Awesomeness Movies Video Clips

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Trailer

In case you may have missed it, here’s the trailer for the highly-anticipated “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,” due for release on June 26, 2009. It will feature some humans who become caught in a war between fighting robots. The plot is secondary as the lure of Megan Fox is will firmly put bums on seats and stiffies in pants.

Keep up-to-date with the all Transformer-related news at fan-site TFW2005.

Awesomeness Flash Games

Stumbling in The Dark: Closure

Fridays are good for many things, and one of them is goofing off when you should be working. And to prevent you from being a productive member of the workforce today, I give you Closure.

It’s an inventive platform puzzle game with an ominous soundtrack and quite unusual gameplay mechanics. Telling you anymore will ruin your experience (that and I’m frakkin’ lazy to type).

Go with the light and play Closure at Newgrounds [NOTE: You will need to download and install Flash Player 10 to play this game]thanks Tiny Tim!

Arty Awesomeness Inspirational Designs

Storage for the ladies…

…and no it hasn’t got anything to do with bras or other breast storing facilities! OK lady readers I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough of boobies etc for the week. I mean I’m not against titties – I have them, half (or slightly more) of the world’s population have them, but I like to see the odd useful thing on the web. Anyway I was browsing another great blog – Neatorama – and I came across this cool and handy lamp that doubles as a place to hang your earrings.


Awesomeness Gadgets

War Games: The RC Flying Cockroach

God I love the Japanese. They always create the coolest shit that I’ve always wanted. Ever since I was young, I yearned to harness the power of a thousand flying cockroaches and use them to unleash all hell upon the school bully who took my packet of chips and didn’t even say “Thank you”. Bastard. In any case, the RC Flying Cockroach from Japan gives you control of your very own winged harbinger of death. It operates for up to 30 minutes per charge and comes with a handy roach docking station. It’s priced at USD 59.99 from Gizmine.

– via DVICE.

Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Risqué Weirdness

Heavy Melons: World’s Biggest Breast Implants Set at 38KKK

Holy Freakin’ Bazookas Batman! Here at the Onelargeprawn blog we flit one crazyhead to another. And here’s the next exhibit at the circus. Brazil-born Sheyla Hershey is the proud owner of the world’s largest breasts, measuring in at an outrageous 38KKK!

5’3″ Hershey who lives in Houston, Texas, was a back-aching 34 FFF after eight surgeries, but she had dreams of even bigger mammaries. Texas law restrained her from getting the surgery done in the US – the state limits the amount of silicone that a person put in their body before it will, oh I don’t know, KILL THEM. To solve that issue, Hershey flew back to her native Brazil where sill health laws don’t apply as much, and got the necessary enhancements to push her to 38KKK.

Hit the jump for more pics. [Warning: very bad use of Photoshop filters]

Awesomeness Flash Games Inspirational Designs Lists Massive Cuteness Weirdness

Eyemaze: Having Fun With The Grow Series

From Japan with love. Eyemaze the masters of casual amazement are famous for their quirky Grow series of games. It starts off with a simple idea. You need to pick seemingly arbitrary objects one-by-one and watch them grow towards a goal. The order in which you click the objects determines the outcome of the game as there is only one correct order that will create the most quirkiest, delightful (and complete) contraption. If you don’t get the order right, you’ll still get a fun, but different animation.

Click the links below to play the games at Eyemaze.

Grow Tower

Grow Cube

Grow Island

Grow Ornament

Grow RPG

Grow ver.3 (Remake)

Grow ver.2

Grow ver.1

The solutions to the games can be found after the jump.

Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Mindlessness

Sticky Situation: In The Butt

Sarah Claspell and Evan Pohl have a goal. They print stickers, and stick them onto things, aiming to prove the age-old adage “everything’s funnier in the butt.”

Hit the jump for mo’ butts.

Arty Awesomeness Photoworthy

Rough Weather: Storm Chase Photography By Ryan McGinnis

Storm chaser Ryan McGinnis risks a little more than his camera to capture the sheer power and beauty of a storm. Due to copyright issues we cannot show you any of his work, so the above photo is just for show. See his work at The Big Storm Picture – via

Arty Awesomeness Cautionary Tales

Little People in Big London

If you’re walking the streets of London, keep an eye out for little people – not freakish dwarves or midgets –  but really little people. UK street artist and photographer Slinkachu creates one-inch tall plastic figures (the little people) which he then places in a London city scene, photographs them, and leaves them to fend for themselves.

My ‘Little People Project’ started in 2006. It involves the remodelling and painting of miniature model train set characters, which I then place and leave on the street. It is both a street art installation project and a photography project. The street-based side of my work plays with the notion of surprise and I aim to encourage city-dwellers to be more aware of their surroundings. The scenes I set up, more evident through the photography, and the titles I give these scenes aim to reflect the loneliness and melancholy of living in a big city, almost being lost and overwhelmed. But underneath this, there is always some humour. I want people to be able to emphasise with the tiny people in my works.

More images after the jump.

Awesomeness Inspirational Designs

Rise and Sizzle: The Wake n’ Bacon Alarm Clock

I love the smell of napalm bacon in the morning. New York designer Matty Sallin has created an alarm clock that wakes you up with the sweet smell and sizzle of cooking bacon. Not intended for Jews.

Here’s how it works:

A frozen strip of bacon is placed in Wake n’ Bacon the night before. Because there is a 10 minute cooking time, the clock is set to go off 10 minutes before the desired waking time. Once the alarm goes off, the clock it sends a signal to a small speaker to generate the alarm sound. We hacked the clock so that the signal is re-routed by a microchip that in responds by sending a signal to a relay that throws the switch to power two halogen lamps that slow-cook the bacon in about 10 minutes.

Hit the jump for more images.