What do you get when you mix a physics-based puzzle game with suicidal blobs of paint, all mixed with some fancy acrobatics? You get The Splatters, of course. I took this game for a messy flip to see what it was all about.
We Review: The Splatters

What do you get when you mix a physics-based puzzle game with suicidal blobs of paint, all mixed with some fancy acrobatics? You get The Splatters, of course. I took this game for a messy flip to see what it was all about.
Retro-remakes are all the rage right now, and the latest arcade game to receive a makeover is BurgerTime, this time returning with the subtitle World Tour. Is this game as deliciously fun and playable as the old classic? Lettuce find out.
What a competition! I’ve not quite seen such a scramble for a prize since…well…since ever. We had millions and squillions and willions of entrants. Maybe even jillions! We had more entrants than there are people on the planet, which leads us to suspect that even alien races were entering. Alas, there can be only one dream! One soul! One prize! One goal! One golden glance of…no, wait. That’s Queen.
So, who is going to soon discover that no matter what scars they bear, whatever uniform they wear, they could fight like a Krogan, run like a leopard, they’ll never be better than Commander Shepard? Find out after the jump.
The Mario Party series of games, essentially a mini-game filled boardgame in a video game (Gameception!), featuring…I don’t really have to tell who it features, do I? Although it’s the longest-running mini-game series, it’s likely the last game in the series for the Wii, so we rolled the dice a few times to see whether a new version of the game was warranted.
Fitness games are an awesome way to combine something I don’t like (exercise) with the one thing I do (video gaming). I’d originally played the first Zumba Fitness game when it appeared for Kinect, and although I enjoyed it, I found it a tad too difficult for a complete Zumba n00b. I was slightly wary, then, when I heard about the new game in the series, titled Zumba Fitness Rush, but I’m nothing if not a sucker for dance and rhythm games, so I took it for a whirl around the living room floor to check out its moves.
Mass Effect 3 is the conclusion to the brilliant sci-fi RPG series detailing Commander Shepard’s efforts to save the galaxy from total destruction. Or at least partial destruction—you can never trust a bad guy to do this sort of thing right. You’ve probably already heard and read many dissenting opinions about the game, so I imagine you’re asking why you should read mine. Because I’m entertaining, that’s why. Also, I have some good, common-person common-sense opinions. So read on.
Escape Plan, one of the PS Vita’s download-only launch titles, is a puzzle platform game that sees you guiding two…things…to safety across a perilous series of levels. We take this game for a gruesomely messy run. Will you make it out of this review alive? Let’s find out.
NOTE: This competition has ended.
Good news, everyone! Thanks to the wonderful folk at EA South Africa, we have the ENTIRE Mass Effect trilogy on PC to give away to one very, very lucky winner. If you’ve wondered what the brouhaha was all about, now’s your chance to play the entire trilogy from start to finish, and enjoy the adventures of Commander Shepard. You know you want to win, and we want you to win…it’s a win win situation!
“I want it! I want it!” I hear you clamoring. Patience, my prawnlings. There’s always a little quid pro quo. All you have to do is answer one very, very simple question for us in the form below, and then fill in your contact details.
QUESTION: Name one alien race from the Mass Effect universe.
[Form closed]
“That’s ALL I have to do?” you say. Yep! That’s it! It could only be simpler if you had to pour water from a boot. Assuming you have boots, of course. Naturally, there are the usual terms and conditions that apply, including the fact that it’s one entry per person.
The competition ends on Midnight, Sunday 15th April, and we’ll announce the lucky, lucky winner on Monday the 16th.
So what are you waiting for? Get to it! Good luck! We’re all counting on you!
Reality Fighters is one of the launch titles for the PS Vita meant to show off the AR capabilities of the little console. Plus it’s also, you know, a fighting game. The prime question is, however: is it fun? Let’s punch through this review to find out.
One of the PS Vita’s launch titles is Everybody’s Golf (or Hot Shots Golf as it’s known in the US for some unaccountable reason). It’s the one game for the Vita that I’ve strangely spent the most time playing, and will probably be playing for a while to come. Find out why after the tee-off.