession with alcohol and dire outlook on life. It’s bizarre, disturbing, and depressing given the statistics but it does have rather a catchy tune.

[via MyVideo]

Cautionary Tales Video Clips

Russian Life Seen Through Dashcams

Thanks to the dashboard-mounted cameras on motor vehicles, we get to see life in Russia like we never have before. Recently, many Russians uploaded their dashcam videos of the meteorite that exploded over central Russia and injured more than a 1,000 people.

This little compilation of dashcam videos shows the variety of life in Russia from jet flybys and car flips to spilled milk cows and a round of fisticuffs. It is set to wonderfully enthusiastic music from Tchaikovsky’s “The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a”. Enjoy.

See more dashcam compilations on YouTube.

[via The Guardian]