Arty Cartoons & Comics

The Fantastic…Avengers?

DeviantArt artist theDURRRRIAN created some wonderful works based on the idea of the Avengers meeting up with Magic: The Gathering. What we have are some gorgeously poignant and familiar characters with a twist that makes me wish there were a comic series based on these illustrations. Check them out after the break.

Arty Game Reviews

We Review: Art Academy: Atelier

Art Academy for the Wii U is more of an app than a game, but its object is to teach people to draw and paint using the Wii U gamepad. A test of whether it is successful would be whether the skills learned within it are transferrable to proper pencil and paper media outside the app. I pulled out my easel and plonked the gamepad on it. Oh the conclusions I’ve drawn!

Game Reviews

We Review: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

One of the most anticipated games this year has been The Witcher 3, and it was expected that it would raise the proverbial bar in many ways. The game series, as I’m sure you are already aware, is based on the books by Polish fantasy author Andrzej Sapkowski, and since the games have introduced the west to his world and characters, his books have become popular in parts of the world where Polish isn’t the natural language. Thankfully, you don’t need to have read the books–nor, for that matter, have played the prior games in the series–to understand the events of the game. But if you’re still sitting on the fence about the game, let me leave you fully enlightened after this review.

Hints & Tips Massive Cuteness Video Clips

How to Safely Deflate Your Hamster

You know how it is. There are just some days where you feel conspicuous because everyone is walking around with their hamsters properly deflated, and yours is still fully inflated and by this point, you’re too afraid to ask how to deflate it properly. And that’s not mentioning just how unsafe it all is. You COULD use one of the unorthodox methods, but then you’ve got an unhappy hamster and you’re also having to sweep out the dead bees and shoo away the monkey mariachi band. If only there was some simple way to do this! Well, there is! And this tutorial will show you how! After the jump.

Game Reviews

We Review: Fossil Fighters: Frontier

Right in time for the release of the new Jurassic Park film, we have a non-Jurassic Park game to review. But it still features dinosaurs. It’s like what would happen if you combined Pokemon with dinosaurs. Except the dinosaurs are called vivosaurs for no discernable reason. Sounds fascinating? Hop into the Bone Buggy and let’s go for a ride down to the corner of Archaeology Lane and Catch-em-all Avenue.

Entertainment Movies Video Clips

Kung Fury Is Now Kicking Butt on YouTube

Kung Fury is one of those things that I’m sure started as one hell of a joke, and just gained life of its own accord because of just how awesome the entire concept felt. It started as a trailer looking for Kickstarter funding–which it received and then some, but still falling short of the funds needed to pay for an full length feature film.

The entire film is a homage to cheesy 80s action flicks, and director David Sandberg also plays lead character, Kung Fury. Some scenes even look as if the entire film is being played back on an old VHS machine. Oh the memories! To top off the cheesiness, the film has a theme song by Mr Knight Rider himself, David Hasselhoff, titled “True Survivor“. The theme song vid on YouTube has well over 10 million views already, so I guess you can consider it popular? Watch the film after the jump and let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Game Reviews

We Review: Splatoon

It’s not every day that big video game companies create new IP, instead preferring to rely on the name impact of existing, highly successful titles instead. This is why Mario has his face on so many Nintendo titles. Creating new IP is adding extra risk to what is, admittedly, a highly costly business. So it’s with no surprise, really, that we learn that Mario was originally supposed to be the face of Splatoon, Nintendo’s new third-person online battle arena game. I fill my super soaker with multicoloured ink, dunk my paint roller, and head for the urban parkways to see what Splatoon is all about.

Game Reviews

We Review: Schrodinger’s Cat and the Raiders of the Lost Quark

No one should have any excuse for not knowing Erwin Schroedinger’s famous thought-experiment about the cat that was both alive and dead at the same time, as a metaphor for quantum states. For those of you who forgot, in short, there’s a cat in a sealed box with a vial of poison, a detector, and a radioactive isotope. If the isotope decays, the detector detects it, breaks the vial, poison is released and the cat dies. If it doesn’t decay, the cat is alive and well. Without opening the box, how do you know if the cat is alive or dead? You don’t…until you open the box and observe the cat, it is both dead and alive at the same time. Don’t worry, though. No real cats were harmed in this experiment. Does all this have much relevance to the review? Why yes. Yes it does. Read on to find out why.

Entertainment Video Clips

Your Airline Safety Video, Now With 133% More Meme

Airline safety videos have gotten more elaborate in an effort to get people to pay attention. New Zealand airways has their hobbitses, and now Delta has decided to put the entire freaking internet memedom into theirs. How many can you recognize?

[Via Reddit]

Game Reviews

We Review: Nom Nom Galaxy

What happens when you mix Terraria (or Minecraft, if that’s your poison) with a strategy game, a tower defense game, and a healthy predilection for soup? You get PixelJunk Nom Nom Galaxy, a new game from the masters of addictive gaming, Q-Games and Double-11. Let me show you just how addictive making soup can be. Trust me: it’s more fun that it sounds.