Entertainment Music Video Clips

The Rockingest Grannies You’ll see Today

Eurovision tends to bring out some of the …oddest…acts you’ll ever see. And sometimes, some of the most memorable. So here’s a video of a troupe of Russian grannies—the Buranovskiye Babushki (Burano Grannies)—with their Eurovision 2012 entry, Party for Everybody. If your feet aren’t tapping by the end of the song, then I fear you have no soul. You might want to have that looked at by a good (witch) doctor.


[via Huffington Post]

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Wipeout 2048

The Wipeout series of video games (nothing in common with the Wipeout TV series!) has always been one of the games for Sony consoles that show off what insane graphical power the machine is capable of, and the PS Vita is, to use the hackneyed term, “no different” with its release title, Wipeout 2048. The question is: is this version of Wipeout any good and worth playing? Let’s find out.

Gaming News

Report Back: Mass Effect 3 Launch Party

Thanks to some very nice folks up at Mweb Gamezone (thanks, @mwebgmz!), (thanks, @kalaharicom!) and EA South Africa (thanks, @EA_southafrica!), I was fortunate enough to be invited to the launch event for Mass Effect 3 (the review will be coming your way soon!) on the 9th of March. The event was sponsored by Mweb Gamezone,, Gamersgate, EA South Africa, Red Bull, Samsung, and Rectron. If you’re not one of the approximately fifty guests, PR people, press, and general VIPs who were invited, then here’s a rundown of what sheer awesomeness that you missed out on. Yes, I’m telling you all this to make you jealous.

Game Reviews

We Review: Hungry Giraffe

Hungry Giraffe, a new PlayStation Minis game from Laughing Jackal games, sees you taking control of the titular character as you make your way ever upward, gobbling all sorts of things as you go along. We rode the giraffe skyward to see what this game was all about.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Smash n Survive

Vehicular combat games have been around for a long time, and its history can be traced back as far as 1976, with 1995’s Destruction Derby for PSOne being one of the most memorable. A new Indian indie developer team, Version 2 Games, has now brought us a new one: Smash n Survive, exclusive to the PS3. Can it stand up against established vehicle combat games? We test drive this game to find out.

Featured Gadgets Game Reviews

We Review: PlayStation Vita

It’s always big fanfares and a parade complete with seventy-six trombones whenever a new major console hits the market, and the new PS Vita, the successor to the PSP, was no different. The PS Vita, announced way back in July 2009, finally released to western shores on February 22, and we took it through its paces to see what it’s all about.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Grand Slam Tennis 2

EA is well known for the sports games it produces, most notably the FIFA branded soccer games (the latest of which, FIFA 12, is still one of the best-selling soccer games around). I’m not a sports nut, however, so it was with a little bit of trepidation that I put EA’s Grand Slam Tennis 2 into the drive tray of my console and fired it up. Find out in this review what surprises, if any, this game had in store for me.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Final Fantasy XIII-2 is the latest game in the long-running RPG series, and the direct sequel to Final Fantasy XIII. Anyone who played the original FFXIII will know that it suffered its share of troubles due to horrendously linear gameplay, over-reliance on written codices to fuel understanding, and a distinct lack of just about everything that fans felt embodied what a Final Fantasy game was supposed to be. Square Enix, its developers, came up with Final Fantasy XIII-2 in part as a way of listening to its fan base and releasing the game the fans wanted. Did they do right this time? Let’s find out.

Competitions Site Announcements

Resident Evil Revelations Giveaway: We Have a Winner!

Thank you for all the awesome entries in our Resident Evil: Revelations giveaway competition! We saw some very creepy stories indeed (read them here), and it seems that the score is pretty much tied between Resident Evil and Silent Hill being the creepier game (with a couple of chimes in for Dead Space, and one…ahem…interesting call for Hannah Montana: the Movie: The Game. Seriously…why would you voluntarily play that?)

To be completely fair to the people who didn’t enter a scary story, we’ve assigned every valid entry a number, and the assigned every entry with a story with a second number (bonus chance! Yay!) and our winner is…

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Lord of the Rings: War in the North

Lord of the Rings: War in the North is a co-op action RPG in that takes place in J.R.R. Tolkien’s famed fantasy universe, and details the events that occur around The Lord of the Rings, but which doesn’t actually include many of the actual written events from the story. The game follows the style of the films, but also includes many settings and characters from the book. Personally, I love The Lord of the Rings series. I make a point of reading the entire series through at least once every two years or so. But those are the books. The question is: does this game capture the essence of The Lord of the Rings? Or is it best consigned to the Cracks of Doom? Let’s find out.