Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Sports Video Clips

“Grinding the Crack” with Jeb Corliss

It’s probably not the best of titles considering what most people associate the term with, but skydiver Jeb Corliss is certainly good at grinding said cracks. Except in Cape Town, where Table Mountain cracked both his ankles, three toes, and a fibula.

Set to AWOLNATION’s ubiquitous single, Grinding the Crack shows Corliss leaping off a cliff in picturesque Walensee, Switzerland. In his wingsuit Corliss sweeps through the valleys and whizzes dangerously close to the ground. His top speed was clocked at an amazing 196 km/h! Take a look at the exhilarating video below.

[via TBR]

Cautionary Tales Video Clips

Russian Life Seen Through Dashcams

Thanks to the dashboard-mounted cameras on motor vehicles, we get to see life in Russia like we never have before. Recently, many Russians uploaded their dashcam videos of the meteorite that exploded over central Russia and injured more than a 1,000 people.

This little compilation of dashcam videos shows the variety of life in Russia from jet flybys and car flips to spilled milk cows and a round of fisticuffs. It is set to wonderfully enthusiastic music from Tchaikovsky’s “The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a”. Enjoy.

See more dashcam compilations on YouTube.

[via The Guardian]

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness Sports Video Clips

Amber the Amazing Downhill Dog

In dogs meets base jumper, Mario Richard goes for a short flight and his dog, Cajun, faithfully watches and follows him down the mountain to meet him at the landing point. It’s an endearing, albeit chaotic doggie cam video. See it on Vimeo if you missed it.

In the same vein, whenever mountain biker James R takes to the track, his trusty dog Amber is hot on his heels. Amber is a Vizsla, a Hungarian gun dog that is known for its natural hunting abilities. James attached a GoPro to his bike and filmed Amber as she zipped through the forest, taking the most efficient route to keep up her “prey”. Take a look at their chase video below.

[via Reddit]

Game Reviews

We Review: Aliens: Colonial Marines

Ridley Scott’s 1979 sci-fi horror, Alien may have had a slow start but the sense of dread built up as every minute passed by. I found it foreboding, and terrifying in places. Seven years later, James Cameron’s sequel was much less scary but punchier in the action department. It was where most of the shooting took place. It so happens that shooting things makes good fodder for video games (Ed: Imagine that!), and Sega—with blessings from 20th Century Fox—tasked Gearbox Software (of Borderlands fame) with the fan service. A five-year development cycle later and Aliens: Colonial Marines was hatched. Is this the bug hunt you’ve been waiting for? Or is it a bad egg? My tour of duty continues after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness

Secret Lives of Superheroes

Given that saving the world is pretty high up on their agenda, it’s no surprise that superheroes don’t sweat the small stuff. However, in his latest series of pop art style illustrations, French graphic designer Grégoire Guillemin takes a look at some of the mundane things that superheroes aren’t likely to be shown doing: scratching their bums, taking a dump, stuffing their Wonderbras, that kind of thing.

Have a look at Guillemin’ Secret Hero Life after the jump. Beware though, some secrets may be a tad scandalous.

Arty Featured Gaming News

Necrofantastic: The Dead Space Art Show

Isaac Clarke and his trusty plasma cutter return in the third instalment of Dead Space come February 8th (in EU territories, that is). While some consider it an evolution of a winning formula, others have voiced their concerns about the inclusion of micro-transactions and how the game may have moved away from its horror roots to become one of the best action games in recent years.

Despite the polarizing effect the game has had on reviewers, there’s no denying that the game’s content makes for wonderful fan art. Arty French site Geek-Art has teamed up with EA to host a Dead Space 3 art exhibition in Paris. From the teaser images posted by Geek-Art, it seems to be a colourful, comical, creepy, and weird look into universe of Dead Space. Have a look at some of the art after the jump.

Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Video Clips

Skateboarder Triggers Kloof Nek Speed Camera

The 60 KM/h speeding camera on Cape Town’s bendy Kloof Nek Road has snapped many an over-zealous driver. Wanting to catch its attention, skateboarder Decio Lourenco began his wild ride from the top of Kloof Nek Road. The derring-do resulted in a flash of brilliance.

YouTube user André Roux records Decio as winds his way down the hill, his nerves of steel and supreme board control the only things preventing him from becoming road kill. He glides down Kloof Nek to the sounds of AWOLNATION’s Sail. Check out the uber-ballsy Spoofing the Cam.

It has been reported that the speed camera clocked Decio hurtling down the road at a staggering 100 km/h! With over 205,8555 views on the video, Decio might have gained some unwanted attention. The City of Cape Town wants to have a few stern words with him, “prosecution” being the operative one.

[via @davegreenway]

Arty Awesomeness

Lego Pop Culture Riddles

The humble Lego brick is 55 years old. In 1958, Godtfred K. Christiansen bought the patent to the Lego brick and in the five decades that the company has been in operation, it has produced an estimated 400 billion blocks! To celebrate the anniversary, Lego teamed up with Canadian advertising agency Brad to create 55 minimalist posters that incorporate the Lego brick. The “Imagine a …” tagline gives a clue to the book, movie, or song that the poster refers to.

See if you can construct the answers to 10 of the Lego pop culture riddles. If you hit a brick wall, the answers can be found at the bottom of the post.

Mindlessness Music Video Clips

Feeling Gruff? Listen to This Beatboxing Goat

Feeling a little gruff today? This beatboxing goat would like to cheer you up.

[via ANDPOP]

Arty Music Science & Technology Video Clips

“Better Man Than He” Music Video Shot in MRI Scanner

Artist Sivu needed to think up a music video to his song, “Better Man Than He”. He had a brain wave.

Sivu lay in an MRI scanner for several hours and as the machine subjected him to loud noises, he made music of his own. Director Adam Powell collected and edited the real-time footage that shows the workings of Sivu’s mind as he sang his single.

Check out the resulting anatomical music video to “Better Man Than He”.

[via Ufunk]