Card games have been among the most popular kinds of games from as far back as the 1370s when the first playing cards appeared in Europe. Ever since then, marked cards have been made in different variations and have been used to play card tricks and have fun in a gathering of friends, and in today’s world, when online gaming has become the rave of the moment, card games continue to grow in popularity. This article highlights five different card games that everyone should learn to play.

Solitaire has been on the Window XP for a long time, so almost every gamer has played it at one point or the other. To play this game, you’ll need to arrange seven cards on the first pile, with the first cards facing up and the remaining six cards facing down. Next, you’ll start the next pile from the second card on the first pile.
Ensure to expose the first card on the pile just like you did in the initial step, and keep the others facing down. This exact procedure continues until you get to expose a card on the last stack. This game aims to match numbers in sequence from king to ace while alternating the colors. Solitaire is available on all Windows, Android, iOS devices, as well as handhelds and consoles.
When it comes to playing Poker, it takes a combination of skill and luck to ace the game, but whether you’re a good player or not, one thing is sure; you must have some addictive fun while at it.

Playing Poker is also a great way to stimulate your brain because it is mentally challenging, and the more you play, the more you learn. Poker comes in different variations. It is available on Android, iOS and windows app stores, and it has also been adapted into popular casino games like Hold’em Poker, which can be played in live and virtual formats online.
Rolling Stone
Rolling stone is another fun card game that everyone should learn to play. Like other card games, it may be pretty frustrating at first, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes an exciting way to unwind with friends. The game starts with everyone around the table getting eight cards, and then one card is opened in the center of the table. Each player will place a similar card of the same suit on top of the card placed on the table until you run out of cards of that particular suit. Rolling stone is also available on mobile app stores.
Crazy Eight
If you’re looking for card games to teach your kids, then Crazy eight is an excellent choice. The game is played in groups, and whoever finishes their card first becomes the winner. It is an entertaining way to introduce your kids to competitive gaming, and it’s a great way to have fun with your family. You can also play the game online or download it on your mobile device.
Blackjack is another popular game that has been around for a long time. Though marred with many misconceptions, it is an easy and fun game to play with friends. Blackjack is also called 21. While each player starts with only two cards, the aim is to get close to 21without bursting and beating the dealer while at it. Getting the ace and king automatically gives you 11 and 10, respectively, making you win the game with ease.
For rules on hundreds of traditional cards that can be played, see