The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics is a cute little animated short film that won an Academy Award in 1966. Based on the book of the same name, this short film, directed by Chuck Jones, tells the story of a line who falls in love with a dot. The love is not reciprocal, for the dot sees the line as too straight, and directs her affections toward the wild and rebellious squiggle. Despite the stern rejection, the line turns to unconventional methods to gain the attention of his love. Does the story have a happy ending? Find out below.
[via Infosthetics]
2 replies on “The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics”
The moral of the story is that women are fickle and cruel and will break your heart.
Poor line had to break his back just to get noticed. I wonder how long it’ll last before Dot moves onto the curious Möbius strip?