Awesomeness Entertainment Video Clips

GoPro Shows Day in The Life of Superman

Superman saves the day again, and this time we’re along for the ride. The man of steel finds a lost GoPro camera, decides to strap it on and fight crime in Metropolis before returning the kit to its rightful owner. Check out the wild ride from Superman’s point of view.

The video was made by the super-awesome Internet-video creators at Corridor Digital.

[via Channel 24]

Entertainment Mindlessness Video Clips

Website Model Involuntarily Pumps Up the Jam

25 years ago, the World Wide Web didn’t exist. For all the good (and bad) it has brought we owe a its inventor—Tim Berners-Lee—the biggest of pats on the back. Good job, Tim. If you’d like to find out how it all began, check out Wikipedia, read this news article, or even watch this YouTube video.

But you’re not here for that, no siree. Hit the jump to view a 30-second clip of a website model involuntarily dancing to Technotronic’s Pump Up the Jam.

Entertainment Video Clips Weirdness

First Kiss

As we’ve seen before kissing can be gross, and in some cases it can be detrimental to your health. Kissing can be awkward too, especially if it’s your first one and more so if you don’t even know the person that you’re about to do it to.

With FIRST KISS, the people over at the fashion label WREN studio asked a bunch of strangers (some of whom are models) to kiss each other and then filmed the intimate moments. Some are cute, others are cringe-worthy and over 20 million people have exhibited their voyeuristic tendencies, so check it out below.

[via Shock Mansion]

Arty Awesomeness TV

Posters for Every Episode of Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad was fantastic and we’re not likely to see a show of that calibre for some time to come. The drama takes its spot in the Guinness World Records 2014 edition as the “highest rated TV series.” thanks to a metascore of 99/100 on Metacritic. That’s almost as good as Heisenberg’s Blue Sky, which you’ll recall was 99.1% pure.

The series may have concluded but the fan love from Breaking Bad goes on. It left such an impression on Budapest-based designer Zsolt Molnár that he spent five months creating wonderfully minimalist posters for each of the 62 Breaking Bad episodes. Relive some of those momentous events after the jump, but be cautious of spoilers if you haven’t seen the show yet.

Arty Awesomeness Eating and Drinking Music Weirdness

BABYMETAL: Dangerously Kawaii

It appears the crossroads of heavy metal and pop music meet (unsurprisingly) in Japan. Before the creation of BABYMETAL the world’s first half pop/half heavy metal band, its three female members didn’t even know what metal music was. Perhaps it’s by design or just happenstance, but the ladies certainly rock out to their “dangerous kawaii” image. Check out their cute head-banging antics in Give Me Choco!!.

BABYMETAL’s self-titled album can be purchased on iTunes.

[via Rocketnews]

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness

The Dinosaur Pet Guide

Choosing a pet can be difficult. Size, temperament, and maintenance are are important factors to consider. Certain breeds are susceptible to certain diseases, and some disorders may be hereditary.

This handy guide created by artist John Conway shows you the benefits and drawbacks should you be looking for a dinosaur to match your lifestyle. Velociraptors, for example, have extremely beautiful plumage but the risk of disembowelment is quite high. The Lambeosaurus has a peaceful disposition and is a good fit for a family, but housing it will be a problem due to its size. Find out more in the Dinosaur Pet Guide after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Music Video Clips

Happy Get Lucky

Pharrell Williams has created and collaborated on some catchy, danceable tunes. Quirky musical duo Pomplamoose take vocals from both Pharrell’s “Happy” and Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky” with a bit of “Lose Yourself to Dance” thrown in for good measure. The result — Happy Get Lucky — is a bubbly tune with an accompanying video that is equally playful, and done in one continuous take. Check it out below.

[via Slate]

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment

No Glasses Needed To View These “3D” GIFs

How cool is this? By using a simple yet nifty visual effect, GIF creators are able to bring out eye-popping 3D qualities from 2D animated GIFs. Two vertical stripes are added to the GIF, and when a moving object blocks these lines, our brains are tricked into thinking that the object is coming out of the image.

Have a look at some of these wonderful “3D” GIFs after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Weirdness

Will You Be My Ghoul Friend?

Monsters need some love, too. And back in the 60s, the Topps candy company tasked the late pulp artist Norman Saunders with painting a series of cards called Frankenstein Valentine Stickers.

Saunders painted iconic monsters from TV and film together with the cute, punny, and creepy pick-up lines they might try on the opposite sex. Mole Man has eyes for your silky skin, while Dracula vants you in vein, and all Zacherle hopes for is a ghoul friend.

Have a look at the Frankenstein Valentine Stickers after the jump.

Awesomeness Flash Games Gaming News

Play This: Maverick Bird

At the height of its existence, the fat-lipped Flappy Bird was netting its creator – Mr Dong – a tidy USD 50,000 a day in revenue. But it ruffled too many feathers and was recently removed from both Google Play and Apple’s App Store.

Though it’s gone from the official channels, the silliness of Flappy Bird lives on. We’ve seen Squishy Bird, Flappy Doge, and just the other day indie developer Terry Cavanagh showed his appreciation by releasing Maverick Bird.

Better known for the dangerously addictive and fiendishly difficult Super Hexagon, Cavanagh tweaks the Flappy Bird mechanics by adding a dive action. The thumping musical accompaniment is provided by KOZILEK.

Let your rage continue at and let us know how far you got.

[via SA Gamer]