Awesomeness Movies Video Clips

Kung Fu Baby Kicks Dragon Butt!

You’ll remember Patrick Boivin for short films about playful AT-ATs and various pop culture confrontations.

Two years ago, his daughter starred in an adobable parody of Iron Man. His latest short film stars Iron Baby’s little brother as he takes on a stuffed dragon in an epic battle to the death. You’re sure to spot the nods to Bruce Lee and The Bride from Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill. Check out Dragon Baby below.

[via Twitch]

Arty Science & Technology Video Clips

Our Story in One Minute

John D Boswell, the brains behind the Symphony of Science ditches vocals and auto-tune in favour of visuals and music in his latest video. Set to a piece of original music, Boswell uses compiles footage from a variety of documentaries to create Our Story in 1 Minute, a journey that takes us from the big bang over 13 billion years ago to single-celled microbial beginnings to the peak of human endeavour.

[via @shawn_hamman]


Ballsy Pickup Lines From Famous Historical Figures

According to the history books King Solomon had some 700 wives and a further 300 concubines. Can you imagine what sweet-nothings the king would utter to get more notches on his royal bed post? In a series of illustrations, CollegeHumor thinks up cheeky pickup lines for the king and some of history’s other famous figures.

From a rumbling in Marx’ lower classes to Nostradamus’ prediction of a good night, have a look at CollegeHumor’s imaginary pickup lines of famous historical figures after the jump.

Arty Mindlessness

Comical Water Wigs by Tim Tadder

L.A. Photographer Tim Tadder combines water balloons and bald people to produce a rather comical photo series. To create the effect of Water Wigs, Tadder would either drop balloons onto the domes of his subjects or use skinny balloons to form the shapes around the bald heads. He’d pop them and capture the resulting explosions.

Have a look at some of Tadder’s watery wigs after the jump.

Awesomeness Movies

Licence to Drive: A Ride Through the History of Bond Cars

This presentation by UK car dealers Evans Halshaw takes us on a ride through the history of Bond cars. Classics include the open-top Sunbeam Alpine seen in Dr. No, the submersible Esprit Series 1 in The Spy Who Loved Me, and the comically unconventional Citroen 2CV. The quintessential Aston Martin makes no less than eight appearances, including a vintage silver-birch DB5 in the upcoming Bond film, Skyfall.

Have a look at some the wonderfully minimalist illustrations of the Bond vehicles after the jump.

Awesomeness Useful/Useless Info

The Science of Dogs

Will over at Doghouse Diaries has four doctorates in “dogsareawesomeology” and used all that knowledge to create an infographic on the workings of our canine companions including their cyclical inside-outside thoughts, their irrational fears, and which end the drool comes out of.

See the Science of Dogs after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Video Clips

“Natural Phenomena” by Reid Gower

Reid Gower found himself on a 6-month trip travelling between five U.S. states and to seven other countries. He decided to make his first ever time-lapse video. Entitled Natural Phenomena, Gower’s compilation shows not only the beauty of nature but also of our urban jungles.

Aside from the flashing lights, picturesque mountains, shiny sun dogs, and the quintessential aurorae, the video includes a very special view taken from the edge of space. Have a look at Natural Phenomena below.

[via Mashable]

Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Movies Video Clips

Partysaurus Rex!

Try as he might, the impossibly small arms of Tyrannosaurus Rex mean that it can’t take its own profile picture, zip up a sleeping bag, or even hold hands with a She-Rex.

It’s an equally trying time for Toy Story’s plastic dinosaur Rex who wants to shed his party pooper image. In Disney Pixar’s latest animated short, Rex finds himself in a position where he can use his arms to get a (bath time) party started. It’s disco lights and dance tunes, an epic bubble bash like no other, and it’s all thanks to the king of the hot tub Partysaurus Rex.

[via Laughing Squid]

Arty Awesomeness Featured Photoworthy

Stunning “Little Planet” Panoramas

Little planet photography is clearly a popular pastime given the thousands of photos you see on Flickr. The Create your own planets group is a great example. Some of the images are just bizarre and surreal, and others are magically beautiful.

Catherine Nelson, who describes herself as a painter with a camera, uses her experience in creating visual effects for films like 300, Troy, and Moulin Rouge to produce some of the most incredibly beautiful spherical panoramas.

Nelson takes hundreds of photos of her surroundings during the different seasons, and then spends months digitally stitching them together to create the most picturesque planetoids. You must seem them, after the jump.

Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Video Clips

Felix Baumgartner’s Chest-cam Footage Will Make Your Head Spin

It was out of this world. Yesterday Felix Baumgartner, extreme athlete and owner of the some rather large balls, jumped out of a capsule that was lofted to a height of 39,045 metres (or 128,100 feet) above the Earth’s surface. This was Red Bull Stratos at its zenith. At that point, more than 8 million viewers watched the YouTube live stream of Baumgartner free falling into the record books.

He registered world records for the highest manned balloon flight, the longest distance in free fall, and fastest speed of free fall. At 1,342 kilometres per hour (or 834 mph), Baumgartner became the first person in the world to break the sound barrier with his body! Not all the records were broken though. His free fall of 4 minutes and 19 seconds was 17 seconds shy of Joseph Kittinger’s historic jump in 1960.

While recordings of the broadcast are available on YouTube, we’ve not been privy to any of the footage from the cameras attached to his limbs. That will most likely make its way into the documentaries due out in a month. However, it seems an Austrian TV station has gotten hold of some video captured by Baumgartner’s chest pack camera as he plummeted towards the Earth. Watch it below. It’ll make your head spin.

UPDATE: Red Bull has released a video clip that shows views from Baumgartner’s chest-cam and the cameras attached to this thighs.

[via The Verge]