A week has come and gone so quickly and we’re at the end of another Onelargeprawn competition. Super awesome Capetonian graphic designer Alex Seaton created a sliding tile puzzle especially for our competition and to stand a chance of winning one of her cute Minkster flash drives, we asked you to solve that puzzle in the fastest time possible. We tracked these times on a high scores table and after the dust settled, a patient and motivated competitor placed first (and second, and third, and fourth!).
Congratulations go to Donald whose top ranking time wins him a Minkster of his choice. Like all of them in the series, his Minkster includes a wallpaper and icons, a puzzle game, and a bonus paper toy that he can assemble at his desk. Donald, we’ll be in touch shortly to get your delivery details. Hard luck to the other entrants, but we’re going to try our best to host more competitions for you to enter soon.
Once again, a big thanks to Alex at Minky for putting up the prize and creating the flash game for us. If you’d like to buy a Minkster, please call (021) 558 1251 or visit Minky for further information.
7 replies on “The Minkster Competition Winner!”
Awesome man! Thanks for the game!
I love games, make me do less work!
It was a bit trixy, but after memorizing the sequence, it got easy to get a good time,
thanks again for the comp. and thanks for allowing me to win something!
And Thanks to Alex for supplying us with the awesome prize!
p.s. Sorry to Lonthor, he/she gave me a run for my money at one stage!
Also makes a good birthday present to myself!
happy birthday to me!
happy birthday to me!
Now i just need to win the lotto!
Awesome! Happy Birthday!
i know Alex very well, and i can vouch that her work is exceptional!
please support her, so we can be enticed further by her future creativity… o and she is a fantastic person, which always makes something worth supporting ;)
go Al
The world is getting smaller and smaller. Did you use to work with her easy?
yeah i used to work with Alex, was a sad day when she left. but you can’t keep talent like that for long.
small world indeed
‘blush’ Thank you easy… miss our good old days! :-)