Cautionary Tales Entertainment Featured Music Video Clips

Key & Peele: Dubstep

News of the upcoming Skrillex tour of South Africa reminded me of the comedy sketch duo “Key & Peele”, specifically of an episode where they took on the subject of much mockery: dubstep.

The two men are packing up Key’s apartment and Peele’s suggests that they put on some dubstep to make things go a little faster. Key has no idea what dubstep is and Peele is happy to educate him. And so starts their descent into madness. It’s sweaty, bloody, and all too hilarious. Check out Key & Peele: Dubstep below.

[via @arteechoke]

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Science & Technology Video Clips

Isaac Newton Meets Rube Goldberg in This Gravity-Defying Contraption

We’ve seen Rube Goldberg machines that turn the simple process of turning a page, taking a photo, and sending a postcard into a series elaborate chain reactions.

With clever use of magnets, magic, and mechanics the folks over at Canadian production company 2D House created a Rube Goldberg machine that seems to defy Newton’s law of universal gravitation. There’s even a nod to the apple incident. Check out Isaac Newton vs. Rube Goldberg below.

[via Colossal]

Animal Kingdom Cautionary Tales Entertainment Featured Music Video Clips

Kitty Goes Crazy to the Sounds of “Smack My Bitch Up”

You’ll remember The Prodigy’s single Smack My Bitch Up caused some controversy. First was the change in the CD cover, which initially showed a VW Beetle wrapped around a tree. However, the death of Diana, Princess of Wales in a car accident earlier that year hastened a change to the artwork that we recognize today. And there was the music video that was widely criticised for its violent tendencies and banned on some television networks.

The band played it down, saying that the song was all about “doing anything intensely”. Which brings us to this rather appropriate parody. While cats may look innocent in our company, we all know that they can be downright evil the moment our backs are turned. In this mashup by YouTube user TheCube95, a cat is outfitted with a GoPro camera and is left to roam its surroundings. It’s not long before a pedestrian is robbed, a cyclist is attacked, and a bouncer is punched in the balls. And that’s just the start of the evening! Watch as kitty goes cray cray to the sounds of “Smack My Bitch Up”.

[via Blitzmatt]

Game Reviews

We Review: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

The other day I lamented about the lack of arcade racers but November saw no less than three *kart* racing games appear on the circuit. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is certainly the wordiest of the lot.

UK developer Sumo Digital have a track record with creating some of the Outrun games, and recently received a boost to their racing pedigree with the inclusion of staff from the now-defunct game development studios Bizarre Creations and Black Rock Studio. Taking cues from their previous outing in 2010’s Sonic & All-Stars Racing, the developers have added all new transformative elements to their mascot-based kart racer.  Is it a welcome change? Let’s find out.

Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Entertainment Featured Video Clips

Dumb Ways to Die

Life is full of death traps and the Metro Trains Melbourne in Australia is trying to warn passengers not to do dumb things.

Reminiscent of the Happy Tree Friends, this cute and somewhat morbid public safety video shows a collection of animated creatures as they die in a number of horrible ways. Using your private parts as piranha bait, poking a grizzly bear, and taking your helmet off in outer space are just a few of the Dumb Ways to Die. Have a look at the rest below.

Dumb Ways To Die was animated by Julian Frost and performed by a Melbourne band, Tangerine Kitty. To download the catchy jingle, its instrumental version, or the ringtone, visit Soundcloud. All the GIFs can be found on Tumblr.

[via Huffington Post]

Animal Kingdom Video Clips

Under the Skin

The Dermestidae family of beetles have a fondness for eating dead things. Proving yet again that there is no such thing as a free lunch, these little scavengers have to work for their food at the Natural History Museum in London, UK.

When the museum needs to prepare a skeleton for showing in a collection, they don’t use chemicals that can damage the bones. Instead they turn to their tiniest of employees, the Dermestes haemorrhoidalis. Watch as these flesh-eating beetles strip the tissues off a great green macaw, a tawny owl, and a pheasant in this time-lapse video. There is no musical accompaniment so might I suggest you play an appropriate Frank Sinatra song in another browser tab.

[via Obvious Winner]

Cautionary Tales Video Clips

This “Workout Fails” Compilation Will Exercise Your Laughing Muscles

I love exercise as much as the next couch potato. When done right, exercise helps to tone and improve one’s physical and mental health. However, when the workout train take a turn to FAILtown, my laughing muscles certainly get a good stretch.

[via @thelawry]

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Video Clips

Cheetahs Finish First

We’ve seen Phantom cameras being put to good use before. Tom Guilmette was stuck in a hotel room with one, while Ty Migota had fun with cocktails, and Zach King broke up a tea party. And Gallagher, well, he’s just Gallagher.

This time, National Geographic in collaboration with the Cincinnati Zoo used the pricey Phantom gear to shoot one of nature’s fastest creatures. In full stride, the cheetah can reach speeds up to 120 km/h, and the team used the high-speed camera to capture the animal’s gait at 1,200 frames per second. Expectedly, the results are stunning. Have a look at Cheetahs on the Edge below.

[via io9]

Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Video Clips

Tune for Two

In a frozen part of the world, a man is dragged through the snow. His vision is blurry but he sees someone digging a grave. He expects the inevitable as his killer points a gun at the back of his head, but the execution takes an unexpected turn when the man says his last words. Have a look at Tune for Two below.

Tune for Two was created by alfa primo.

[via SA Gamer]

Arty Awesomeness Photoworthy

Atomic Orbits: Colourful Light Paintings by Andrew Hall

Photographer Andrew Hall is fascinated by patterns. In a series of long exposure shots that he calls Orbs, Hall rigs up multi-coloured LED lights to spin in circles on different axes. His light paintings result in wonderfully colourful and hypnotizing three-dimensional patterns that look like electrons spinning around an atom. He says all the shots are produced in a singe exposure, with no retouching at all. Have a look at some of Hall’s atomic orbits after the jump.