
Lovely Little Lies

We tell little lies all the time. Just one more level and I’ll come to bed. I wouldn’t eat KFC without you. I did not move your cheese.

In Daily Dishonesty, graphic designer Lauren Hom shows her love for typography by drawing out the lies that she tells herself on a regular basis. Have a looks at some of them after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Music Video Clips

Straight & Arrow: The Shocking Music Video

For the music video to his song Straight & Arrow, New York musician FaltyDL and Japanese artist Daito Manabe got a lending hand from a few volunteers.

The “dancers” were hooked up to electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) machines and their arms and hands were shocked into movements that matched the beat of the tune. Have a look at the human visualizers in the music video to Straight & Narrow below.

[via Fast Co.]

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Need for Speed: Most Wanted

Do you feel the need? The need for…Burnout? The Need for Speed series has seen some 18 titles since its beginnings in 1994, and in the last couple of years, the franchise has had its ups and downs, trying to stay relevant.

2012 hasn’t really been a bumper year for arcade racers so any title that randomly wandered into my rear view would have my attention (Ed: I see you ignored Ben 10 Intergalactic Racing, though…). As luck would have it, those veteran developers—Criterion Games (who also updated Hot Pursuit)—are once again in charge of rebooting another Need for Speed staple.

I like Need for Speed but I love Burnout. Does the latest Need for Speed: Most Wanted look to combine the best of both worlds? Let’s check under the hood. Vroom!

Animal Kingdom Entertainment Video Clips

True Facts About Hedgehogs

Taken from his online webseries, A Show With Zefrank, web artist Ze Frank creates a charming video highlighting the little known facts about hedgehogs. For example did you know that the main difference between a hedgehog and a porcupine is that the porcupine has no courage? And that only one hedgehog in history has ever farted? That is how the universe began. See more True Facts about Hedgehogs below.

[via Laughing Squid]

Arty Movies

“What if” Movie Posters Reimagined for Another Time and Place

In his series What If, illustrator Peter Stults imagines what the posters for popular modern movies would look like if they were made in a different era. Stults keeps the name of the movie the same but changes the actors and the visual theme of the poster to suit the time.

Instead of John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction, Stults re-creates a famous scene from the movie using 50s actors Charlton Heston and Harry Belafonte. James Dean makes a handy replacement for Ryan Gosling in Drive, and steel-toothed Richard Kiel plays an alternate T-800 in a 70s pre-make of Terminator.

Have a look at some of Stults’ wonderful What If movie posters after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Science & Technology Video Clips

See Where the Internet Lives: A Tour of Google’s Data Centers

The majority of us aren’t concerned with the background processes that run when we use Gmail, watch a YouTube video, or do a Google search. The computational requirements for bringing these services to the 2.4 billion Internet users are pretty hefty but Google’s billion-dollar network of data centers are able to handle more than 3 billion daily search queries and to index 20 billion web pages a day.

Physical access to their data centers has only been reserved for a privileged few, but Google recently commissioned photographer Connie Zhou to take a few snaps of their high-tech facilities. In a segment called Where The Internet Lives, we get a virtual peek into colourful and highly organized collection of coolant pipes, server racks, and tape libraries. See the arty photos of Google’s data centers after the jump. There is even a street view clip that shows the inside the Lenoir data center in North Carolina.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Science & Technology Video Clips

Donald Pettit on Taking Photos in Space

From the vantage of the ISS, we’ve seen some stellar views of Earth at night, striking star trails, and swirling auroras.

Astronaut Don Pettit has spent 370 days in space and is one of the principal photographers aboard the ISS. In a recent photo conference, Pettit gave an illuminating TED-style talk on how photos are captured from space. He talks about taking photographs both inside and outside the ISS, the limitations imposed by the environment, the different cameras that he uses, and the wonderful out-of-the-world scenes that he sees out of the seven windows of the cupola.

[via Photoshelter Blog]

Arty Awesomeness Video Clips

Time is Nothing. Kien Lam’s “Around the World” Time-Lapse

The tag line for Kien Lam’s time-lapse video says it all. “17 Countries. 343 Days. 6237 Photographs. One incredible journey.”

The photographer quit his job one day and travelled on a one-way ticket to London, with his camera firmly in tow. What followed was a chronicle of his journey to 17 countries, from high peaks to lowest troughs. Check out Time is Nothing below.

[via Slxs]

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Dishonored

Many decisions go into choosing to eat a meal at a new restaurant: will be it nice? Might it give me indigestion? Will I tell my friends about in the morning? (Ed: Will I live to tell my friends about it in the morning? We’ve all been to that restaurant.) Some of the similar decisions go into choosing the games we play. Arkane Studios’ latest stealth/action FPS title, Dishonored, is all about exploration and choice. Is deciding to play this game a bad decision? Let’s find out.

Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics Featured Movies TV

Cute! The A to Z of Pop Culture Robots

In Alphabot, designer Tony Bui creates a cute A to Z of his favourite robots from various TV shows, games, and movies over the past 30 odd years.

There are nods to Star Wars, Transformers, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and RoboCop to mention a few. Have a look at Bui’s 26 mechanical marvels after the jump.