Some games are more about the experience than about gameplay or graphics or clever music, and Everything happens to be one of these sorts of games. And with no real story to speak of, it also happens to be the kind of thing that’s notoriously difficult to review, but we’re going to try, nonetheless.
The Deep Space Climate Observatory (or DSCOVR) satellite sits 1.5 million kilometres away at what is called Lagrange point 1, a place in space between the gravity of the Earth and the Sun such that the satellite can maintain its stability. Why? For one thing, it enables NASA’s EPIC camera aboard the satellite to capture enough steady shots of the Earth to create this wonderful time lapse video. Watch and listen as EPIC lead scientist Jay Herman takes you though a year in the life of our planet as seen from DISCOVR.
Adult colouring books are currently a massive thing, and for a number of good reasons. I own a good few myself, ranging from the usual serial publication ones to a really delightful one full of Japanese patterns. And then there’s this one that’s currently in Indiegogo fundraising: Sham’s Flights of Fancy, by local artist Shameema Dharsey. The idea behind this work is a colouring book that both children and adults could enjoy. The images she’s posted so far show some really fun works of imagination that look like they’d be a great amount of fun to add colour to. I’ve posted a few images from this book after the break, but if you want one of your very own, please visit her campaign page and support an amazing artist.
Seiko has been manufacturing watches for over 90 years. This little video entitled Art of Time highlights the skilled craftsmanship and precision that goes into creating their time pieces.
It’s a Rube Golberg contraption reduced to a size that could fit on a work bench, a stark contrast to some machines that could fill a large studio. Seiko’s machine includes 1200 parts, with some as small as 0.7mm, and the setup reportedly has been a year in the making. Arguably the machine requires human intervention to get to its conclusion, but I suspect that’s a nod to the Grand Seiko watches and movements that are still built by hand. Check out Art of Time below.
Hell’s Club: Another Night is a quite possibly the greatest movie mashup of all time. Editing whizz Antonio Maria Da Silva creates a fictional nightclub where characters from disparate movies meet and interact. Outside of time. Outside of all logic.
Blade is the bouncer at the entrance. Daft Punk, the resident DJs, are banging out the killer tunes. Multiple James Bonds are at the bar. RoboCop is enforcing the no smoking rules. John Travolta is feeling the Saturday night fever, and so is the terrible dancer Jean-Claude Van Damme. Naturally, cocktails are being served by Tom Cruise.
Everyone’s having a great time until a bunch of Xenomorphs crash the party (via the ventilation shafts, obvs). It’s…madness, glorious mashup madness.
Swedish musician Martin Molin built the Wintergartan Marble Machine, a wonderful Rube Goldberg contraption to play out a rather uplifting ditty. It’s an intricate music box made up of specially crafted pulleys, funnels, and tracks that guide some 2000 metal marbles through the machine to play the different musical instruments. Molin started building the machine in 2014.
Don’t know about you but my Monday kinda feels like this:
If you’re in need of motivation to kickstart the week or just the strength to survive it, you might like this video. The Most Satisfying Video in the World treats you to a 5-minute compilation of ingenious engineering, ball-run contraptions, and perpetual motion machines. The visual feast awaits.
University lecturer John Edmark creates spinning sculptures that come to life when they’re lit by a strobe light or captured by a video camera using an extremely fast shutter. Edmark calls his 3D-printed sculptures Blooms and says they’re designed using the same method nature uses in pine cones, sunflowers, and artichokes. You may know this method as the Fibonacci sequence — it is nature’s numbering system.
Check out the hypnotizing animations created by Edmark’s spinning Blooms.
Did you know that giraffes can clean their ears with their tongues? Or that in the 1800s, opium was marketed as a way to pacify fussy babies? If you like that, then you may enjoy the other fun factoids cutely drawn by children’s book illustrator Mike Lowery.
A century ago yesterday, Albert Einstein published his greatest work, the theory of relativity. His mind-bending idea forever changed how we think about the cosmos. It has stood up to intense scrutiny all this time.
If you’ve wanted to know what the theory of relativity is about but were thrown off by the oft complex science-y jargon, you might like this succinct 3-minute explanation. The cutesy animation features the talents of David Tennant, a sock, and two rather seedy characters, messieurs Dark Energy and Dark Matter to explain the relationship between space and time and mass.