
The Turret Anthem

Machinimist Zachariah Scott brings music to our ears in his latest video.

Using Valve’s Source Filmmaker software over the course of six months, Scott created a wonderful piece of Portal machinima. GLaDOS sees them as nothing more than spherical things that are full of bullets, so the Aperture Science sentry turrets decide to show their dislike for the monster. The turrets put on quite a show with a veritable orchestra of sounds. Check out The Turret Anthem below.

The tune was composed by Lars Erik Fjøsne. You can download it for free, here.

[via Vamers]


We Review: Parrot AR.Drone 2.0

Back in 2011, I did the one and only hardware review for this blog. It was for Parrot SA’s high-flying AR.Drone. I crashed it a couple of times, once into a light fitting at work. Mercifully no one was injured, except for my pride. Another time, an extremely high fence stopped what would have been a suicidal plunge into a ravine. It was the wind’s fault, honest.

Operator error aside, I lamented the AR.Drone’s terrible battery and even worse camera. And I said the price was too damn high. That’s just a quick summary though. You’re more than welcome to read my review of the original AR.Drone here.

Now, Parrot SA’s new AR.Drone 2.0 is not exactly new. It was announced at the Consumer Electronics Show of last year but was only available for purchase in South Africa several months later, in October. The new AR.Drone has been bumped up to version 2.0 and that would indicate some major improvements over its predecessor. What are they you ask? To find out, I decided to take it for a spin. See my flight log after the jump.

Awesomeness Eating and Drinking

Makin’ Bacon Pancakes

Here is a little song about making bacon pancakes. Why? Because bacon.

On a related note: if you’ve never made bacon pancakes, Martha Stewart dishes out a recipe although she doesn’t add glorious meat to the batter nor does she candy the bacon. That is a real downer, Martha.

Oh, hit the jump if you want to hear Rebecca Sugar singing the same ditty that she wrote for the “Burning Low” episode of Adventure Time.

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Video Clips

Stop Motion of the Day: Shugo Tokumaru’s “Katachi”

The dynamic duo of Adamski and Kijek make wonderful use of colour and stop motion in this music video for Japanese singer-songwriter, Shugo Tokumaru. Using what must have been thousands of silhouettes, the duo creates a continuous parade of shapes and characters that change with the rhythms of the song. Have a look at official music video to Tokumaru’s single, Katachi.

[via Colossal]

Awesomeness Science & Technology Video Clips

Meet Charlene, the Quadrotor With a Machine Gun

By his own admission, Dmitri Potapoff over at FPSRussia has seen some pretty crazy shit but Charlene is unlike anything he has ever seen. The Charlene that he is referring to is a prototype quadrotor that has a submachine gun mounted on it. Charlene can fly up to 50 KM/h and can soar up to 400 metres above the ground.

In this tech demo, Dmitri shows how Charlene deals with some unwelcome guests. She also lights up a dinner party that she wasn’t invited to.

[thanks Tim!]

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Music Video Clips

Mobius Strip Music

A Möbius strip is a surface that only has one side. Take a strip of paper, put a half twist on it, loop the two ends and you’ll have a physical representation of this object. Cartoonist and writer Sam Wilson plays with the twisted paper model in a delightful way.

Wilson composed and punched out a piece of music onto a Möbius strip of paper and cranked it out on a little music box. Listen as he plays the normal melody and then the inverted version where the high notes are now the low notes and vice versa. It’s a beautiful tune. I could listen to it for ever.

[via @WombatSam]

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness

And Here we see David Attenborough in his Natural Habit

Observe the specimen, Sir David Attenborough. In 2012, the natural history filmmaker celebrated an astonishing 60-year career documenting the natural world that we live in.

In this rare look, Rosemary Mosco of Bird & Moon nature comics turns the attention firmly on Attenborough, wondering what it be like if he were the subject of a nature documentary. Check out the full strip after the jump, and read it aloud in your best David Attenborough voice.

Humor Useful/Useless Info Weirdness

The Taxonomy of Arse

Arse is a surprisingly versatile word. If you could be arsed, I’m sure you can think of a few choice uses for it. British designer Stephen Wildish takes a closer look at the word, attempting to classify it into groups, from the good, the bad, the ugly, to the downright faecal. Have a look at his Taxonomy of Arse after the jump.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Lego The Lord of the Rings

Traveller’s Tales have been on a roll with the number of quality Lego games they’ve been producing lately, and the latest game in their stable is Lego The Lord of the Rings, based more on the movies than on the books. How does the jaunt across Middle Earth compare as a Lego adventure? I took my trusty Mithril controller in hand to find out. (Please note that this review is strictly for the PS3 and Xbox360 versions of the game. Other versions may differ drastically.)

Entertainment Music Video Clips

Tummy Talk Drum Solo

What happens when three drummers meet up with a chubby Samoan? It seems like a setup for a joke, but it’s something more entertaining. Watch as the musicians thump out a tune using the human body as an instrument in Tummy Talk.

[via Neatorama]