Awesomeness Flash Games

Play This: Revenge of the Zombees

I don’t like bees. I’ve been stung on the nose and on the foot (not at the same time), so I keep a healthy distance for the bastards. They’re capable of ruining a perfectly leisurely picnic (the nose incident) or a walk on the beach (the foot fiasco). Thank goodness I haven’t met the killer variety.

The devastation that bees cause is clearly seen in Revenge of the Zombees. In this side-scrolling game from Adult Swim, it seems that a top secret zom-biological research facility has been conducting experiments on bees, and the tyrannous little buggers have escaped. You control this swarm of badly bee-haved insects as they go on a rampage, devouring people and cows, flattening buildings, and swatting superheroes and military choppers out of the sky.

The game warns of explicit 80s-themed gore and heavy metal violence, and takes place in four distinct settings. Hearing the sounds of the alarmed cows as they are engulfed by ravenous bees is half the fun. Play Revenge of the Zombees at Adultswim.

[via Lazygamer]

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