Game Reviews

We Review: Ultimate NES Remix (3DS)

NES Remix 1 and 2 appeared a few months ago on the Wii U as two separate titles, pitting you against various NES games to complete assorted tasks. The games were fun, and had us doing things that we’d either done ourselves hundreds of times before, or doing stuff we’d never thought of doing (or stuff we couldn’t ever do with the original games). Now the game’s gone portable, and a collection from both Remix games are available for the 3DS. Let’s see how the 8-bit retro nostalgia holds up.

Game Reviews

We Review: Cosmophony

Do you like your games hard? Like…REALLY hard? Oh good, because have I got a doozy for you: Cosmophony for the Wii U releases this week, and it’s the kind of game that’s going to require a lot of dedication from you.

Game Reviews

We Review: Disney Magical World (3DS)

Disney Magical World is a Life Sim game that puts you into some famous Disney worlds to roam or play at will. Think of it as Animal Crossing meets Disney. It’s not the kind of game that’s usually on anyone’s radar: but I’m going to tell you why it should be.

Cartoons & Comics Humor Mindlessness Useful/Useless Info

Princess Peach: Political Mastermind?

Redditor DrunkRobot97 makes an interesting case for the reason why Princess Peach from the Mario series keeps getting kidnapped, and why she’s still in power in the Mushroom Kingdom. Even if you don’t pay too much attention to the Mario games, you still have to wonder how she manages to pull it off. I know it’s a bit long, but take a look at this brilliant theory and let us know what you think. I’ve posted the text of the theory here, but it’s worth going to the site to read the followup discussion.

Game Reviews

We Review: Destiny

Just about anyone who has an interest in Destiny will probably have already bought it, or read a review about it and made up their minds. So why read this one? I can’t actually provide a decent answer except perhaps this: this review is probably entertaining.

Cautionary Tales Creepy

Creepy October: Bedfellows

If you’ve not heard of Drew Daywalt (IMDB link), odds are you’re not familiar with an amazing, prolific art form: short horror. YouTube abounds with short films that cram as much scare into between two and fifteen minutes as most feature-length triple-A, big budget horror films.

Daywalt’s Bedfellows is acknowledged as a masterwork of storytelling, atmosphere, and creep. It clocks in at just over 2 minutes, but boy, what an intense two minutes! There’s no gore, just pure atmos…fear.

If you enjoy this, there’s a whole stack more over at Drew’s short film channels, Fewdiodotcom and Daywalt Fear Factory.

Game Reviews

We Review: Comic Workshop (Nintendo 3DS)

This is going to be a bit of an unusual review: since I’m reviewing an art application for the Nintendo 3DS, I decided to put the app to good use and create the majority of the review in the app. What you see has not been altered in any way outside the app, so you’re getting a decent representation of its use. Because of the nature of the review, I’ve provided some extra screenshots of the app itself afterwards (obviously, official screenshot artwork isn’t mine!) Enjoy!

Game Reviews

We Review: Bayonetta 2 (Wii U)

Bayonetta, the insane, leggy witch with more attitude than a high school full of sassy teens, is back. With more sass. More insanity. And more leg (probably). The first game (reviewed here) was a cornucopia of bullets and blood, and this time, Bayonetta 2 promises more of the same, just with …well…more. I grab my guns and go to hell to bring you this review.


Creepy October: 10 Creepy, Two-Sentence Stories

Creep is sometimes best served in short bites, and the Internet has never failed to deliver some amazing short scares. Here’s 10 that you might find at least a little bit unsettling, especially when read alone at 2 am…

Awesomeness Creepy Lists Movies Video Clips

Creepy October: 10 Movies not to Watch Alone

Part of the ritual of growing up is watching horror movies together as a group of teenagers. The shared experience mitigates the fright somewhat, and makes it more tolerable. Some of those films you can even watch when you’re alone. And then there are some films that you really shouldn’t watch when you’re alone. Especially if you’re of a nervous bent. In which case, why are you watching scary movies alone, again? Get the popcorn, and I’ll run down some creepy films you have to rope others into watching with you (in no particular order–randomness can be just as creepy as the expected scares). Obviously, fright is a subjective term; some might find this list a little tame, others a “keep away” notice. If you’ve seen these, or have other recommendations, let us know in the comments below! The list after the jump-scare.