Arty Awesomeness Featured Photoworthy Video Clips

Beautiful “Ocean Sky” Time-Lapse

Australian photographer and part-time astronomer Alex Cherney loves the ocean and the night sky. He captured his first long exposure of the night sky in 2009 and since then he has been captivated by that form of photography.

In this beautiful compilation video, Cherney stitches together time-lapse sequences of the dark night skies as seen over the Southern Ocean. It took him 1.5 years and 31 hours of footage to create Ocean Sky, and his efforts were rewarded at the STARMUS astrophotography competition where he was made the overall winner.

In this compilation see our Galaxy, rising and setting over the turbulent Southern Ocean, connecting the distant stars to that other fascinating interface, the ocean shore. In between the action comes from the scudding clouds and the only evidence of life, coastal shipping and the occasional aircraft darting through the night. Beyond our galaxy, its nearest galactic neighbours, the Magellanic clouds, rise high in the sky, while moonrise suddenly reveals the remarkable landscape of Australia’s south coast. All the sections of the competition are represented in this series of carefully composed images.

For more things astronomical, head over to Cherney’s website, Terroastro.

[via io9]

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