Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics Entertainment

Disney Princess Census

Infographics are awesome, aren’t they? Buzzfeed did a census of Disney females, and the results are…well…see for yourself.

disneycensus(Via Buzzfeed)

Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics Competitions Entertainment

Marvel Goodies Christmas Competition

It’s almost Christmas time, and we love giving you presents! Well, lucky for you, Christmas may come a little early for three lucky Marvel fans, courtesy of the wonderful folk at Disney, and the wonderful folk at Readers Den Comic shop!

Want to win? Then enter right here!

Game Reviews

We Review: Mario Kart 8 DLC: Zelda x Mario Kart

We reviewed Mario Kart 8 for the Wii U when it first came out back over here at this Link (see what I did there?), and if you’ve exhausted all the tracks and characters and wish there were new life in the game, then I’ve got good news for you. Two new cups and eight new track, plus some new characters and vehicles, all being reviewed right here, right now, by me. Let’s race.

Awesomeness Game Reviews

We Review: Shovel Knight (3DS)

If you haven’t yet heard of Shovel Knight, then you’ve probably no interest in gaming’s glorious 8-bit past. Shovel Knight was created as a homage to the wonder of 8-bit console gaming (with a few minor tweaks). He’s quite literally that: a knight armed with naught but a humble shovel to dig his way out of trouble. I take my vorpal sword shovel in hand, and off I trundle to seek the manxome foes.

Game Reviews

We Review: Borderlands the Pre-Sequel!

Borderlands The Pre-Sequel! (and not Borderlands 3, or even Borderlands 1.5) is the latest game in the Borderlands universe, and takes place chronologically between the first two games. The game serves as a way for players to get to know and understand how Handsome Jack, the villain from the prior game (reviewed here), became such an utter malignant misanthrope. I grab my vault hunting gear and head for the moon of Pandora to battle lunar-tics and see what manner of loot I can grab.

Game Reviews

We Review: Costume Quest 2

Costume Quest 2 is, for those not astute enough to ponder at the “2” at the end of the name, is the sequel to the 2010 indie hit, Costume Quest. Halloween is in danger, so I put on my favourite costume and go trick or treating to find some candy in this game.

Game Reviews

We Review: Crazy Construction (Nintendo 3DS)

What happens when you take equal parts Tetris, Tower Bloxx, a physics engine, and random objects, mix well, and bake? I want to know too, so let’s find out as I review Crazy Construction.

Game Reviews

We Review: Tetrobot and Co.

Indie puzzle games come in two flavours: gameplay that will make you pull your hair out combined with puzzles that are unfair, and ones that are a dream and delight to play, with puzzles that aren’t too taxing, but still leaves you with a head scratching experience without making you want to commit electronic murder. Let’s find out which category Tetrobot and Co. falls into.

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment

Journey to the Center of the Earth

Raul Aguiar is a Brazilian illustrator who was commissioned to create a slice of Earth, complete with a slew of pop culture references, including a few video game ones. How many pop culture references can you find in this illustration, and how many of you know who Alex Kidd is? Comment and let us know!

Awesomeness Game Reviews

We Review: Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes

Disney Infinity, released last year, was Disney’s entry to the toys-that-come-to-life genre, alongside the only other entry: Skylanders. While Skylanders had to build their fan base almost from the ground up, Disney Infinity had the advantage of having a built-in fan base and a veritable slew of characters to draw upon. This year, Disney lets its Marvel characters take the helm with the new Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes (aka Disney Infinity 2.0). I strap on my shield, get into my power armour, grab my hammer, sling my webs, and plug in my Awesome Mix vol. 1 to see what the new game is all about.