Animal Kingdom Arty Weirdness

Tessa Farmer’s Hell Raising Fairies

Tessa Farmer’s miniature sculptures reinvigorate a belief in fairies, but not the fantasia as you know it. These fairies and hell’s angels are more sinister and goth, skipping the bus trip to wonderland in favour of torturing the insects around them.

Farmer’s mutated fairies stand barely 1cm tall and are created from plant, tree roots, and dead insects.

See more fairies after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Massive Cuteness

Hot Dog

Awww, my cold heart melted just a little. And now I’m hungry.

Animal Kingdom Cautionary Tales Weirdness

How to Make a Zombie Cockroach

Mother nature can be a cold-hearted bitch sometimes, and she must have been having really bad PMS when she introduced this creature of unrelenting horror.

The Emerald Cockroach Wasp is a brightly coloured parasitic wasp that utilizes a combination stings and poisons to inject its eggs into a host to incubate. When it comes time for the female wasp to lay her egg, she searches out a cockroach, lands on top of it, and stings it twice. The first sting mildly paralyzes the front legs of the cockroach, and the second sting into the roach’s brain neutralizes its normal escape responses. Now for the cool bit – the wasp chews off parts of the roach’s antennae and uses them like a leash to lead the zombified roach to a burrow! Why walk when you can drive right?

Once they reach the burrow the real horror begins – the wasp lays an egg on the roach’s abdomen and fills in the burrow entrance with pebbles to prevent escape. Once the larva hatches, it chews its way into the abdomen, and eats the roach’s internal organs in an order which guarantees that the roach will stay alive-ish. The larva then forms a cocoon inside the roach’s body, and after about four weeks, a fully-grown Emerald Cockroach Wasps emerge from the roach’s body to begin its adult life.

More horrifying parasites found HERE.

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness Massive Cuteness

Cute of the day

baby lemurThis adorable and incredibly rare Propithecus Coronatus lemur orphan is being cared for by staff at Besancon Zoo in eastern France.

Hit the jump to see more of this cute animal.

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness Massive Cuteness

Habla Espanol?


Congratulations to Amy and Grant on the arrival of two beautiful Spaniel pups. They are ridiculously cute guys! I are jealous.

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics Cautionary Tales Weirdness

Wild times

In case you’ve been in hibernation, or a sex slave in the wilderness for the past couple of months, you’ll know that there’s a recession going on out there. And by out there I mean on your doorstep, in your wallet, and even in your bar fridge. I’m hating it – how about you? Anyway in both keeping up with current economic events (it’s a Bear Market apparently), and simultaneously taking your mind off them, I present a few pieces from Things Bears Love via Bored At Work (which I so am).




Bears also love DRUNKS






Get more laughs here.

Animal Kingdom Weirdness

Kinky Beasties

I don’t know about you, but to me, one of the best things about pets like cats and dogs is their cuddly furriness. For allergy sufferers however this cuddly yumminess results in a rather unattractive and unfortunate mien of red swollen eyes and a nasty streaming nose. However help is at hand…some enterprising (if that’s a strong enough word) people have taken the time and effort to breed dogs especially for this sniffly lot. The American Hairless Terrier is touted as a perfectly hypo-allergenic dog.

The poor (but still cuteish) beasties look quite naked, and appear to be super high maintenance – needing baths several times a week, applications of skin lotion (lanolin free ONLY!), sunscreen whenever they are outside, and clothes to protect them from the cold. Yikes you might as well have a baby! The up-side is of course no allergic reactions but also I guess no fur equals no fleas, and there’ll also be no need to vacuum pounds of dog hair off your living room every couple of days.

In case you’re interested, you can read more about these kinky beasts at several dog oriented sites including naked heart and dog breed info.