Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics Eating and Drinking

Cookie Monster’s Famous Cookie Recipe

Aside from the numbers fetishist Count von Count, the Cookie Monster is one of my favourite Sesame Street characters. While the googly-eyed monster has eaten his way through a VW Beetle, the moon, a safe, pink rubber balls, an Xbox 360, and foam letters that spelled out the word “FOOD”, he is widely known for his love of cookies. Not only does he nom them, it turns out that he is an accomplished baker of cookies too.

Taken from Big Bird’s Busy Book from the 70s, an activity book from the 70s, the Cookie Monster gives readers step-by-step instructions on how to make his most beloved sugar cookie. Have a look at his famous cookie dough recipe after the jump.

Arty Entertainment Music Video Clips

Gotye’s “Somebodies: A YouTube Orchestra” Remix

In an attempt similar to Luc Bergeron’s “World Covers – Rolling In The Deep“, Australian singer-songwriter Gotye pays tribute to some of the YouTube covers and parodies that has brought his song “Somebody That I Used to Know” such success.

The artists says this about his supercut:

Reluctant as I am to add to the mountain of interpretations of Somebody That I Used To Know seemingly taking over their own area of the internet, I couldn’t resist the massive remixability that such a large, varied yet connected bundle of source material offered.

You may be tired of this sickness, but have a look and listen to Gotye’s Somebodies: A YouTube Orchestra. It’s really quite good.

A list of the original videos uses in Gotye’s remix can be found on his website.

[va Rolling Stone]

Cautionary Tales Entertainment Featured Video Clips Weirdness

H+: Adventures in Transhumanism

Transhumanism (which my spell checker insists is the misspelling of transvestitism) is a movement that seeks to improve the mental and physical characteristics of humans through the liberal use of technology. It is the main subject of a new sci-fi web series that premièred just the other day.

Aptly titled H+, the digital series produced Bryan Singer (X-Men, The Usual Suspects) advances ideas like Project Glass into a future world where human beings are connected to the Internet 24 hours a day via a device planted in their bodies. While some are more than happy to accept the H+ computer into their lives, others are opposed to the technology for the fear of breaches in privacy and the ever looming threat of hackers. It’s not long before a virus outbreak kills millions of users, leaving the remaining humans to fend for themselves in an offline world.

The first two episodes were flighted on August 8th on YouTube, with a new episode due to be added every Wednesday. Have a look at these two H+ episodes after the jump.

Awesomeness Featured Inspirational Designs

“Ukiyo-e Heroes” Turns Video Game Characters Into Japanese Woodblock Art

Illustrator Jed Henry loves the old Japanese art of ukiyo-e, a type of woodblock printing (The Great Wave off Kanagawa is a wonderful example of this technique.) Henry also has a fondness for video games, and as artists like to do, he decided to mash both passions together.

In Ukiyo-e Heroes, Henry has researched and drawn a selection of Nintendo video game characters in the Japanese ukiyo-e style. There are currently 12 designs that feature Mario, Link, Samus, Mega Man, Donkey Kong, Simon Belmont, and a wonderful panel of Street Fighter characters. Have a look at some of Henry’s artwork after the jump.

Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics Movies Sports

If The Avengers Were Modern Day Olympians

Marvel’s The Avengers are capable of amazing acts of superheroism. What would it look like if they applied their skills to the very human tradition that is the Olympics? Illustrator scargeear imagines Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, and the gang as athletes at the 2012 London Olympics, complete with their individual sporting kits and the events that they’d participate in.

Have a look at assembled team of Olympic Avengers after the jump.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Inversion

Recently, Yager Development did a great job at proving that shooter games can have mature, thought-provoking storylines. While Spec Ops: The Line may have been a surprising blip in an otherwise tired genre, Saber Interactive’s latest entry is most assuredly not. Despite the promise in its title, Inversion did nothing to turn my world upside down. It’s not for the lack of trying though. With nods to a few other titles, Inversion never really finds an identity of its own, and the its much advertised gravity manipulation feature isn’t much more than a flimsy gimmick. My review continues after the jump.

Arty Cartoons & Comics

Screaming Heroes

You’ve seen superheroes in top hats, as Dr. Seuss-style characters, and even re-imagined as dinosaurs.

Graphic designer Roberto Salvador draws superheroes at their peak of frustration, where they’re so mad they could…shout. Have a look at some of this incredibly angry and adorable Screaming Heroes after the jump.

Arty Cautionary Tales Video Clips


Bloody Cuts is a 13-part anthology of short horror films. The fifth installment in the series is a creepy cautionary tale about the perils of sucking one’s thumb.

Narrated as a rhyming poem, Suckablood tells the story of a little girl named Tilly whose insatiable thumb sucking has displeased her evil stepmother. The little thumb sucker is threatened with a fate worse than death should she continue in her ways…

If you liked that gothic bedtime story, you can view the other four short films on the Bloody Cuts website.

[via Ufunk]

Entertainment Featured Movies Video Clips

A Modern Day Trailer for “2001: A Space Odyssey”

The theatrical release of Stanley Kubrick’s 161-minute space opera, 2001: A Space Odyssey, must have hypnotized audiences in 1968, especially the ones who were already on drugs at the time.

Fast forward 40 odd years and you wonder whether modern audiences would be able to sit through all those the extended lunar landing scenes. Film School Rejects tries to imagine what the trailer to 2001: A Space Odyssey would look like if it were to be marketed to audiences today. The recut trailer is complete with loads of flashing imagery and a bombastic soundtrack designed to excite those limited attention spans. Michael Bay would have been proud although Stanley Kubrick might just have been rolled over in his grave. Have a look at the blockbuster trailer below.

[via @JoeyHiFi]

Awesomeness Video Clips Weirdness

This “Farming Simulator” Trailer is Bonkers

Agricultural simulation programs don’t get much love from the mainstream market. Giant Software’s Farming Simulator 2011, for example, doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not popular. Indeed, with the liberal application of recreational drugs, many a fun time can be had in the beautiful countryside. YouTube user SsethTzeentach gives us an example of this in an absurd and hilarious fan-made trailer set to the tune of “Bangarang” by Skrillex. Check out Farming Simulator Mad Skill below.

[via SA Gamer]