I Believe I can Fly is a 40-minute documentary directed by indie filmmaker Sébastien Montaz-Rosset. The film follows two French adrenaline seekers Tancrede and Julien as they travel to lofty heights in the Norwegian fjords. The pair are there for a spot of rock climging, BASE jumping, and highlining, a form of tightrope walking that is done at vertigo-inducing heights. Highlining is often done without the use of a fall leash.
Montaz-Rosset follows their progress at the awe-inspiring location and what follows is an excerpt from his documentary.
I Believe I can Fly is to be made available for download at the very specific time of 11:00 on 11.11.11. Look out for it on Montaz-Rosset’s blog.
[via @SurrealTiggi]
5 replies on “I Believe I Can Fly (Flight of the Frenchies)”
Effen insane!
It must take nerves of steel to walk onto that rope without a fall leash. It’s look bloody frightening. And exhilarating.
and a wish to die… i used to do a lot of caving, and abseiling, and mountain climbing, and i was always weary of the big open space pulling me over…
Seb’s latest video has just come out with the same bunch of guys http://www.petit-bus-rouge.com
That looks like mad fun! Emphasis on the word, “mad”. :D