Animal Kingdom Massive Cuteness

“Luna Inhaling Raspberries” Is The Cutest Thing You’ll See Today

Last week, Tumblr user and it’s love posted a clip of her bunny Luna “inhaling raspberries”. I think Luna just broke our cuteness meter.

[via Laughing Squid]

Animal Kingdom Arty Photoworthy

The Prettiest Cattle You Ever Did See

To simple people like me, cattle are just another delicious source of food. To others, cattle are considered sacred and held as symbols of strength and wealth. Shaka, king of the Zulus, would often breed his Nguni cattle to create different patterned skins for the various regiments in his army.

South African photographer Daniel Naudé has been interested in the role cattle play in societies and over the past few years has photographed the most majectic cows and bulls that you ever did see. Naudé focussed his attention on the Ankole, Zebu, and Brahman breeds native to the countries of respective countries of Uganda, India, and Madagascar. Have a look at some of his photos after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness

The Dinosaur Pet Guide

Choosing a pet can be difficult. Size, temperament, and maintenance are are important factors to consider. Certain breeds are susceptible to certain diseases, and some disorders may be hereditary.

This handy guide created by artist John Conway shows you the benefits and drawbacks should you be looking for a dinosaur to match your lifestyle. Velociraptors, for example, have extremely beautiful plumage but the risk of disembowelment is quite high. The Lambeosaurus has a peaceful disposition and is a good fit for a family, but housing it will be a problem due to its size. Find out more in the Dinosaur Pet Guide after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Video Clips Weirdness

True Facts About the Aye-Aye

How well do you know your aye-aye peepee from an aye-aye teetee? In this episode of True Facts, Ze Frank introduces us to a nocturnal primate with a rather creepy middle finger.

[via Ze Frank]

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness

Say Hello to Darcy, the Cutest Hedgehog in the World

While Ze Frank’s rather informative video made you rethink what you knew about hedgehogs, he neglected to mention that they are in fact the cutest things in the world. Case in point: Darcy the Flying Hedgehog.

Instagrammer/hedgehographer Shota Tsukamoto from Tokyo, Japan named his three-year-old hedgehog after D’arcy Wretzky, the former bass player of The Smashing Pumpkins. Despite the prickly origins of her name, Darcy’s most adorable nature is seen in the multitude of quirky scenes that Tsukamoto’s photographs her in. Have a look at some of our favourite photos of Darcy after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness Weirdness

Hybrid Hijinks

Animal hybrids go way back in time. For example, the history of Ligers (a cross between a lion and a tiger) and zeedonks (a zebra-and-donkey combination) dates back to early 19th century. Dirds, however, are a entirely new invention courtesy of the Internet’s most mad scientists.

In a spot of hybrid hijinks, bird bodies and dog heads are being put together in a rather amusing way. Have a look at a small collection of Dirds after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness Video Clips

How to Hug a Lion

You’ve seen what it’s like to fly on an eagle’s back. This is what it’s like to get a hug from a lion. Animal behaviourist and “lion whisperer” Kevin Richardson straps on a GoPro camera and has a lovely meet-and-greet with a pride of lions. D’awww.

[via SA Gamer]

Animal Kingdom Video Clips

Flying Eagle’s Point of View

You may have seen our previous post about of a Peregrine Falcon killing a duck in mid-air. If you’ve ever wondered what it must be like to fly on an eagle’s back, this little compilation from YouTube user Srachi lets you vicariously soar through the skies and view life from the bird’s point of view.

[via Laughing Squid]

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness

Beautiful Bees and Wasps

Beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder. The people over at the USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab do research on the native bee populations in the greater United States to get a better picture of how these bees interact with their natural environment. Speaking of pictures, they take multiple macro shots and stitch them together to create a complete and up-close view of the amazing insect. Lab chief Sam Droege makes their large catalogue of scientific photos freely available on Flickr.

Have a look at some of the lab’s stunning macro bee and wasp photos after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Entertainment Video Clips

D’aww. Chinchillas Taking a Dust Bath

Rapper Jay Z (dropped hyphen seeking new employment) is cut from a different cloth. His texture is the best fur — Chinchilla. And speaking of those adorable rodents, did you know that they cannot bathe in water because their fur is so dense that it won’t dry properly? So how then do they establish an effective skincare routine? By chinchillin’ in a bath full of dust.

[via Holy Kaw! | Chinchilla image by radioimp]