Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes

Let me tell you a story. When I was a kid, I used to stay over at my cousin’s place during the holidays. He used to own one of the most amazing comic book collections I’d ever seen, and—to the ire of everyone around me who told me I was being thoroughly antisocial—I spent every holiday reading and re-reading every single one of those comics. He had them all: superlative quantities of Superman, great piles of Green Lantern, judicious amounts of Justice League, and of course, a buttload of Batman comics. I read them all, over and over again. I first got my love of the DC and Marvel universes from those days back then, and I never really lost it. As you, dear readers, know well, I also have a great love of Traveller’s Tales Lego series, so I was justifiably quite excited to get my hands on Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes.

Game Reviews

We Review: Mario Tennis Open

Sports video games are a very popular genre, and anything that features the great mascot of gaming himself—Mario—is bound to triple anything’s popularity. So surely combining the two would make for unstoppable games, right? I see whether putting Mario and “tennis” together works out as well as we’d hope.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Rainbow Moon

Ever since I played Final Fantasy Tactics, I’ve loved tactical RPGs. Sadly, the decent ones are few and far between, so I was really excited to get my hands on Rainbow Moon, a new tactical RPG from SideQuest Studios. I hacked, slashed, and…err…tacticked my way through the game to bring you this review.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Dragon’s Dogma

In the wake of such epic fantasy RPGs as Skyrim and Kingdoms of Amalur comes a new IP, Dragon’s Dogma, which promises to be full of dragons, ghoulies, ghosties, and long-leggity beasties. And, of course, all this comes with a healthy dose of killing aforementioned things that go bump in the deep, dark night. And it has sidequests, too, because everyone loves a good sidequest. I sidequested through the this game to see how many dragons I could kill by the end of it.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Pandora’s Tower

It seems to my mind that there are fewer decent RPGs in the console world than there used to be, but a new Wii game, Pandora’s Tower, could be challenging that. Is there still life in both the Wii and the RPG genre? I traipsed around the Towers to find out.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Awesomenauts

What do you get when you cross an 80s style intro with funky animation, powerups, and insane multiplayer side-scrolling game play? You get Awesomenauts, of course. You could also get a lemon meringue pie if you get the ingredients wrong, but mostly you’ll get Awesomenauts. I took to the battleground to see what this game was all about.

Game Reviews

We Review: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations

If you’ll recall, last year I reviewed Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 and gave it a great score, praising the gameplay as well as the way that the game covered the details of the story. This year, we have the sequel to the game, titled Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations. I fought through hordes of shinobi to bring you this review, so I hope you appreciate the blood I shed for you, dear readers.

Game Reviews

We Review: PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond

The Pokémon franchise is perhaps one of the most successful video game brands out there (Ed: correction—second most successful, behind Mario), and the name Pikachu is pretty much synonymous with Pokémon as a whole. The latest spin-off from the main series, PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond, is more an RPG platform game that features Pokémon, rather than a true Pokémon game. Let’s take a romp in the PokéPark to find out what it’s all about.

Competitions Site Announcements

The Winners of Our CS:GO Giveaway Are…

We’ve received many brave soldiers volunteers. We thank you for the sacrifice you are about to make. But, sadly, only three brave souls will be going on the mission. The has spoken, and our victims winners are:

Wayne Bossenger

Ruann Swart

Chris Rojo

Congratulations! Your commanding officer will be in touch shortly to issue you with your weapons, cyanide pills, and mission dossiers. Thanks go, once again, to MWEB GameZone for the prizes! Hooah!

Competitions Site Announcements

Giveaway: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Beta Keys

NOTE: This competition has ended.

Gentlemen. We have a very important mission for you to today. We want only the best of the best of the best. Sir. With honours. See, we need you to drop into the warzone, defeat the enemy, and get out again. I’m not going to lie: some of you might not make it out alive. But then that’s what you signed up for, soldier! To die with honour! Hooah!

To prepare you for the challenge, we’ve got three Steam Beta keys for the PC version of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive for the three hardiest soldiers who are able to leave their names below and click “Enlist”.

[Form closed]

You have until midday, Thursday April 26, 2012. Do it soldier! Standard competition rules and regulations apply. Thanks to MWEB GameZone for the keys.