Arty Entertainment Music Video Clips Weirdness

Tesla Coil Plays “Sail” by Awolnation

The Tesla coil is one of Nikola Tesla’s most significant inventions and is capable of producing extremely high-voltage discharges. At a Maker Faire event in Kansas City, YouTube user highvoltagefeathers put the electrical transformer to creative use. He set up the the coil to discharge electricity at various frequencies and the resulting disturbances in the air created the sounds of “Sail” by Awolnation. Have a listen to the cover below.

[via The Awesomer]

Game Reviews

We Review: Batman: Arkham Origins

From the fantastic voice work to the hard-hitting combat system, Rocksteady Studios’ Batman: Arkham series is at the zenith of modern superhero games. In fact, 2009’s Batman: Arkham Asylum held the Guinness World Record for “Most Critically Acclaimed Superhero Game Ever”. In 2011, Arkham City improved on its already fantastic predecessor, giving players the freedom to roam the dangerous streets of Gotham.

They say “third time’s a charm” and developer Warner Bros. Games Montréal has the unenviable task of ensuring that Batman: Arkham Origins lives up to the series’ pedigree. Will this outing to Gotham City be remembered as one of Batman’s most memorable moments or a dark blight on what has been a great series so far?

Arty Awesomeness

Game of Thrones Characters Reimagined as Mr. Men and Little Miss

You’ll love this. Your favourite Game of Thrones characters are getting an adorable makeover. Each day, this single-serving site will reduce the characters of George R. R. Martin’s epic series of fantasy novels down to their single personality types, in the style of Roger Hargreaves’ “Mr. Men” and “Little Miss”.

Gregor Clegane forms an imposing shape as Mr. Brutal while Joffrey goes red in the face as Mr. Rageous. Littlefinger clearly agrees that his first name should in fact be Pimp. See them and a few more after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Photoworthy

“Time is a Dimension” by Fong Qi Wei

Photos are often referred to as life’s moments frozen in time. While Singapore-based photographer Fong Qi Wei loves photography as a medium, he wondered whether it would be possible to combine the permanence of photos and the movement of time as recorded by video cameras.

In Time is a Dimension, Fong setup his tripod in places around Singapore and took series of photos for a period of two and fours hours, mostly of sunrises and sunsets for a varied colour range. He then combined the images into a single, layered image.

The basic structure of a landscape is present in every piece. But each panel or concentric layer shows a different slice of time, which is related to the adjacent panel/layer. The transition from daytime to night is gradual and noticeable in every piece, but would not be something you expect to see in a still image.

Have a look at his stunning compositions after the jump.

Awesomeness Humor Music

Epic Rap Battles of History: Blackbeard vs Al Capone

Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag is about to appear on the starboard bow. It chronicles the adventures of Edward Kenway, a privateer-turned-pirate. For their face-off, Epic Rap Battles of History turned their attention to a real scourge of the West Indies in the early 1700s: the notorious pirate Blackbeard. His opponent in this duel of words and wit would be none other than Chicago’s king of crime, “Al” Capone.

Check out the scallywag swagger in Blackbeard vs Al Capone below.

Who do you think won that rap battle?

[via YouTube “Recommended for you”]

Arty Awesomeness Photoworthy

The Black Hole Project

Simply put, black holes suck. Thankfully, Fabian Oefner’s Black Hole project is attractive and far from sucky.

Inspired by the drippy paint style of Jackson Pollock, the Swiss photographer and artist decided to investigate the effect of centrifugal force on paint. He dripped coloured shades of acrylic paint onto a metal rod that was connected to a drill. When the drill was switched on, the paint whirled away from the rod, and Oefner’s camera flashed at 1/40000 of a second, capturing the images of the paint in motion. Have a look at some of his rather colour Black Hole images after the jump.

Game Reviews

We Review: Beyond: Two Souls

I wonder if David Cage revels in being different? His studio Quantic Dream makes games different (and differently) from their peers. With the 2010 psychological thriller Heavy Rain, the studio orchestrated a coming-together of video games and film noir. In 2012, Kara the short film showed off their advanced graphics and motion capturing technology. And in 2013, Beyond: Two Souls they create their own concept of a modern adventure game that not only places emphasis on the themes of love, loss, and consequence but gets an injection of super-natural action, a top-notch Hollywood cast, and a story that spans 15 years. Seems like a great setup then, but is this form of interactive movie worth your time and money?

Arty Awesomeness

Superhero Origins by The Ninjabot

Back in April, the design collective at The Ninjabot set about creating a collection of minimalist art prints, each one telling the story of how a superhero came to be the way that they are. They called it the Origin series on Kickstarter.

The project started out with six prints, but exploded to 13 different designs, and now with Origin Series Part II, The Ninjabot wants to fund the print run of the “Origin Series” as art book with the inclusion of new character designs. Have a look at their beautiful series of superhero illustrations after the jump.

Cautionary Tales Video Clips

Awkward Physical Contacts

We’ve all had our fair share of awkward physical contact. YouTube user Jimmy Tartro compiles some of these embarrassing situations including the leg hair touch, the double arm around, and my personal fear: the same way handshake hug.

Check out Awkward Physical Contacts below.

[via Imgur]

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness Video Clips

How to Hug a Lion

You’ve seen what it’s like to fly on an eagle’s back. This is what it’s like to get a hug from a lion. Animal behaviourist and “lion whisperer” Kevin Richardson straps on a GoPro camera and has a lovely meet-and-greet with a pride of lions. D’awww.

[via SA Gamer]