Game Reviews

We Review: Proun+

Circa 1920, Russian artist El Lissitzky coined the term Proun (proun-ouned as “pro-oon”) to describe his abstract, geometric art style. He personally described it as “the station where one changes from painting to architecture”, which could mean many things, or nothing, but in any event was seen as a branch of the suprematism art movement. It all sounds terribly pretentious, so I bet you’re currently asking “what in the blazes does any of this have to do with video games,” and I’d respond with a witty, “Ah, but that’s what YOU think.” Or maybe I’d actually get around to telling you that all this knowledge forms the basis of today’s review for a racing game called Proun+. Let’s roll.

Game Reviews

We Review: Saints Row: Gat out of Hell

I never played any of the prior Saints Row games, so going into this game I wasn’t immediately familiar with any of the characters. This review is going to be taken from the unique perspective of someone unfamiliar with Saints Row. Would a standalone expansion be enough to turn someone into a fan? Would such a person understand the game without the backgrounds? I skew my halo and head for the highway to hell to find out.

Game Reviews

We Review: Xenoblade Chronicles 3D

The original Xenoblade Chronicles, released in 2011, was one of the last great games of the Nintendo Wii’s life, and because it came so late, it was played by far fewer people than would have been hoped. It was a huge achievement of an RPG, too, with a deep mythology, a widely-acclaimed battle system, huge sprawling maps, and vibrant characters. Developers Monolith Soft and Monster Games have ported the game as a New Nintendo 3DS exclusive, allowing more people to play this masterpiece. I take up my Vorpal Sword Monado Blade and head into the wild yonder to see how well this port stacks up against the original.

Game Reviews

We Review: Soldner-X 2 (PS Vita)

Soldner-X (or more properly, Söldner-X, a German term meaning “mercenary X”) was a side-scrolling bullet hell shoot-em up (“shmup”) game released in 2007 for the PS3. It was fairly well-received, and received a follow-up game, Soldner-X 2:Final Prototype in 2010. Today’s review is the PlayStation Vita port of the game. I suit up, and jump into the cockpit of my fighter ship because my trigger-finger is itchy. Let’s see how well the Vita version stands up on its own, shall we?

Game Reviews

We Review: Mario Vs Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars

The Mario vs Donkey Kong series of puzzle games, now over ten years old and six games in the bag, sees its newest addition return to the 2D platform style that it originally started with. Like many of the prior games, your mission is simply to get the Mario-themed clockwork toys to the door by manipulating various elements on the game screen. I gather up my clockwork toys and try not to throw them from the cot as I bring you this review.


We Review: OlliOlli (3DS/Wii U)

OlliOlli is a 2D sidescrolling skateboarding game where you have to perform skateboard tricks for sick and gnarly scores. The name of the game, obviously, comes from the name of the skateboarding trick, the Ollie, and you have to make your way across various bits of urban jungle in search of the best scores and the grooviest moves. I don my helmet and kneepads, grab my board, and prepare to gleam the cube.

Game Reviews

We Review: Mario Party 10

The Mario Party series of games—originally developed by Hudson Soft but now developed by Nd Cube—has been around since its inception in 1998 on the Nintendo 64. Every Nintendo console since then has received one or more Mario Party games. Some of you may remember that we reviewed Mario Party 9 for the Wii a while back. The newest addition to the series is called, in a surprise twist, Mario Party 10. Surprise twist because it’s actually the fourteenth iteration in the game series. I grab my dice in hand and head down to the game boards to see just how much fun the new game is.

Game Reviews

We Review: Titan Attacks

Space Invaders was released in video arcades to an unsuspecting world in 1978, and remains to this day one of the most iconic symbols of video gaming. It was followed shortly thereafter by Galaxian and Galaga, and these games set the mould for the “aliens attacking in formation” style of shoot-em-up (or shmup for short). Titan Attacks is a game in that vein, but with a slightly more modern spin on it. I take on the alien hordes in my tank, and risk certain death by incoming alien.

Game Reviews

We Review: Flame Over

Rogue-likes are an incredibly popular genre of video game, especially with people who enjoy playing Indie games. After all, you get a hell of a lot of game for your money, and the game maps always change, meaning that you can theoretically play it forever. Anyhow, Flame Over, a new game by Laughing Jackal Games, takes the idea of the Rogue-like dungeon crawl and turns it into a firefighting and rescuing scenario–a pyrogue-like, if you will. I take up my extinguisher, my firehose, and MY AXE to review this game.

Arty Awesomeness Video Clips

Ascii Fluid Dynamics

Now this is completely awesome–an ASCII fluid dynamics simulator! The project was an entry by Yusuke Endoh to the International Obfuscated C Code Contest (or IOCCC) back in 2012 (which in itself is a fascinating thing). Just watch the text fluid in action.

If you want more information about it, or want to compile and try it for yourself, check the information page of the IOCCC project over here, or check out the home page of the IOCCC for more strange projects like this.