Awesomeness Photoworthy

World Press Photo of the Year 2009


The winners of the World Press Photo of the Year 2009 have been announced, and believe me, there are some amazing photos this year. It will be worth your while to check them out at the World Press Photo site – I couldn’t post them here because they’re copyrighted.

The exhibition of winners will tour the world for the rest of the year, so look out for it in your city.

Awesomeness Inspirational Designs

Cups that Make You go :)

Cute Smilecups by Studio Psyho.

Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics Video Clips

The Power of the Colonic Fist

An ancient power of The Urf, the colonic fist channels power from deep in the bowels to give explosive results.

Awesomeness Flash Games

Flash Game Friday: Totem Destroyer II

My will to work on Friday is like Paris Hilton’s thong – it doesn’t exist.

And Totem Destroyer II understands my sheer lack of work ethic today. In each level you need to bomb all of the destructible blocks (or totems) by clicking on them, your ultimate going is to ensure the golden idols do not touch the ground. Different types of block behave in different ways when exploded so blast your way carefully.

Play Totem Destroyer II at Armor Games.

Arty Awesomeness

I heart post-its

post-it gallery

I can doodle with the best of them, and most of the time it’s on office supplied post-it notes. Post-its are an awesome invention, and The Post-it project is an awesome blog with loads of post-it art – most of it much better than I could ever do. The work of Sergio Zuniga is particularly impressive.


Via Neatorama.

Awesomeness Science & Technology Video Clips

Hail to the Chief: 1963 Corvette is Fastest Car Ever!

Forget any of the those losers we mentioned in the top 10 most expensive rides in the world. Rod Saboury’s 1963 Corvette completely blows them off the track. His 2,400-horsepower, twin-turbo-charged Corvette goes from zero to 60 mph in just one second!

Saboury’s Corvette was clocked doing 210.54 mph at a track in Ohio, where he reached the quarter-mile mark in a staggering 6.95 seconds. His car is officially recognized by Guinness World Records as the fastest street-legal car on the planet. The Shelby Super Cars Ultimate Aero, which used to hold the as the fastest production car, can travel a quarter-mile in just under 10 seconds. That shows the impressiveness of Saboury’s four-speed-transmission car which runs on normal pump gas and street tyres. It even has cup holders and electric windows.

58-year old Saboury is a full-time roofing contractor who has been designing and racing cars as a hobby for the past 40 years. Here’s a clip of him talking about his creation:

Read the full article at The Baltimore Sun.

Awesomeness Movies Video Clips

Sleek Corvette Stingray to Debut in New Transformers Movie

With the new Transformers movie due out soon (click HERE to see the trailer if you missed it), we see a newcomer to the franchise in the form of a stylish Corvette Stingray concept vehicle. It’ll be playing the part of transforming Autobot Sideswipe. It’s not the Megan Fox of motor vehicles, but is tasty nonetheless ;)

More images after the jump, and a sneak-peak of the Autobot running footage.

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness

Bush Babe & his Big Cats

Tarzan 1

I don’t know about y’all but this wild thing sure makes my heart sing! Super hot 28-year-old Frenchman Olivier Houalet has hand-reared five orphan cheetah cubs in the Namibian wilderness, and he’s about to release them into an independent life in the bush. I wouldn’t have minded being hand-reared by this hottie at all! Thanks to the Daily Mail for this bit of  yummy.

Hit the jump to see more of this young Tarzan and his beautiful beasts.

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Video Clips

Onitsuka Tiger: The Zodiac Race

The Zodiac Race is a cute animated short to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Onitsuka Tiger. Part of the year long “Cycle of Life” campaign, the Zodiac Race explains how the animals came to be in order for the zodiac calendar.

You can download the high video (121 MB) from Panda Panther – via freshness.

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness Photoworthy

It’s a Wild Life: Photography by Süha Derbent

I’m a city boy. Taking me into the bush is as useful as a pork chop at a Bar Mitzvah. Every time I think I see a buck, it turns out to be a dead tree branch. Süha Derbent, however, can easily distinguish animals from trees, and has visited many countries, taking amazing wildlife photos as he goes.

More of this work after the jump.