Competitions Site Announcements

Competition Time! Win Resident Evil Revelations for 3DS!


I know how everyone loves free stuff, and this time around, courtesy of the wonderful people at Nintendo (thank you PrincessPeachZA!), we have a copy of Resident Evil Revelations for 3DS to give away. “How do I enter?” I hear you clamouring. Good thing you asked, because I was about to tell you! All you have to do is answer the following question in the comments section below:

What is your favourite horror video game?

Yep! It’s that easy! Since it’s coming up Valentine’s Day however, we’re going to be extra nice, and give you a chance at a second entry! You’re going to have to do a liiiiittle bit of extra work for the second entry, however.

All we need from you is for you to tell us the scariest thing that happened to you. Or failing that, you scariest story. Good luck! We’re all counting on you!

The competition ends in a week, on February the 8th. Terms and conditions apply.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7

The Lego series of games have been coming at us at a fairly steady pace, and the latest one completes the latter half of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter story. The game follows the movies far more closely than it does the books, but does it do a decent job of it? The ultimate goal of any review is to answer the question “is it worth spending money on?” Let’s find out.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

The Legend of Zelda is one of the most beloved action RPG franchises out there, and usually for good reason, among them being that it was one of the first console action RPGs in existence. The latest Legend of Zelda game, Skyward Sword, is the second Zelda title for the Wii, and the first of these titles that was made exclusively for the Wii (the prior, excellent title, Twilight Princess, had a simultaneous Gamecube release). Is Skyward Sword the best Zelda game out there? The worst? Let’s find out.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Assassin’s Creed: Revelations

Ezio’s back, and this time he’s brought Altaïr with him in another fun-filled, stabby romp around around Europe. This time, Ezio takes us to beautiful Constantinople (now it’s named Istanbul). Is the outing to Constantinople any better than the picnic in Rome? Do we prefer renaissance Turks to renaissance Italians? Let’s go exploring to find out.

Game Reviews

We Review: Happy Feet Two The Video Game

Movie tie-ins are a dime a dozen, and every popular film gets a dumpster-load of merchandise to go with it. So, if you already have your Happy Feet Two™ lunch box, juice bottle, poster, book tie-in, promo plushies, and McDonald’s™ toy, and you’re still wondering what to spend your tie-in budget on, there’s also Happy Feet Two The Video Game, reviewed after the bit that says “Continue Reading”.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Ace Combat: Assault Horizon

Ace Combat: Assault Horizon is an arcade air combat game, and the latest in the Ace Combat series, a collection of video games that has a history stretching all the way back to the Playstation 1 and into the video arcades of yore. Find out if the game is any good or whether it crashes and burns in a smoky fireball of metal and pain, after the jump.


We have a winner in our Mercury Hg Competition!

We have a winner! Our judges sat and deliberated the answers we got. Sat for DAYS, cloistered in a top secret room at Prawn Central HQ, arguing the various merits of each answer, deciding on a wittiness score, thoroughly perusing each word in each answer over. It nearly came to knives and swords, and in the proceedings, we almost lost one of our judges (Lord Nigiri, which ordinarily wouldn’t have been too great a loss, but he also serves as Custodian of the Shiny Things, which is a very important post). Still, the judges wouldn’t leave the room until they chose a winner. Chosen a single winner they have done; it’s a sad pity we can’t choose everyone!

Congratulations to Oethman, for his comment: “for me it has to be number 18 Argon. Why – The name argon is derived from the Greek word αργον meaning lazy or “the inactive one” , and you have to love that right?”

Your XBLA code for Mercury Hg is on its way to you via Royal Prawn Express Mail as you are reading this! Well done, and we hope you enjoy the game!

Game Reviews

We Review: Ratchet and Clank All 4 One

The Ratchet and Clank series has been going since 2002, and from the first, the little duo has captured the hearts of platform gamers across the galaxy. The series has always primarily been about the insane weapons, and the dynamic duo afterwards. I’d go so far as to say that the series should ideally have been called Weapons of Ratchet and Clank instead. The latest game in the series, All 4 One, is now available, and adds a new twist to the game: 4-player local and online co-op. Does it work? Does it detract from the fun of the series? Let’s find out.

Game Reviews Site Announcements

We Review: Beat Hazard Ultra (PSN)

Top-down shooters…who DOESN’T love them? Much in the same way that ghosts and pellets are the main dietary source for yellow blobs that only know one sound effect, shoot-’em-up games have been a staple of video gamers since before video gamers were called that. This particular genre been somewhat in decline in recent years, and I’ve become thoroughly sick of Geometry Wars and Super Stardust HD. So it was with pure pleasure and frisson that I picked up Beat Hazard Ultra. Find out just how much of a blast it is, after the hyperspace jump.

Competitions Site Announcements

Competition Time! Win a copy of Mercury Hg for Xbox 360!

We haven’t had a nice, fun competition in a long time, have we? We underlings figured that, since Lord Prawn is not keeping too close an eye on things here at Prawn Central (himself being over in Sri Lanka at the moment), we’re going to bestow upon you, Our Awesome Readers, a prize: Mercury Hg for Xbox 360 (courtesy of UTV Ignition Games). That’s right! You can win yourself the very game that was just reviewed here! The caveat, of course, is that we’re going to require you to read the entertaining review! Nothing for nothing, as they say! So get reading. We’ll wait.

Done? Did you see the part about the banana? Good. Bananas always have such high comedic value, no matter where you stick them.

So, to win, all you have to do is this: leave a comment in this post telling us what your favourite element of the periodic table is, and why. Don’t comment your entries in the review’s post—it won’t be counted. The judges will pick the most creative answer, and award that lucky person a download code for Mercury Hg for Xbox 360! You can also help us spread the word of the competition by tweeting the following:

#OneLargePrawn is giving away #MercuryHg for Xbox360. I’m in to win! You can too!

After all, more readers means more competitions!

The standard rules apply: no active contributor to this site or their direct families allowed to enter, one entry per person, etc etc. Read the rules if you’re in any doubt. Now get cracking! You have until Wendesday 9 November, 2011!