
TheBeardly: A Beard Grows A Man

I love my beard. The joy of not having to scrape my face, neck, and ears every morning to conform to today’s standards of a groomed man makes me tremble with giddiness.

And I am not alone in my love for what the TheBeardly consider as man’s greatest achievement.

More observations at TheBeardly.

BONUS: 10 very good reasons why you should grow a giant beard.


Student Paints Giant Penis on Parent’s Roof

Student Rory McInnes secretly made a secret addition to his parent’s 1-million pound house. Inspired after watching a documentary on Google Earth, Rory grabbed a tin of white paint, hopped onto the roof of the family home and spent half an hour drawing a 60-foot willy!

The massive phallus went unnoticed for a year until a helicopter pilot spotted it, and hovered so his passenger could take photos. His parents were only made aware when a UK newspaper contacted them for a comment.

Company director Andy, 54, thought it was a wind-up when The Sun contacted him about the painting.

Andy then spoke to all four of his kids demanding answers.

When he phoned Rory — in Brazil as part of his gap year travels — the lad burst out laughing, saying: “Oh, you’ve found it then!”

Rory’s mum Clare, 49, said: “We don’t want any more children, so the idea of sleeping under a giant fertility symbol is rather worrying.”

Read the full story at The Sun.

Awesomeness Inspirational Designs

Crazy Artwork by Florian Kuhlmann

Florian Kuhlmann makes very detailed, intricate collages from hundreds and thousands pictures that he finds on the Internet. And being the nice guy that he is, he puts the original high-res artwork onto the Web under a Creative Commons 2.0 license so everyone is free to download the images.

Here’s a small gallery of the medium-sized images.

More images can be found at – via Doobybrain.

Awesomeness Inspirational Designs

Social Collider: Revealing Twitter Connections

I love bacon. Some people love Javascript; It’s the cat’s meow (I prefer dog’s bollocks personally) and Chrome Experiments is a series of visualizations that let you see the kinds of things that JavaScript is making possible.

One interesting concoction I like is the Social Collider, a visualization tool that reveals cross-connections between conversations on Twitter. You can search for usernames or topics, which are tracked through time and visualized. The tweets that resonated with others horizontally link to users or topics that relate to them. Posts that did not resonate with anyone just connect to the next item in the stream. It gives a pretty good graphical representation of the impact of a Twitter user, a phrase, or a trend.

I probably haven’t explained it well so head to Social Collider and check it out.


T-shirt love

Yes yes people I got my JuJu t-shirt in the post today, and it is AWESOME! I intend to wear it as often as is hygenically possible – especially on election day.

You can order yours at the equally awesome Hayibo.

Arty Awesomeness Video Clips

Foxy animator


It has been said that disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business. And in these tough times of economic downturn, retrentchments, and hell fire (just up the road from my house), I have been seeking high and low for beautiful distractions to keep my belief in magic alive. Dearest Mup pointed me in the direction of something fantastic on YouTube – the work of brilliant animator Nick Fox-Gieg. Watch both these pieces, the animation made me smile, and the story and narrators voice are like soothing ointment for the grazes on your brain.

Awesomeness Video Clips

Watchmen: The Game

Dr Manhattan faces off against the Jolly Green Giant. It’s a dong fight of epic proportions!

Found at Buzzfeed.

Awesomeness Flash Games

Perfect Balance: New Trials

Woohoo!  I completely loved the first Perfect Balance game. Lucy Furr wasn’t impressed but that’s because she busy smoking fags and chasing your boys when she should have been attending physics class. Ah, but I digress.

In the latest version of the physics puzzle game by ttursas, aptly titled New Trials, you rotate and stack shapes once again in the pursuit of perfect balance. There are 30 new frustrating levels!

Play Perfect Balance: New Trials at Kongregate.

Arty Awesomeness


“There are two kinds of secret: those we keep from others, and the ones we hide from ourselves” – Frank Warren.

PostSecret is an interesting (and ongoing) social experiment started by Frank Warren in 2005 where he invited people to send him their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard. There were no restrictions on the content of the secret, only that it must be completely truthful and must never have been spoken before. Since its inception, PostSecret has collected over 200 000 soulful, funny, shocking, and sexual secrets from people in the US and around the world. Select secrets are posted on the PostSecret website and used in PostSecret books. See some images in the gallery below.

Ad see a short video below.

Find more images at PostSecret, visit the PostSecret Community, and follow PostSecret on Twitter.


The Rainbow Vomiting Pandas Of Interestingness

Awesomeness does not get better than this. Click to see bigger.

See more of The Searcher’s photostream at Flickr.