Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Video Clips

Rollin’ Safari

Life on the African plains can be treacherous, but the students at Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg in Germany take a light-hearted look at it in their trailers for an upcoming animation and visual effects conference.

In each of the animated shorts for Rollin’ Safari, we see animals like flamingos and zebras in their natural habitat when they’re set upon by predators. But things don’t go according to plan due to some hilarious changes to their physical characteristics. I’d rather not spoil it for you so have a look at the four animated shorts after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness Sports Video Clips

Amber the Amazing Downhill Dog

In dogs meets base jumper, Mario Richard goes for a short flight and his dog, Cajun, faithfully watches and follows him down the mountain to meet him at the landing point. It’s an endearing, albeit chaotic doggie cam video. See it on Vimeo if you missed it.

In the same vein, whenever mountain biker James R takes to the track, his trusty dog Amber is hot on his heels. Amber is a Vizsla, a Hungarian gun dog that is known for its natural hunting abilities. James attached a GoPro to his bike and filmed Amber as she zipped through the forest, taking the most efficient route to keep up her “prey”. Take a look at their chase video below.

[via Reddit]

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness

And Here we see David Attenborough in his Natural Habit

Observe the specimen, Sir David Attenborough. In 2012, the natural history filmmaker celebrated an astonishing 60-year career documenting the natural world that we live in.

In this rare look, Rosemary Mosco of Bird & Moon nature comics turns the attention firmly on Attenborough, wondering what it be like if he were the subject of a nature documentary. Check out the full strip after the jump, and read it aloud in your best David Attenborough voice.

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Featured

U is for Uakari

We’ve seen some lovely themed alphabets in the past, including an A to Z of Japan, video games, Star Wars, and oddness.

With her alphabet, illustrator Casey Girard takes inspiration from nature and draws a series of wild animals that not only represent the letters of the alphabet but also are in the shape of them. Her drawings are playful, have a maternal look about them. Check out Girard’s endearing Animals in Alphabet series after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Movies TV

Strange Spaceship Skeletons

If you liked Jason Freeny’s anatomical sculptures, chances are you’ll appreciate Josh Lane’s inner look at some pop culture vehicles.

The designer from Kansas City imagines what lies beneath the exteriors of fictional spaceships like the TARDIS with its bony chest and two hearts. Lane sketches similarly strange skeletal structures for Serenity, the NCC-1701, a Colonial Viper, and the Millennium Falcon. Have a look at them all after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Cautionary Tales Entertainment Featured Music Video Clips

Kitty Goes Crazy to the Sounds of “Smack My Bitch Up”

You’ll remember The Prodigy’s single Smack My Bitch Up caused some controversy. First was the change in the CD cover, which initially showed a VW Beetle wrapped around a tree. However, the death of Diana, Princess of Wales in a car accident earlier that year hastened a change to the artwork that we recognize today. And there was the music video that was widely criticised for its violent tendencies and banned on some television networks.

The band played it down, saying that the song was all about “doing anything intensely”. Which brings us to this rather appropriate parody. While cats may look innocent in our company, we all know that they can be downright evil the moment our backs are turned. In this mashup by YouTube user TheCube95, a cat is outfitted with a GoPro camera and is left to roam its surroundings. It’s not long before a pedestrian is robbed, a cyclist is attacked, and a bouncer is punched in the balls. And that’s just the start of the evening! Watch as kitty goes cray cray to the sounds of “Smack My Bitch Up”.

[via Blitzmatt]

Animal Kingdom Video Clips

Under the Skin

The Dermestidae family of beetles have a fondness for eating dead things. Proving yet again that there is no such thing as a free lunch, these little scavengers have to work for their food at the Natural History Museum in London, UK.

When the museum needs to prepare a skeleton for showing in a collection, they don’t use chemicals that can damage the bones. Instead they turn to their tiniest of employees, the Dermestes haemorrhoidalis. Watch as these flesh-eating beetles strip the tissues off a great green macaw, a tawny owl, and a pheasant in this time-lapse video. There is no musical accompaniment so might I suggest you play an appropriate Frank Sinatra song in another browser tab.

[via Obvious Winner]

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Video Clips

Cheetahs Finish First

We’ve seen Phantom cameras being put to good use before. Tom Guilmette was stuck in a hotel room with one, while Ty Migota had fun with cocktails, and Zach King broke up a tea party. And Gallagher, well, he’s just Gallagher.

This time, National Geographic in collaboration with the Cincinnati Zoo used the pricey Phantom gear to shoot one of nature’s fastest creatures. In full stride, the cheetah can reach speeds up to 120 km/h, and the team used the high-speed camera to capture the animal’s gait at 1,200 frames per second. Expectedly, the results are stunning. Have a look at Cheetahs on the Edge below.

[via io9]

Animal Kingdom Entertainment Video Clips

True Facts About Hedgehogs

Taken from his online webseries, A Show With Zefrank, web artist Ze Frank creates a charming video highlighting the little known facts about hedgehogs. For example did you know that the main difference between a hedgehog and a porcupine is that the porcupine has no courage? And that only one hedgehog in history has ever farted? That is how the universe began. See more True Facts about Hedgehogs below.

[via Laughing Squid]

Animal Kingdom Entertainment Humor Music Video Clips

Digging in the Deep

The world seems to love Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep”. It has been covered hundreds and thousands of times on YouTube, and Luc Bergeron even created a music video for the song containing clips of other YouTube users singing it. It’s still surprisingly good.

The animal world is getting in on the act too. In this spoof by The Pet Collective, Pete “Pawdele” feels similarly scorned as his owner steps out the house with her male friend. Check out Digging in the Deep below.

[via The Huffington Post]