Animal Kingdom Arty Featured Photoworthy

Dogs in Cars

When British photographer Martin Usborne was a child, he was left alone in a car. Although it wasn’t for very long, the experience clearly stayed in his memory. In his photo series, Dogs in Cars, Usborne explores those childhood feelings of fear and loneliness.

Usborne didn’t happen to find and photograph dogs stuck in cars. These aren’t incidental images, the scene was set up and the dogs were placed in the cars. Like children, it’s easy to see the look of vulnerability on the faces of the dogs. See a few of the photos from Usborne’s Dogs in Cars after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Video Clips

The Closeup Lives of Insects

While Sir David Attenborough and the Beeb have a wealth of sophisticated equipment to film phenomena like the icy finger of death, other people can film flora and fauna with far less expensive kit.

In his compilation video, Norwegian cameraman Tor Even Mathisen use his Canon 7D and MP-E 65mm macro lens to shoot up-close views of insects. Watch bees, flies, moths, and spiders as they fornicate, masticate, pollinate, and go about their everyday lives.

[via Gizmodo]

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Music Video Clips

It’s a (Capetonian) Dog’s Life

Dave Meinert, a director and filmmaker in Cape Town, was asked by a friend look after their dog, Lemon, for the weekend. Meinert did what any filmmaker worth his camera would do — he custom-fitted a GoPro camera onto Lemon and took the dog to the beach, for a round of putt putt (mini golf), and to visit other sights around Cape Town.

He gathered all the footage and edited it to form the music video to local artist Johnny Neon’s song, Hearts. Lemon has quite the charmed life, see the exuberant music video below.

[via Lost at E Minor]

Animal Kingdom Entertainment Video Clips

Boobies, Kittens, and the Cancan

Are you feeling down and in dire need of cheer? If your idea of a pick-me-up is watching a YouTube video that mashes together pictures of breasts in various states of undress with images of cute kittens and set to the tune of the French cancan, then you’ve come to the right place. Here is the aptly titled BOOBIES & KITTENS [NSFW].

[via @samanthaperry]

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Photoworthy

Adorable Underwater Dogs

Whether they’re angry, irritated or happy some dogs have the kookiest of faces. In his latest series, photographer Seth Casteel captures canine expressions brilliantly, and from a different perspective.

Casteel takes to the pool and using his underwater camera, photographs the looks on the faces of the dogs as they dive into the water after their balls. See his fierce, funny, and utterly adorable photos after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Arty Featured Weirdness

Bizarre Animal Morphs

deviantART user HumanDescent from the U.K. has a vivid imagination. The digital artist thinks up what different species of animal would look like if they were interbred, and with the power of Photoshop, makes that union happen. Nosferatu is mashed up with a frog to create Nosferafrog. A Rabbick is a rabbit combined with a baby chicken, and one of his cutest creations is a Pog.

Have a look at some of his hilariously bizarre animal morphs after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Featured Photoworthy

The Most Beautiful Sea Jellies

It’s not the first time that we’ve posted about the Alexander Semenov. The marine biologist works at the White Sea Biological Station (WSBS) in northwest Russia and photographs the most wonderful undersea animals as part of his job. After four years at WSBS, Semenov is now the chief dive master and a camera is always on hand when he journeys into the depths of the White Sea.

When I first began to experiment with sea life photography I tried shooting small invertebrates for fun with my own old camera and without any professional lights or lenses. I collected the invertebrates underwater and then I shot them in the lab. After two or three months of failure after failure, I ended up with a few good pictures, which inspired me to buy a semi-professional camera complete with underwater housing and strobes. I’ve spent the following field season trying to shoot the same creatures, but this time in their environment. It was much more difficult, and I spent another two months without any significant results. But when you’re working at something every day, you inevitably get a lot of experience. Now after four years of practice I get a few good shots almost every time I dive.

There are over 1500 known species of jellyfish in the world and Semenov has photographed quite a few, especially the Cyanea genus of stinging jellyfish. After the jump you will find some of the striking deep sea jellies that Semenov has encountered, more specifically photos of Cyanea capillata, the lion’s mane jellyfish.

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness Video Clips

The Bark Side

When I got married many years ago, I had a grand idea for my bride’s entrance. I imagined a pack of dogs — some small, others big — all dressed up in bowties, and in unison barking out the tune to the “Here comes the bride” march. My wife thought it sweet, albeit a bit silly. It never happened, but that didn’t mean that it was a bad idea.

Roll on 2012, and Volkswagen have created a super cute commercial with 12 dogs barking out the famed Star Wars Imperial March theme. An AT-AT walker appears in the video too, in an costume that looks similar to the one worn by our favourite AT-AT dog, Bones Mello. Check out The Bark Side below.

[via @jessjorgensen]

Animal Kingdom Cautionary Tales Video Clips

Attack of the Sneaky Sea Snail

Sloth are adorably cute but snails are on the opposite end of the scale. Cone snails are fiendish creatures, carnivorous, venomous, and predatory. This little clip from the BBC shows how exactly the gastropod feeds upon an unsuspecting fish that happens to be three times its size. It’s too horrible for words.

[via @Wakeangl]

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness Video Clips

Bath Time for Baby Sloths


They are adorable aren’t they? In this little clip from Animal Planet, a bed of baby sloths get treated to a bath of tea and leaves. It is just too cute for words.

[via @LaurenBeukes]