Project KARA is a short film created by Quantic Dream. That name may be familiar to those who experienced the psychological crime thriller, Heavy Rain.
In this seven-minute short, the French video game company uses their new motion-picture technology and the processing power of the PlayStation 3 to create a story of a humanoid robot that is being assembled. Conversant in over 300 languages and designed to be a general house helper (and sexual companion if need be), a third generation AX-400 android is being put through some standard tests, it soon becomes apparent to the operator that there are some ghosts in the machine…
Quantic Dream are quick to downplay the talk that Project KARA may be a scene from an upcoming game. It’s reportedly just a tech demo.
[via io9]
1 reply on “A Sentient Android is “Born” in Project KARA”
The age old question. what will make an AI, become sentient.