Game Reviews

We Review: Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer

The last Animal Crossing game, New Leaf (reviewed over here), put you in charge of running the whole town, and the game was a remarkable success, selling well over 7 million copies. The newest Animal Crossing game takes a vastly different strategy. Instead of putting you in charge of running the town, you’re now in charge of…interior design. I grab my wallpaper paste, decorator’s handbook, and keen eye for making sure the drapes match to bring you this review.

Game Reviews

We Review: Mad Max

The new Mad Max movie featured precious little of Max himself, so to fill the gap in the story, we have the video game that focuses almost exclusively on him. Let’s get set for some sun, sand, ridiculous cars, and brutal mayhem as I skip across the dunes to bring you this review.

Game Reviews

We Review: Tearaway: Unfolded

Tearaway Unfolded is a re-master of the the PS Vita game, Tearaway. In the original, you use the Vita’s unique controls to manipulate the world around the character, making things move, bounce, and come to life. The game obviously had to be remapped to better fit the DualShock 4, so let’s cut and snip and pull and curl to find out how the new game works.

Game Reviews

We Review: Super Mario Maker

The original Super Mario Bros. came out 30 years ago. Think on that: for some of you, Mario has been a constant: always there, always playable, and always saving a princess. The game has been through seven generations of video game consoles and more besides, and now Nintendo is giving you the chance to take control of the level design, and create the most evil, messed up platform hell ever created. Or a fun joyride–it’s your choice. If you’ve not yet heard of Super Mario Maker, then perhaps it’s time to sit up and pay attention.

Game Reviews

We Review: Submerged

Submerged is a PS4 game from the same team of developers and artists who worked on Bioshock (but not the same studio). The game’s claim to fame is that you can go about it at your own pace. I paddle about a sunken city and climb some buildings to bring you this review.

Game Reviews

We Review: Devil’s Third (single player)

Devil’s Third by Valhalla Studios is one of those games that was heavily anticipated, probably because it’s unusual to see an over-the-top violent game like it on a Nintendo console. The game has had a troubling history, what with game engine shifts and publishers shutting down. Still, it’s here now, and we’ve gone a few rounds with Ivan to see what the devil is up.

Movie Reviews

Film Review: Ant-Man

Marvel’s twelfth film in its Cinematic Universe is Ant-Man, and it follows on from The Avengers: Age of Ultron in a sort of tangential manner. Ant-Man himself is far less well-known to non-comic buffs than other Avengers, or even the Fantastic Four. Let’s see how well the miniature hero stacks up against the bigger names.

Game Reviews

We Review: A Day in the Woods

We all know the story of Little Red Riding Hood and how she went flopping through the forest woods on an errand for her grandma who lived in a house made of gingerbread. On the way, she met a wolf who had just killed and consumed three large hams, and was looking for a dessert with a strawberry-caped topping. And then Red Riding Hood picks up a stray Kalashnikov rifle and goes ape. I think that’s how it goes, doesn’t it? Anyhow, there’s a puzzle game about it by South African indie devs, RetroEpic. Without the Kalashnikov, of course. And this time, Red doesn’t know precisely which cottage is her Grandma’s. And off we go, a skipping through the woods.

Game Reviews

We Review: Earthbound Beginnings

It’s a bit weird to be reviewing an NES game 26 years after its first release, but that’s the wonders of modern gaming for you. Earthbound Beginnings—or Mother, as it was known in Japan—is one of those legendary JRPGs that you hear about but have probably never played. Although the game was translated into English way back then, it was never officially released in the west because that era was the dawn of the Super Nintendo. We in South Africa never got this game, nor its sequel, Earthbound. Thanks to the Wii U’s Virtual Console, now you can play this NES classic, but is it worth playing 26 years later? Let’s find out.

Game Reviews

We Review: Batman: Arkham Knight

You all know by now that the bat-PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight is so bat-ly gimped that it had to be forcefully, vengefully even, pulled from the online batstores. Thankfully, I’m playing one of the decent versions. I become the terror that flaps in the night. No, wait…wrong series. I become the dark detective in the night, and prowl through Gotham’s streets to bring you this batreview of Batman: Arkham batKnight.