Game Reviews

We Review: Flyhunter Origins (PS Vita)

Flyhunter Origins is a new game from new development studio Steel Wool Games, whose resumés include lots of work at Pixar. I take their new hero, Zak, for a small walk in a giant park using my PS Vita (as opposed to the Android, iOS, and Steam versions) to see what the fuss is about.

Game Reviews

We Review: Picross e5

Picross (“Picture Crossword”) is a series of logic puzzle games (nonograms) on Nintendo’s DS family of consoles, and it can thought of as an agglomeration of paint-by-numbers, Sudoku, crosswords, and good old Numberwang. You’re presented with a grid with numbers along the top and side, and using the numbers as clues, you fill the grid in to reveal a pixel picture. It sounds simple, but it can get ridiculously difficult in the later stages. Picross e5 is the latest 3DS download version of the game, and has 150 new puzzles, and includes all the modes of play from prior games. I try to fill in the blanks to bring you this review.

Gadgets Video Clips

Make Your Own DIY Hoverboard

Ever since the film Back to the Future Part II, just about everyone has dreamed of the day we could all ride our own hoverboard. A few months ago, a company called Hendo said they could create a pretty funky one for $10,000. Leave it to someone with some time to figure out how to do it with four leaf blowers, a skateboard deck, and lots of duct tape.

Game Reviews

We Review: Paper Monsters Recut

Paper Monsters Recut is a Wii U port of an iOS sidescrolling platformer, and features cute papercraft scenery and critters. It certainly looks deceptively cute. Let’s grab our markers, construction paper, and glitter glue, and see what we can make of this game.

Arty Entertainment Video Clips

Breakfast in Paris

Don’t leave food sitting on the table, or else Mama will come for you. And force you to eat it. You can’t run. You can’t hide. Mama will find you. Don’t believe me? Then check out this funny video made by a group of French 3rd year students at LISAA (L’institut supérieur des arts appliqués, or Greater Institute of Applied Arts. If someone who knows French can correct my meager translation, I’d be appreciative!)

Movie Reviews

Film Review: Big Hero 6

Big Hero 6 is the next hugely-anticipated film from Disney’s Animation studio. If you’ve seen the trailer but still aren’t sure, read on and I’ll tell you whether this is something to go see or not.

Game Reviews

We Review: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

A month or so ago, we reviewed the new Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. This time around, we have the Wii U version of the game, which has a lot of features above the 3DS version, including high definition graphics and massive arenas. Oh, and Amiibo support. I try my Master hand at all of these, and fought the good fight to bring you this review.

Game Reviews

We Review: Tengami (Wii U)

Tengami is a game which pretends to be a Japanese pop-up book. You turn pages, slide the paper bits, and solve puzzles in this game. Let’s see what kind of story it wants to tell.

Game Reviews

We Review: Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire

Since Pokémon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire has already shipped 7.7 million units as of the writing of this review, I think you can say it’s a pretty foregone conclusion as to what the outcome of this review is going to be (by comparison, the original Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire sold a total of 14 million units over its entire lifespan). Still, the natural order of things must hold, and I’m going to tell you exactly why you should be Catching Them All once more.


Marvel Christmas Goodies Competition Winners

You may have heard of the MARVEL-lous competition that we ran last week. Today’s the day you find out if you won one of three awesome Marvel hampers courtesy of Disney Africa and Readers Den! Who will our lucky three be? Will it be you? Or you there at the back? How about you over there in the Iron Man cosplay? Nice mask. Drumroll please as we draw the winners…