Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics

Out of Control: Pong Violence

Two players take their game of Pong a little too seriously…

Awesomeness Movies

Exposed: 15 Iconic Movie Masks

From freakish aliens hunters to serial killers to shadowy freedom fighters, masks are used to hide identities, create panic, or inspire hope. Join Unreality Magazine as they count down the 15 iconic movie masks that have been permanently etched in our minds.

Awesomeness Useful/Useless Info

Horoscopes I like

star chart

Aries Mar 21 – Apr 19
Your foot will fall asleep this Thursday, but not before draining a full bottle of whiskey, throwing up in an abandoned parking lot, and repeatedly calling its ex-wife on the phone.

Taurus Apr 20 – May 20
The ghost of Richard Dean Anderson will soon pay you a visit and spend the entire time insisting he’s not dead yet.

Gemini May 21 – Jun 21
This week be sure to pray to St. Harold, the Patron Saint of Falling Down The Basement Stairs, Shattering Both Your Hips, And Laying Paralyzed Until Someone Gets Home.

Cancer Jun 22 – Jul 22
Cancer had its latest prediction all set to go, but then it found out about this cool new thing called Twitter, and well…you understand.

Read the rest of these hilarious horoscopes after the jump.

Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics

Techno Music


Yup this is exactly the way I feel about crapno techno music.

More brilliance at Toothpaste For Dinner.

Arty Awesomeness Inspirational Designs

Anything to declare? Satirical luggage.


Very clever French designer Pink Wolf has made a series of suitcases that look like they’re carrying illegal items such as guns, knives and even an axe. Carrying one of these will definitely make your plane trip one to remember, unless of course you happen to be lucky enough to deal with that most elusive of creatures – airport security with a brain cell and a sense of humour.

I found this on Neatorama.

Arty Awesomeness Inspirational Designs

The Definitive Guide To Steampunk Gadgets

Steampunk came to prominence in the 1980s and early 1990s and marries modern microchip and LCD technology with mahogany, brass, and steam power from the 19th Victorian era to produce some truly amazing gadgets.

Brass and Marble LCD

A mod by Datamancer this 22″ widescreen LCD has a frame that is solid 1/4-inch brass with the base of brass and black marble. A small brass “cord catch” keep the power and data cords tidy.

Soviet Gas Mask

Created by bob_basset, this Soviet gas mask is made from leather and brass.

The Villanizer

Built by Thunder Eagle Guitars, The Villanizer uses copper piping, an oil gauge, and many gears to capture the Steampunk look.

More Steampunk goodness can be seen at Gizmotron.

Awesomeness Video Clips Weirdness

The Most Ridiculous Fight Scene Ever: Riki vs Oscar

It’s all fun and games til someone loses an eye…and uses their own intestines to strangle you.

Watch what has to be the most ridiculous Kung Fu fight scene ever.

Awesomeness Video Clips

Italian Spiderman

This sweatshirt-wearing, moustache-flaunting, macchiato-sipping superhero punches friend and foe alike.

Click Play or go to YouTube.

– via Breakpoint City.

Awesomeness Gadgets Inspirational Designs

Timeless Garden: Tells Time, Powered by Mud

It’s estimated that of the 50-million batteries used every year in South Africa, 95% is the non-rechargeable throw-away kind. That make up 2500 tonnes ending up in our landfills, corroding and exposing harmful chemicals into the environment. So it’s always refreshing to find electronic gadgets are designed with green in mind, even if the idea is more symbolic that anything else.

Designed by Francesco Castiglione and Tommaso Ceschi, Timeless Garden is a combination of a house plant and a clock. You plant your favourite herb or grass in the device, and the chemical reaction between the mud used for the plantation and the metal in the device creates enough electricity to sustain the clock. The body of the clock is made from recycled plastic. Too small to be significant, the grass will also extract a tiny amount of carbon from the air and release an equally small amount of oxygen.

– via Yanko Design.

Arty Awesomeness

Cross Stitch Just (Un)Like Granma’s

I haven’t even thought about cross stitch since I was forced to do it in home economics class in grade 5. It was torture – stitching horrible little patterns and flowers on to something that was supposed to make a bag for me to keep (you guessed it) cross stitch needles and stuff in – Super yay!

However I came across something on Neatorama that has changed my mind. There’s this cool chick called Shanna from Minneapolis, USA, and she does the kind of cross stitch I can appreciate.

no war

the hoff

Hit the jump to see more coolness.