Game Reviews

We Review: Magic The Gathering: Dragon’s Maze

Magic the Gathering is one of the longest-running collectible card games out there, and for those who still play, the latest set in the current block has just been released. I take a peek at some of the new Dragon’s Maze cards and game mechanics to see what it is all about.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Farming Simulator 2013

Bear with me: this seems like a very odd game to want to review. A farming sim, I hear you scoff. Yes, I reply, a farming sim. Furthermore, a FIRST PERSON farming sim. Well, mostly. So the sight of ducks and geese and cows are to greet me in the game, says you. No, says I. There’s something you’ve forgotten about farming, and is apparently mostly what the game is about: vehicles.

Cartoons & Comics Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Injustice: Gods Among Us

Superheroes are some of the most revered characters in fiction, and every now and again, someone tries to make another superhero video game. Mostly, they tend to suck. So it’s with mixed feelings we received Injustice: Gods Among Us. Is it superpowered? Or is the transferal to a digital medium its proverbial Kryptonite? Let’s find out.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2

Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 is the sequel to the original Sniper: Ghost Warrior (Ed: Your observations are simply stunning in their accuracy.) and, while other FPS games tend to focus on fast action, teamwork, and hordes of enemies hell bent on filling you with so much lead that they could use you as a pencil, Sniper focuses on a single aspect of the FPS genre. Killing silently and efficiently. Preferably from a gooooood distance.

Game Reviews

We Review: Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins

TT Games have been making Lego games for…ooh, almost a decade now (the first Lego Star Wars game appeared in 2005). Many of the games were based off existing stories and characters, but the time has come for new Lego characters to emerge as video games. Enter Chase McCain in Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins. Let’s hit the streets of Lego City and see if we have what it takes to keep the City safe.


Magic the Gathering Fans: Some Magic News!

Hands up those of you who still play Magic the Gathering, either the card game, or the video game version thereof. Good, you can put your hands down, because I’m unable to see you anyhow. There’s quite a lot of Magic the Gathering news coming!

Game Reviews

We Review: Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3

It’s that time of year again when we faithfully review the latest game in the Naruto series. Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 is the direct sequel to Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (and not last year’s Ultimate Ninja Storm: Generations, which was more of a filler game). Hope that clears up any minor confusions. I take up my shuriken and kunai, dust off my headband, and head into the battlefield to see what the latest game is about.

Awesomeness Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Gears of War: Judgment

Gears of War: Judgment is the latest game in the sci-fi Gears of War series, detailing the war between the Coalition of Ordered Governments (COG) and the planet Sera’s native locust. I play through this game to find out whether the Gears grind smoothly, or whether it’s just a spanner in the works.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

Every once in a while, there comes a game that brings back my faith in a given genre of video games where all else makes that genre look tired, clichéd, and overtroped. If you’re not aware by now, Ni No Kuni is the first non-Pokémon JRPG to top the UK game charts in ten years. I’m going to tell you why. And why—even if you don’t generally enjoy RPGs—you should play this game.

Featured Game Reviews

We Review: Skulls of the Shogun

While the Lord High Prawn doesn’t exactly enjoy strategy, and turn-based strategy even less (his preferred method of doing things is to get in there, kill, and dance over his enemies’ corpses), I do enjoy these types of game, however. So today we’re reviewing an Xbox 360 strategy game called Skulls of the Shogun by developer 17-BIT. I head for the strategic battlefields to dance over the corpses of my own enemies. And also to eat their skulls. Intrigued?