Featured Game Reviews

We Review: White Knight Chronicles 2

Level 5 has released the latest game in their White Knight Chronicles JRPG series, and Level 5’s well-paid marketing department have sat many long, coffee-laden hours to bestow upon it the creative name of White Knight Chronicles 2. I have always been a fan of JRPG games, because the driver behind the game is the story, not the character. Because WKC2 is a direct sequel to WKC1 (unlike some JRPG games **cough** Final Fantasy **cough**), Level 5 thought it a good idea to also include WKC1 on the same disc. In the same breath, they addressed many of the issues that fans had with the first game, so you can almost call the version that ships on-disc White Knight Chronicles 1: Remastered. Is it worth playing, however? Let me answer that question for you, after the jump.

Featured Movie Reviews

We Review: Green Lantern

The Green Lantern movie has just popped up on our cinema screens, so I went along to go and see if it was worth any fuss. You might know his mantra of “in brightest day, in blackest night”, but is the movie any GOOD? Hit the jump to read my review (no additives, no fats, no spoilers. Lots of greens).

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: L.A. Noire

The world was a completely different place back in the late 1940s, and many things we take for granted did not exist: today’s gender and race equality ideals had not been born yet, and neither had the Internet. Man had yet to step on the moon, and the world was just freshly scarred from a global war. Rockstar Games’ L.A. Noire pulls us back through time to that era to find out what life was like with the LAPD. Did they do a good job? And is the game any good? Hit the jump to find out.

Awesomeness Movie Reviews Movies

We Review: X-Men: First Class

X-Men: First Class launches today country-wide across cinema screens, and I was invited to the preview screening courtesy of Nu-Metro. I also asked a good friend, the owner of Reader’s Den comic shop, to tag along and give me his professional opinion of the film. This, the fifth film in the X-Men movie canon, is set in the 1970s and tells the story of the genesis of the X-Men. Usually, the more sequels there are in a film series, the worse the quality becomes, until it is a writhing, painful mess that is eventually left to rot in a dank, fetid corner, tossed aside with yesteryear’s garbage. However, X-Men is a highly beloved franchise, and First Class is less a sequel than a prequel. How does it stack up to its elders? Read the spoiler-free (as much as is reasonable, anyhow) review after the jump.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean

Ahoy, lubbers! Th’ latest Pirates of the Caribbean movie, On Stranger Tides wa’ just recently let out o’ th’ shipyards and onto yonder movie screens and, as almost always be happenin’, there be a video game offering as well. The game tha’ we be getting be Lego Pirates of the Caribbean, which sails us through not only th’ most recent swashbuckling film, but also th’ three priors, savvy? The Lego series of games ha’ been ken for their high quality gaming an’ excellent humor, but does Lego Pirates follow this most excellent legacy in a like-minded, sword swinging manner? Onward, scurvy dogs, if ye be wantin’ to know more.


End of Year Review 2011

It’s been a really eventful year, hasn’t it? Let’s look back on 2011 to see what’s happened!


Featured Game Reviews

We Review: LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars

LEGO Star Wars III: Clone Wars is the latest in a series of games that make the unlikely mix between the famous toy and famous movies. The game itself follows the first two seasons of the Star Wars Clone Wars animated series on television (which I have to admit, to my chagrin, I have never watched. I am the world’s worst Star Wars fan). Find out whether the game is a brick-building success or a brick-breaking mess after the jump.

Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Useful/Useless Info

How Much Power is in an AA Battery? And Can it Kill?

One person on Reddit wanted to know if you manage to drain all the energy from a single AA battery in a single go, and translate that energy to a punch, what kind of damage would the punch leave. The answer may surprise you. Check it out after the jump.

Entertainment Featured Game Reviews Music

We Review: Singstar Afrikaanse Treffers

Singstar is one of those great Playstation institutions, and one of those absolute must-have games for whenever you have—or want—a karaoke party. It’s awesome, then, that Sony have decided that South Africa’s Afrikaans-speaking market is big enough to warrant their own Singstar game: Singstar Afrikaanse Treffers. Find out about my experiences in delving into the world of Afrikaans music after the jump.

Hints & Tips Useful/Useless Info

What Are the Hardest Languages to Learn?

I love languages, and I’ve personally found that the more languages you know, the funnier the world becomes. Having said that, I’m only totally proficient in a single language (i.e. English), although I’ve got enough bits and bobs of other languages to tell me when the subtitles in foreign TV shows are bullshitting me. How hard is it to learn a new language though? What are the hardest languages to learn, assuming a first language of English? Funny you should ask, because Voxy blog have an infographic that answers just that question. See the infographic after the break.